The meaning of hell was gradually approaching, and at this time, Lei Luo wanted to dodge but it was already a little late.

And the corpse qi in the body cannot be replenished after it is used, if you blindly dodge, I am afraid that even Lei Luo will not be able to dodge for too long.

"It's better to find a way to kill these hellish intentions."

Relo recalled the Shinigami anime he had watched before, the meaning of hell is the embodiment of the will of hell, and his ability is higher than that of the vice captain of the Shinigami team, but lower than that of the captain of the Shinigami.

And although the meaning of hell does not really die, after being dispersed, it takes a while to reunite the body.

The meaning of hell makes people feel invincible only because the attacks of the blamers are ineffective against them, and the Grim Reaper cannot enter hell under the constraints of the rules.

"Blame, killed, the bottom of hell..."

"Resurrection !!"

Relo remembered more and more things, and suddenly woke up, it turned out that he had forgotten the most important place.

"The bottom of the territory! Can resurrect the lowest level of hell that blames people!! Lei

Luo was excited in his heart, and couldn't help but praise the system, and actually let himself directly reach the hell with the resurrection function in the Grim Reaper.

"But how do you get to the bottom of hell?"

Relo looked down and pondered, in his cognition, the bottom of hell has never appeared in the anime, nor has there been any mention of any way to reach the bottom of hell.

There is only one sentence in the original work: 'After being killed by the meaning of hell, he will reach the bottom of hell, and then resurrect and continue to be killed!' Until the blame is exhausted and cannot be resurrected. 'This clue.

"Do I have to let the intent of hell kill before I can find the bottom of hell?"

Lei Luo looked at the hellish intention that was about to arrive in front of him, and his heart was full of contradictions.

Being killed by the intention of hell means that Lei Luo will become a blamer, and the blamer cannot leave hell, and if he wants to escape from hell, he will be attacked by the intention of hell, but the attack of the blamer will not hurt the intention of hell at all, even if the ability is greater than the sky.

Therefore, the consequence of being killed by the intention of hell is probably that Lei Luo becomes a blamer, and then forever becomes a member of the blame in hell, and is permanently trapped in the hell of the Grim Reaper world.

"If you lose your free body, what is the point of finding the way to resurrection?"

Relo denied this method and looked down at the fleeing culprit.

"Let's find out the situation with these people first, maybe there is another way for me to find the bottom of hell."

Making up his mind, Lei Luo is no longer entangled, the corpse qi in his body is churning, the god and Buddha mode is faintly emerging, he does not know the power system of the world of death, so he is ready to get started and go all out!

"Ding-dong, unexpected event detected, activation mission: first battle victory!"

Victory in the first battle: kill the meaning of hell and save the blamed person who was hunted down. Completion of missions rewards god-level draw points*1.

The voice of the system sounded in Lei Luo's heart, which strengthened Relo's idea of killing these hellish intentions, and without hesitation, Lei Luo completely activated the God and Buddha mode!


As if feeling Leiluo's killing intent, the hellish intention, who had come to the near front, opened his mouth and roared, smashing a blameman hiding next to the stone pillar into a meatloaf, and then jumped up and smashed his fist towards the stone pillar where Lei Luo was standing.


Smoke and dust arose, and the stone pillar where Lei Luo was standing burst out countless rubble and fell around, breaking the heads of many blamers who could not dodge under the stone pillar.

In the smoke, the intention of hell stood up, and in front of it, a golden figure as huge as it appeared, blocking the iron fist of the intention of hell in front of it.

"The power is terrifying, it seems that the power system of the Grim Reaper World is also very high, but..."

Lei Luo's eyes were wide open in the golden figure, and the corpse qi in his body soared, and the next moment, the golden figure let out a silent roar, and pushed his arms hard, pushing the huge body of the meaning of hell away, and the golden figure with his free hands then smashed into the brain door of the meaning of hell with a punch.


The explosion came, and the head of the hellish intention was actually burst by Leiluo's punch.

At the same time as he fell with a bang, the body of the meaning of hell quickly divided, and as soon as it touched the ground, it had already turned into a little black light.

This scene made the blamers standing under the stone pillar frightened, and they all exclaimed in spite of the hellish intention of wantonly killing their companions on the side.

"Who is that person? It was able to attack the meaning of hell! "

We are saved! Godman, save me!

"Follow the big guy to have meat to eat, boss, save me, you will be my reborn parent in the future, I will do whatever you let me do!"

Ignoring the shouts under the stone pillar, Lei Luo looked down at the other two places.

At this time, the other two Hell Intentions who were killing the culprit had stopped their movements and looked up at Relo.

"You... It's not to blame..." The

staccato words sounded in Leiluo's ears, it was the voice of hell, without emotion, and even seeing the 'death' of his companion in front of him did not fluctuate in the slightest.

They are dead things, they have no thoughts of their own, and all their actions represent the will of hell itself, and the meaning of their existence is only to torture the blamers in hell, torture and kill the blamers, and prevent the blamers from having a good time.

"Nonsense, can blame people hurt you?"

Lei Luo shouted, jumped down from the stone pillar, and in mid-air, the golden figure stretched out his hands flatly, and a golden light shot out from the palm of his hand, and the target was the closest hellish meaning to Lei Luo.

"Guangdu. The golden

light of judgment condensed above the head of the meaning of hell, turned into a heaven-splitting sword, and slashed down with endless might.


The intention of hell raised his arms to resist the falling golden great sword, but it was useless, and in a matter of seconds, the golden great sword and his arm were split in half.

After Lei Luo landed, the last hellish intent had also rushed over, but for its attack, Lei Luo directly ignored it, and after a few minutes, this hellish intent was also killed, turning into a little black light waiting to condense again.

"Killing the three hellish intentions will consume less than half of the corpse qi in the body, and it seems that it is necessary to convert the energy in the body into energy attributes suitable for this world as soon as possible."

Putting away the god-Buddha mode, Lei Luo turned his head to look at the blamers around him, and soon came to the side of an injured culprit.

"Do you know how to reach the bottom of hell without dying?"

When Lei Luo asked, there were several people on a certain stone pillar in the distance watching from a distance.

"This person can kill the meaning of hell, I'm afraid it's not the same as us, and his ability is also very strange, it doesn't seem like the ability of the god of death, is it a high-level void?"

"Whatever he is, as long as he can help us break through the gates of hell!"

"Hehe, as long as you can break the chains on your chest, the meaning of hell is not a concern at all!"

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