Above the high-rise Kongzacho, more than a dozen figures flew in the air, and these figures had a common feature, that is, they were all wearing white robes.

At this moment, on the other side of the empty town, there were also dozens of gods of death wearing black death suits, sensing the spiritual pressure of more than a dozen white figures, these dozens of gods of death were not surprised, on the contrary, several gods of death also showed an expectant light in their eyes.

This will be the first confrontation between the Shinigami and the broken face in the true sense, and it has been exactly two or three months since Lan Ran defected! During this time, the Grim Reaper was closely investigating the whereabouts of Lan Ran, and Lan Ran was also using Collapsed Jade to create broken faces in large quantities.

"Dongxian wants, he is about to fight with the Grim Reaper, aren't you ready to pull out the other garbage of the Broken Face Legion to deal with those Grim Reaper minions?"

Looking at the approaching camp of the Grim Reaper and the spiritual pressure that made it more and more obvious and depressing, the Bylegon Ruisen Gang, who was the twentieth blade, looked up at the leading Dongxian Want.

As the former king of the Void Circle, Bylegon Ruison is cautious by nature, even in the face of enemies weaker than himself, he will not relax his carelessness, so before the two sides really start, his idea is to use those low-level broken surfaces to consume the power of the Grim Reaper side as the best plan.


Dongxian Yao did not look back, and with his right hand, he pulled out the slashing knife from his waist and slashed at the void in front of him.

"Thorn la la..." As

the void cracked, a pitch-black void formed in the blue sky, and one after another figures wearing white death suits burst out of the black cavity.

"Finally in this world! I'm going to eat enough this time! "

The Grim Reaper... Where is the Grim Reaper, where is the Grim Reaper who once hurt me?!

"Death is a beautiful eternity, death, let Broken Face 34 lead you into that beautiful eternity!"

"Emperor Bailegang, my former master, even if it is now Lord Lan Ran's commander of the Void Night Palace, my loyalty to you has not changed in the slightest!"

One by one, the broken faces with numbers engraved on their bodies came out of the black cavity, facing the present world and hatred of the god of death that they once cherished, and the few broken faces at the bottom of the ranking actually gave up the spiritual pressure to suppress themselves, and just faced the god of death, they had already entered the state of returning to the blade.

The appearance of the broken face evolved into a human also disappeared in an instant, replaced by a huge virtual body!


In the roar, these broken faces after returning to the blade instantly rushed to the camp of the God of Death!

"Team Thirteen Guardians! All Shinigami begins to clean up the broken surface that entered Kuzacho! Yamamoto

Motoyanagisai Sengoku faced the rushing Captain Shinigami and whispered to the Captain of Death and the respective vice captains of Team Thirteen next to him.


The Shinigami who surrounded Yamamoto Motoyanagisai and Sengoku drank in unison, and pulled out their slashing knives from their waists.

"Beat him! Pentamorphic head!"

"Roar, Orochimaru!"

"Defeat him, Iron Slurry Dragonfly!"


Which of these vice captains of the Grim Reaper did not often fight with the void, so the moment they felt the other party's spiritual pressure, they all realized the seriousness of the situation in front of them, and at the first time they took out the slashing knife, they all opened their own initial understanding.

The restraints of the spiritual pressure on their bodies disappeared, and these vice captains all showed good combat power, but the opponents were many more than them, so even if these vice captain-level gods of death released spiritual pressure with all their strength, it would be difficult to end the battle in a short time.

The spirit pressure of the air battle was surging, and many death gods died tragically in the hands of the Broken Face Legion, and only a few vice captain-level death gods could protect themselves.

Seeing this, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku was no longer calm, and his slitted eyes slowly narrowed into a slit.

"Residual fire is too sword! Flowing blades like fire! "


The fiery spirit pressure emerged the moment Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku opened his eyes, instantly vaporizing and disappearing into the air several broken faces close to him.

At the same time, below the empty zacho, several not weak spiritual pressures emerged from the ground, and then arrived at the battlefield.

"Sit on the frost! Ice wheel pills! "

Black rope, Heavenly Punishment Hades!!"

"Scatter it! Senbon Sakura!

"Hahaha, so many broken faces, this time you can cut enough at once!"


Several Captain Reaper and their vice captains who came to Kuza Town in front felt the spiritual pressure of the fierce collision in the air, and rushed over after a moment of fighting between the two sides.

"Captain, Lan Ran hasn't shown up yet..."

"It's okay, let's solve these little minions in front of you first."

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai's Sengoku's tone was unquestionable, and the slashing knife with soaring flames in his hand swung down, and a blazing tongue of fire came out, instantly turning the seven or eight broken faces in the direction pointed by the tip of the knife into steam in an instant.

"Dongxian wants, what is the method you said that Lord Lan Ran used to deal with this perverted old man? Now that he has made a move, shouldn't he tell everyone that method! "

The top ten broken faces were all shocked by the terrifying spiritual pressure of Yamamoto Motoyanagisai's Sengoku, and the blow just now, if they did not escape in time, they would definitely disappear into the world as steam like those evaporated broken faces.

"That method was held by Captain Lan Ran, this time we came to this world as a vanguard force, and Captain Lan Ran did not tell me that method!"

"And our mission originally had to let Captain Yamamoto release his spiritual pressure, and now that the purpose has been achieved, Captain Lan Ran should soon arrive in this world!"

Dongxian Yao's forehead is also sweating, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku is known as the first god of death in a thousand years, and the terrifying spiritual pressure is enough to fight against all the captains of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court with the strength of one person!

And the slashing knife held by Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku, the residual fire sword, known as the strongest slashing knife in the fire system, can have an extremely high temperature at the beginning of the solution, if it is solved, then the temperature of the space will rise sharply, and eventually even reach the temperature of the surface of the sun!

However, the attack of the Residual Fire Tai Dao is indiscriminate, and both the enemy and their own people will die because they can't withstand the extreme high temperature of the Residual Fire Tai Dao, so if they are not forced to, Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku will definitely not release their own swastika with all their might!

Even so, Dongxian Yao's heart has been beating drums, and Yamamoto Motoyanagisai's Sengoku who is just in the state of enlightenment is not something that these few face-breaking and rebellious gods of death can deal with.

"Captain Lan Ran, when are you coming."

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Sengoku had already made a move, so he had no intention of stopping again, and one after another blazing flames swept through the air again and again with his slash, and as long as there were broken surfaces nearby along the way, they would be directly vaporized.

In just a few minutes, those arrogant Broken Face Legions were killed and injured, and even several of the Broken Face Ten Blades were severely damaged because they couldn't dodge.

However, after all, the Broken Face Ten Blades are much stronger than those garbage broken faces, plus the broken face itself has the ability to regenerate at super speed, so the injuries received can be recovered quickly, but the spiritual pressure in the body will be greatly reduced due to the recovery of the injury.

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