In the country of grass, in the dense forest, three figures rushed through, it was

the Wave Feng Shui Men team that also received the mission of the Divine Bridge! But because of the emergency situation on the front line, the Wave Feng Shui Men could only go to the front line alone to support the battlefield, and Kakashi, who is now a shinobi, led Rin and Obito to form a team to complete the mission.

"Kakashi, although Watergate-sensei asked you to lead the team, you must know that my strength is not weaker than yours!"

"I just didn't have time to take the Shangnin exam, and if I did, I could also be promoted to Shangnin!"

Uchiha Obito and Kiki Kakashi were walking side by side through the woods, and Uchiha Obito said with a look of disbelief.

Every time he saw Harano Rin looking at Kakashi with an adoring look, he was very unhappy in his heart.

He had also secretly decided in his heart to surpass Kiki Kakashi and show Harano Rin.


! Whoosh! WhooshSuddenly, a dozen Kumu flew out in mid-air and attacked Kiki Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Harano Rin.

"Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!"

Uchiha took the earth's gaze, suddenly raised his hand to make a seal, transformed a large amount of Chakra into a fire chakra, and instantly spit out a huge fireball from his mouth.

The hot fireball crashed into the flying Ku Wu, directly melting it and turning into a little iron juice dripping to the ground.

"Not bad, Konoha's little ghost, this fire ninjutsu can be played

!" "Hahaha, I like to kill such poor little ghosts!" A

dozen Iwa Shinobi appeared around and surrounded the three of Kakashi.

Iwa Shinobu everyone giggled, obviously not putting the Kakashi three in front of him in their eyes.

"Up!" Iwa Shinobu's leader Shangnin waved his hand, and directly let Iwa Shinobu and everyone strike together.

Several kunai and shurikens were shot at Kakashi and the three, but they were easily dodged by the three.

"Konoha's little ghost is also a little skillful!" Iwa

Shinobu was fierce in his heart, his hand was sealed, and the land in front of him instantly bulged, and the "Tsuchiyu Tulong Spear" stabbed out towards the three.

Kakashi made a seal in his hand, and the ground in front of "Tsuchiku Tsuchi Return" instantly lifted, forming a stone wall to block the attacking Toloon gun.

"Well done, Kakashi!" Uchiha said with a happy face.

Then he sealed his hands with his hands, "Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique", and saw fireballs continuously spewed out from Obito's mouth, attacking the rushing Yanyin people.

"Damn, why are these little ghosts so difficult!" Looking at the Iwa Shinobu who were forced to retreat by Obito, Iwa Shinobu's eyes were gloomy.

But I saw a flash of thunder, "Thunder Ren Ratchet" Kakashi had a thunderbolt light in his hand, directly piercing the bodies of the two Iwa Shinobi in a row!

"Ho ho!" Iwa fell down clutching his neck, blood flowing from his fingers.


The leading Iwa Shinobu Shinobu, his face changed, but he didn't expect that he had just underestimated the power of these two imps.

In a short confrontation, they lost a lot of personnel.

Suddenly, Iwa Shinobu's gaze noticed Harano Rin on the side of the battlefield, this girl should be the best in their squad to deal with.

Then he came directly behind Yuanye Lin in an instant, and slashed Yuanye Lin unconscious with a hand knife.

"Lynn!" Obito looked startled.

Iwa Shinobu kidnapped the hostages and had the mind to retreat, so he waved his hand to command Iwa Shinobu to retreat

! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A puff of smoke erupted, and the ninjas of Iwahide Village suddenly disappeared.

"Kakashi, Rin was captured by the ninja of Iwahide Village!"

Obito looked around nervously, and found that Rin had disappeared with the ninja of Iwahide Village.

"Damn it!"

Kakashi and Obito looked solemn, just now they were only concerned about fighting on their own, completely ignoring Rin!

"Kakashi, what are you waiting for

!" "Let's hurry up and rescue Rin!"

Obito looked nervous, learning that Rin had been taken captive by the ninja of Iwahide Village, and he had completely forgotten the task given to them by the Feng Shui Gate.

Kakashi struggled for a long time, but still made up his mind and

said, "No, we have to go to the mission first!" Obito listened to what Kakashi said, his eyes widened, "What did you say?" Kakashi

turned his head sideways, not daring to look Obito in the eyes, "I said let's go to complete the mission first, and then go to save Rin."

Obito instantly became furious, yelling at Kakashi: "If you don't save it, I'll go myself!" Ninjas who can't complete their missions are waste, but ninjas who don't value their companions are not even as good as waste!" Obito

said and turned around, checked the traces around him, and rushed in the direction Iwahide left.

Kakashi, on the other hand, ran in the direction of the Kami-bashi, but ran slower and slower, and finally stopped and turned around.


At the same time, the four members of Lei Luo's dark squad were also rushing in the dense forest, rushing towards the direction of the Shen Wubi Bridge.

Suddenly, Lei Luo's figure paused and stopped.

"Captain, what's wrong?" asked Inuya, looking at Relo, who had suddenly stopped.

Relo shook his head to indicate that it was nothing.

And the reason why Lei Luo suddenly stopped was because just now, the long-lost system suddenly prompted in Lei Luo's mind.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission to save Rin Harano.

"Save Wilderin and change the mortal end of Wilderin." "

"Quest Reward: God-level Draw Points*1. Relo

looked at the task triggered by the system prompt, and knew in his heart that something must have happened to Kakashi's team, and it was estimated that Harano Rin had been captured by Iwahide Village.

And they and Kakashi's team are the same mission, the same line, should not be too far away, and Iwain's biggest possibility should be to capture Rin in a nearby stronghold.

So Relo asked Inuya in front of him: "Can you detect the nearby

Iwa Shinobi stronghold?" Inuya nodded and asked, "Captain, what are we looking for the Iwa Shinobi stronghold for?"


felt that Reiro had some reason, so Inuya summoned Ginmaru and rushed with everyone to the nearby Iwa Shinobu stronghold.

When Relo arrives with his team, he finds that the Iwahide stronghold has fallen into chaos, and he just happens to run into Kakashi and Rin who escaped.

Relo stepped forward to stop Kakashi and asked, "What about your squad's Obito?" Kakashi

, who had been on guard, relaxed a little when he saw the dark part that he had seen that day in the Jiraiya tent. Then he said with a face full of self-reproach, "Obito sacrificed to save me!" Listening to

Kakashi's words, Relo already understood everything.

But what makes Relo wonder is why his mission has not been completed since Rin has been rescued

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