By the time everyone in Lei Luo arrived, everything had returned to calm.

The trees in the mountains and forests have collapsed, and the land has cracked, as if a cannonball washes the ground.

The acid left over from the six-tailed rhinoceros spray still flows on the ground, and the corrosive sound of "croaking" comes from the soaked trees.

Looking at the situation in front of them, everyone in Lei Luo was shocked.

"Check around to see if there are any clues left, be careful, and stay safe!" Relo asked the squad to disperse and look around.

"Just now, it should be the tailed beast jade, looking at the acid remaining on the ground, it should be a six-tailed rhinoceros dog," Lei Luo, who had seen the tailed beast jade and had a certain understanding of the tailed beast, thought to himself.

"I don't know what happened here, who is the current six-tailed human pillar force? Hataka should still be a child now!

"Captain! There is blood here! There was a shout of canine teeth in the distance, and Lei Luo rushed directly over.

Looking at the blood remaining at the broken place of the tree, Lei Luo said to Inuya: "Inuya, don't you have a way of perception?" Try to see if you can find the direction of the owner of this blood stain. "

Psychic Arts" Canine Tooth directly summons a large dog.

"Ginmaru, you smell this blood stain and see if you can find the direction where the owner of this blood stain left."

Ginmaru looked down and sniffed the residual blood, then looked up and sniffed fiercely.


"Captain, Ginmaru said that he already knows the location of the owner of that bloodstain."

"Very good, let's go!"


The land of water, on the edge of a river in the mountains and forests.

"Ah, damn Rokuo!" Wu Li Jinhachi bandaged the wounds on his body with a bandage, and cursed constantly in his mouth.

"Damn, Yutaka has a six-tailed monster in his body, how can a few of us fight the six-tailed!"

"Stop yelling, let's think about how Lord Shui Ying will punish him after he goes back!" Loquat Juzo, as the captain, directly interrupted Muri Shinhachi's complaint.

"Punishment? We are the Ninja Seven! Even Lord Mizukage can't blame us at will. It was Black Hoe's Thunder Tooth who spoke, apparently as the Ninja Blade Seven, so that he had been lost in his eyes with pride.

"Shut up! If you don't want my stitches to sew your mouth shut! Orochimaru said in a daunting manner, he was a staunch supporter of Water Shadow, and no one was allowed to disrespect Water Shadow.

"All right! Stop arguing! What's the use of arguing, have the ability to catch Yutaka back! The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, who was originally very irritable because of his injury, couldn't help but roar when he heard his teammates still arguing.

At this moment, a laser shot out from the mountain forest, directly on Wu Li Jinba's hand, and penetrated his arm.

It was Relo who shot.

It was said that the four of Lei Luo followed Ginmaru all the way to the direction of the blood stain, came to the river, and saw the seven people of Ninja Dao who were injured and still arguing.

Looking at the injured seven, Lei Luo felt that this was an opportunity to make a move, but after all, this was in the country of water, and a quick victory was needed!

So, while a few people were not paying attention, Lei Luo directly launched an attack.

A large part of the strength of the Ninja Dao Seven was because of the Ninja Sword in his hand, and Lei Luo had already abolished one as soon as he made a move.

Relo greeted his teammates, and then directly stepped forward to attack himself.

"Konoha Rigid Force Whirlwind" Lei Luo appeared directly on the head of Wuli Jinhachi who was hit by him just now, and kicked Wuli Jinhachi's head.

"Boom!" The injured Wuli didn't have time to react, and was directly kicked in the head by Lei Luo.

"Pseudo-beast ninja. The four-legged technique "Inuya and Ginmaru directly attacked the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, and the muscles in his hand were more restrained in ninjutsu, but there was nothing they could do about physical skills.

Looking at the tragic death of Wu Li Jinba, the remaining six people also red-eyed, knowing that it was now time to desperately.

The black hoe thunder tooth crossed the two knives in his hand, and directly made a move "thunder knife technique. Falling Thunder" sent lightning to attack Leiluo.

A thunderbolt crackled towards Lei Luo, but it was flashed by Lei Luo instantly.

As soon as Relo landed, multiple steel wires popped out from the ground, wanting to cut off Relo's feet.

It was Orochimaru who was holding a long knife and stitching needle.

