Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Bofeng Shuimen, who had just served as the Hokage, was busy, and after getting married, he didn't have a few days to warm up with Jiu Xinnai.

Looking through the documents, the pen in my hand wrote a few times from time to time, there were too many things to do in the village after the war.

At this moment, a dark department suddenly appeared in the Hokage's office.


Bofeng Shuimen raised his head in response, looked at the dark part half-kneeling on the ground in front of him, showed a gentle smile on his face, and said: "If there is anything, you say!"

Dark Department lowered his head and replied, "When Dark Department searched the laboratory of the S-class Rebel Great Snake Pill just now, he found a special experimental subject who survived. Bo

Feng Shuimen nodded, "What is special about that experimental subject?" The

dark ninja replied, "That experimental subject was survived by the cell experiment of the first generation of Hokage-sama, and he awakened Mu Duan!" "

Mu Duan!" Bofeng Shuimen was a little shocked when he heard the news, but immediately thought of a solution.

So Bo Feng Shuimen spoke, "Since it is Mu Duan's power, then send this experimental subject to Tsunade-sama." "

Yes!" The Dark Ninja was ordered to leave.

But suddenly someone pushed open the door of Hokage's office and walked in, it was Shimura Danzo!

"Watergate, give me this experimental subject!" I will definitely make him the power to guard our Konoha! Tuanzo said unceremoniously.

Even a person with such a good temper as Bofeng Shuimen was a little angry when he looked at Tuan Zangtian's shameless face.

"Advisor Tuanzo, you have to remember that I am the Hokage!"

"Moreover, in terms of understanding of Mu Duan, no one can compare to the Thousand Hands Clan!"

Tuan Zang's face suddenly became gloomy, "Hmph! With a bang, he slammed the door and left.


Konoha Village, Senju Clan Land.

Tsunade looked at the subject sent by the dark part, a child who looked to be only 6.7 years old, still asleep and had not yet woken up.

Tsunade examined it carefully and found that although he only had some slight bark folds on his hands on the outside, the vitality in his body was not very strong.

"How so? Is it the reason for incomplete integration? Although he survived, he lost too much of his vitality. Tsunade frowned slightly, "Call Relo to take a look, the situation of the rope tree last time has deteriorated like that, and it can still be successfully suppressed and fused successfully." "

Now that Lei Luo has left the dark department, as an elite Shinobi, he no longer needs his hands on some small things, and he has not led the team for the time being.

After being summoned by Tsunade, Relo quickly arrived at the Senju Clan.

After listening to Tsunade's description, Relo already knew who this experimental subject was.

"Yamato in the original? It seems that maybe the current big snake pill defected a little earlier than the original, and he didn't have time to check the results of this batch of experimental products.

"And Bofeng Shuimen received the news in advance, and did not let Tuanzo intervene to take Yamato away."

"This should be a good thing for Yamato, after all, in the original book, Yamato is very disgusted with mentioning the root life of his youth."

Thoughts flipped, and Relo said to Tsunade-sensei, take me to see that child, and see if the light has any effect."

Tsunade nodded and led Relo to the familiar underground secret room, the same room where he had successfully awakened the rope tree.

Relo looked at Yamato lying on the operating table, and walked forward directly without saying anything, his hands glowing with a gentle light, "Guangdun. Phototherapy" was pressed on Yamato's chest.

However, Yamato, who received the treatment of Kodun, frowned, which should be an instinctive reaction to the pain of the body.

After a long time, Relo stopped his hand, although the bark folds on Yamato's hand disappeared, and the vitality of the examination body was once again revitalized.

But Lei Luo always felt that this situation was a little different from the rope tree, and there was a strange feeling.

Suddenly, with a flash of light, Relo understood the difference between the two treatments.

"It's Godzilla! I am now fused with Godzilla, and my own light chakra and Godzilla's energy are fused, with a hint of tyrannical attributes. "

I don't know what changes will happen to Yamato by fusing the current light attribute Chakra."

Now that Yamato has successfully fused and his state has been restored, it is time to wake him up.

Tsunade stepped forward and stimulated Yamato's nerves through medical ninjutsu, and it didn't take long for him to wake up.

"How does it feel?"

Opening his eyes, Yamato saw a blonde woman in a white coat standing in front of him, whispering questions to him.

Next to the woman stood a seemingly ordinary man with a divine light in his eyes.

Suddenly sat up from the bed, scanned the surroundings, and found that he did not see those familiar culture tanks, Yamato breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he replied to the woman in front of him: "I feel good now, I have never been so good."

Tsunade listened to the poor child's answer in front of him, and couldn't help but feel some sympathy in his heart, "Don't be afraid anymore, you will be a member of our Senju clan in the future." "

Yamato fused the interpillar cells, awakened Mu Duan, and included him in the Thousand Hands Clan.

Then Tsunade said, "Kid, try that special power in your body and see if you can control it."

Yamato nodded obediently, trying to feel the power that controlled his body, and then raised his hand and a branch grew, but it was not the green full of life, but the red with a slightly tyrannical aura.

"This is?" Tsunade looked at the different Mudu power in Yamato's hand, and he couldn't scratch his head for a while, after all, Tsunade has seen this world so far, counting Yamato, there are only three people who have mastered Mudu.

But Relo looked exactly as I expected, fusing Godzilla's Light Chakra, making the awakened Mu Dun even more destructive.

Just when Relo was in his thoughts, he suddenly heard Tsunade in front of him seem to be calling him.

"Tsunade-sensei, what's wrong?" Lei Luo asked suspiciously.

Tsunade said to Reilo-kun: "Reilo-kun, I just said that now that Orochimaru has defected, Rope Tree has no teacher to teach him, and now that the war is over, Rope Tree can also go out of the village to do some tasks."

"But for ordinary ninjas, I don't worry, now that Lei Luojun you are out of the dark department, as an elite upper ninja, you are qualified enough to become a team upper ninja."

"So I hope you can become the leader of the rope tree and help me teach him."

"So that's the thing." Relo understood what Tsunade meant, but originally Relo had the idea of leading the class, so he naturally agreed.

"I agreed to this, but if you want to become a leader of the team, you have to go to Naruto-sama to apply." Relo replied.

"Don't worry, I'll go and talk to him at Watergate." Tsunade nodded, after all, most of the current rules in the village were made by the original second-generation Hokage, and she couldn't be clearer about it.

"Okay, then leave the rope tree to me from now on!"

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