Hearing Leiluo's words, the figure lurking behind the tree walked out.

"Sure enough, these 35 million taels are not so easy to earn!" the figure behind the tree sighed.

Lei Luo raised his head and looked carefully at the man in front of him, a gray hood covering his head, a black veil, and a forehead with the forehead of Taki Hidden Village, but there was a clear scratch on it, indicating his rebellious identity.


long time ago, as the elite of the Taki Shinobi Village, Kakuto carried out the mission of assassinating the original Hokage, but was defeated in front of the Mu Dun Secret Technique. Although he faced the crisis of dying for his village, what awaited him in the village was the stigma and heavy punishment of the failed mission.

This is a cruel act for a ninja who gambles his life for the sake of the village, and with a strong hatred, Kakuto escapes from prison. Not only did it take away the forbidden land grudge that was regarded as the greatest treasure by the village, but it also took away the hearts of all the superiors in the village.

Later, he became one of the members of the Xiao Organization, was Feidan's partner, and also served as the financial director of the Xiao Organization. He possesses the secret technique "Earth Grudge", which can use Chakra to manipulate the black tentacles released from his body to seize the hearts of others.

Including his own heart, he can store up to five hearts in his body, and he can extend his life by replacing his heart, and he is called "a person who lives with heaven and earth". Each heart can transform into a black-bodied monster formed by the ground grievance, and its monster can use the original heart master's technique.

He should not have joined the Xiao Organization yet, just a simple bounty hunter. Relo thought to himself, "And my bounty is only 35 million taels, and the price of Asma in the future?"

Kakuto spoke: "You are the black shark of Konoha's dark part, the ninja Relo of the Light Blood Boundary, right?!" Although

it was a questioning sentence, his tone already showed that he had determined the goal of the mission.

"So clear about my identity, it seems that it should be a bounty issued by Konoha's people, and Orochimaru should not deal with this underground bounty, it is estimated that it is a group hide." Relo already had the answer in his heart.

"Hehe, although it is a bit troublesome to fail to sneak up on you, but boy, you have to pay for your actions next, and I just happen to lack a young heart now. Kakuto suddenly said in a somewhat low voice, it seemed that his patience was very limited.

"And your light escapes the bloodstained boundary, and I will accept it." "

Hmph, is it?" Lei Luo snorted coldly, "I'm afraid that not only do you not have this opportunity, but you will also catch your own heart!"

Lei Luo said that his figure flashed, and he instantly appeared behind Jiaodu, his speed was very fast, without the slightest reservation.

Kakuto glanced back with both eyes, and he was also very shocked in his heart, "Is this the speed of light?"

But he naturally did not sit still, directly backhanded to attack Leiluo, and the two sides exchanged hands.

Lei Luo has the advantage in speed because of his very fast speed, but Kakuto is not vegetarian, and his physical skills are also very sophisticated.

At present, it seems that Kakuto's strength is indeed not weak, and his physical skills alone are already powerful, not to mention the ninjutsu that he is best at.

However, Leiluo's swift speed and powerful knife skills also made Kakuto a little annoyed, but out of face, he was also very careful to dodge Leiluo's attacks, and returned fire from time to time.

Until..."Water Breath ·wanton style.Tide!", the ice wheel pill in Lei Luo's hand instantly slashed dozens of times, accompanied by violent knife qi directly slashed towards the angle.

"Oops, this little devil is still quite difficult, use ninjutsu to solve him!" Kakuto was fierce in his heart, his hands sealed.

The "Wind Escape Crushing" Jiaodu suddenly blew out a powerful storm cannonball from his mouth, collided with the oncoming knife qi, and dissipated together.

"Little ghost, I'm going to be serious!" said Kakuto viciously.

I saw an irregular flip quickly behind Kakuto, and then four masks quickly separated from his body.

"Wind Escape Crush Damage

" "Fire Escape Head Hard Hard"

suddenly the two masks around Jiaodu appeared a twist, opened their mouths slightly, and quickly spewed out a strong storm, and a wave of fire, the wind helped the fire, and instantly merged into a sea of fire towards Leiluo.

But Lei Luo instantly dodged the move in the air, and the sea of fire hit the trees behind him, turning it into a piece of char.

"Guangdun, Eight-Foot Qionggouyu" Lei Luo, who was in the air, backhanded countless dazzling light bullets and smashed down towards the horn.

"Good boy!" Jiaodu couldn't help but sigh in admiration when he looked at the incoming light bullet, a mask fluctuated behind him, and a tall earthen wall rose up and blocked in front of Jiaodu.

At this time, Lei Luo had already followed the trajectory of light behind Jiaodu.

"Break his heart first!" thought to Relo.

Then he waved the ice wheel pill and made a "Breath of Water, Wu Shi, Dry Heavenly Rain!" and directly and cleanly cut off the mask that had just used the wind escape.

"Damn!" The trickiness of Lei Luo in front of him greatly exceeded Kakuto's expectations.

Relo's speed is too fast, and it is difficult for ninjutsu to keep up with his speed, unless a wide range of ninjutsu is used to limit him.

But this series of rapid attacks was not a small consumption for Lei Luo, and after killing the wind attribute mask, Lei Luo quickly retreated to the side, looking at Jiaodu with solemn eyes.

"What's wrong, boy, did you give up the attack?" Kakuto suddenly showed a hint of pride, it was already remarkable that Lei Luo was able to force him to this point.

It's just that I'm going to fight with all my strength next!" replied Relo disdainfully.

I'd like to see what you're all good at. Jiaodu looked at Lei Luo and said seriously, he didn't dare to be careless, this kid is extremely hidden, in case a person accidentally really hits his way, it won't be good.

"Eight Doors Dun Jia! Open the door, open the door, and open the door to me!" Lei Luo directly used the Eight Door Dun Jia fiercely, and the abundant Chakra filled his body again.

The speed also increased again, and Kakuto could no longer see Leiluo's figure clearly, and could only constantly use defensive ninjutsu to resist Leiluo's attacks everywhere.

"Water Breath · Water Surface Slash!", Lei Luo once again cut off one of Kakuto's hearts, this time with a fire attribute mask.

"Boy, I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. But I still have some things today, for the time being, I will let you go first, and I will see you later. Kakuto said with a hint of heaviness on his face.

The longer Kakuto lived, the more he feared death, so he was very careful about uncertainties. This time he had already cut off two hearts by Relo, and he was not sure how long Relo's state could last.

So after saying this, Kakuto directly used the earth dun ninjutsu and sneaked into the ground to escape.

After Lei Luo turned on the five-sight universal observation again, he found that the horns were really leaving, and he finally relaxed.


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