"Guangdu. "Relo followed a path of light and came directly behind Orochimaru.

"Still want to cut off my foot? Then let you taste the power of this foot! As

soon as Lei Luo kicked out, a tornado appeared instantly, and the "Konoha Dragon God" enveloped the chestnut shrapnel in it, and the torn torn of the tornado made him quickly covered in scales, but he couldn't move.

"Fire. Seeing this, Firefox directly spewed out a straight line of flame from his mouth and attacked Orochimaru who was shrouded and controlled by the Lei Luo Tornado.

The wind fuels the fire, and the fire borrows the wind. The chestnut shrapnel pill was immediately burned into char, and a burnt smell came.

Looking at the tragic situation of Orochimaru, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost forced Inuya back and directly attacked Relo together with Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth.

"Shui Duan. Shui Ji Bomb "Lei

Dun. Thunder Dragon Tornado" The

water mackerel and the Thunder Dragon crossed towards Relo, sealing off his dodging route.

"Psychic art"

But Lei Luo did not panic at all, directly summoned Tam and blocked in front of him.

"Thick skin"

A gray energy shield appeared on Tam, and the water mackerel and thunder dragon directly bombarded it, but they did not break.

Tam flicked his tongue, "giant tongue whip", and directly slapped the black hoe thunder tooth into the air.

"Shui Duan. The

unwilling Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost once again released the Water Escape Ninjutsu to attack Leiluo.

The five huge water mackerels actually rushed towards Lei Luo fiercely, and the sharp teeth in the water mackerel's mouth seemed to swallow everything in front of them.

Unexpectedly, looking at the rushing five-headed water mackerel, Tam used "eat quickly" and directly opened his mouth to eat.

"Guangdu. "

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lei Luo directly shot countless light bullets and attacked the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

"Shui Duan. Water array wall"

Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost Although the ninjutsu resisted, the light bullet directly passed through the water wall and hit the body, and was immediately bombarded into a sieve, lying on the ground and slowly losing its vitality.

Lei Luo, who had already eliminated the three people, immediately turned around to help the members of the squad who were pestering Loquat Juzo, the Grass Wild Bait, and the Ghost Lantern Full Moon.

Looking at the tragic situation of the three teammates who had died, the three of Loquat Shizo already had the mind to retreat.

"Shui Duan. The Art of Mist Concealment" Loquat Juzo directly sealed, hiding itself through the pervasive mist.

But when Relo was learning medical ninjutsu with Tsunade before, he happened to develop a perception ability.

"Guangdu. Infrared Detection Technique", the loquat hidden in the mist turned into a crimson figure in Lei Luo's eyes, which was so conspicuous.

"Tam!" With Leiluo's call, Tam, who was connected to Leiluo's spirit, also knew the location of the Loquat Ten Collections, and directly attacked the Loquat Ten Collections.

In an instant, Tam had already rushed to Loquat Juzo's eyes, and his wide tongue was directly pumped towards Loquat Juzo.

Loquat Juzo raised the decapitation knife and wanted to block Tam's tongue, but he didn't expect that the decapitation knife was directly interrupted by Tam, and the whole person was directly rolled up by Tam's tongue.

The loquat Juzo, who was bound by his tongue, was unable to resist at all, and struggled to be directly pulled and eaten by Tam.

Seeing that the ghost lantern full moon was not good, he directly used the hydration technique and integrated himself into the river to escape.

And the remaining one grass wild bait man is because of the loquat Juzo that Lei Luo attacked first, and Inuya they can't find him hidden in the mist, and they also took the opportunity to escape.

"That's not right! What about the black hoe thunder tooth? "

It turned out that Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth saw that it was not good, and he had already taken advantage of the opportunity to be flown by Tamu before.

"Alas, it seems that I am still careless! We have to leave the Land of Water quickly! Relo

greeted the three of the squad and directly sealed the bodies of several people killed with the sealing scroll, and Tam also spit out the body of Loquat Juzo from his mouth, which was also sealed by Relo.

Then he asked Tam to open the "Abyss Dive Voyage" and take a few people to slip away.

In this battle, with the help of the Ninja Knife Seven and the Six Tails, they were both defeated, and actually beat the ninja of the Ninja Knife Seven to death and flee three at once.

If this news spreads, it will cause countless storms!

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