Obito heard Watergate's questioning and laughed.

"Do you think I might tell you who I am?" May tell me your identity? "

When Bofeng Shuimen was talking to Obito, his body was adjusting, ready to see the opportunity to strike at any time.

But Obito also noticed this, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't move, if you don't want your newborn son to die, leave immediately from the side of the nine-tailed man Zhuli, and remember to face me head-on."

The kunsu in his hand glowed coldly, pointing at Naruto, but Sharingan stared at the wave feng shui gate without blinking.


Jiu Shinna on the hospital bed exclaimed, his tone unable to hide his concern.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Bo Feng Shuimen's forehead, slowly walked to the side, and whispered, "Don't be impulsive, everything can be discussed."

Under the mask, the corner of Uchiha Obito's mouth hooked a sneer, and then directly let go and threw Naruto out.

Watching Naruto fall down quickly, Wave Feng Shui Men rushed up without thinking, and the light flashed and appeared next to Naruto, holding Naruto in his arms.

However, Uchiha Obito was at the moment when the figure of the water gate appeared next to Naruto, the speed was fully opened, and the next second he had appeared next to Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, grabbed the other party's arm, and ripples of space appeared.

"It's worthy of a golden flash, and I was so cautious that I set up ninjutsu on my newborn son, but it's a pity that I accepted the power of the Nine Tails first!"

"Jiu Xinnai!"

Bofeng Shuimen shouted, and in the whirlpool of space, the figures of the two quickly disappeared in front of him, and at this time, Naruto also began to cry again.

As a new father, he had no experience in coaxing children, so he could only clumsily hold Naruto and shake it gently, and whispered, "Naruto behaved, I will bring your mother back immediately, you can sleep at home, and when you wake up, your mother and I will appear in front of you." In

the comforting voice, the Flying Thunder God Technique has been activated, and it is already home when it reappears, placing Naruto in the prepared baby cradle, and Wave Feng Shui Men smiled, "Naruto, be obedient at home, my mother and I will be back soon." The

moment he turned around, his gaze was already sharp, the Flying Thunder God was helpless, and the figure disappeared in the golden light.

At this time, drastic changes had taken place in Konoha Village outside.


A figure fell from the sky on the edge of Konoha Village, and a palm slapped on the ground in the dark alley.

"Ninfa, psychic art!"

A complicated psychic array appeared, and the next moment a terrifying roar came, a terrifying demon fox appeared in Konoha Village, and the foxtail swept, and the eaves flew around, and I don't know how many villagers who had not yet reacted were lifted off together.

Konoha Village suddenly became disorderly and chaotic, and in the face of the Nine Tails that suddenly appeared inside, the ninjas were at a loss, and it was difficult to organize a decent resistance.

It wasn't until the retired three generations of Hokage Sarutobi temporarily took over the command and relayed one order after another that there was a glimmer of order in the entire village, and ninjas from the dark part appeared in all corners of the village, integrating the ninjas scattered everywhere.

Shimura Danzo, who was at the root base, had already received news from his subordinates and knew the situation outside, but he felt that this was his chance.

If Watergate dies in this turmoil, he will bring people out to solve the endgame and gain fame, so that he will have a chance to ascend to the position of Hokage.

So he ordered his root ninja to stand still and hide for the time being.

At this time, Sarutobi himself had already rushed towards the Nine Tails.

"Psychic arts. Ape demon! "

Ape Flying Sun slashed the seal in his hand and summoned his psychic beast, the Ape Demon.

"Old fellow, time is urgent, you directly turn into a golden hoop rod!"

The ape demon had just appeared and had not yet figured out the situation, but hearing the order of the ape flying sun, it directly turned into a golden hoop rod without hesitation.

"Stretch it, Golden Hoop Stick!" With a loud gulp, the golden hoop rod of the ape demon transformation in the hands of the three generations of Hokage stretched violently.

In comparison, the three generations of Hokage were simply like ants wielding giant pillars, but they showed terrifying power, and a stick hit the back of the Nine Tails, and a roar of pain suddenly sounded.


One turned around to dodge a claw caught by the Nine Tails, and his figure retreated violently, but the ape flying sun slash was still directing the battle.

In fact, there was no need for ape flying sun to open his mouth, and Nara Shikaku had already discovered the opportunity.

On the front line, as the patriarch of the contemporary Nara clan, the captain of Inuga Butterfly and the general assistant of Hokage in Konoha Village, he does not rely on simple minds.

"Secret Art, Shadow Binding Technique!"

For the Nara family's shadow-like ninjutsu, the night can be said to be the most suitable time.

Under the faint light, the shadow appeared very large.

The frenzied shadow appeared from under the feet of Nara Shikaku and quickly struck towards the Nine-Tails, and a few seconds later touched the Nine-Tails' huge body and controlled it.

But the second of contact, a huge pressure suddenly came from the shadow, and cold sweat appeared on Nara Shikaku's forehead.

Wanting to bind the terrifying existence of the Nine Tails was still too reluctant for him.

"Take advantage of now, Dingza, Haiyi!"

Most of the classic combinations of Pig Deer Butterfly were inseparable when they fought, and the next moment Yamanaka Haichi had jumped high and appeared in front of the Nine Tails, and the Spiritual Secret Art was directly launched.

"Secret art, the art of disturbing the heart!"

The seal was completed, the power of the mind hit the depths of the Nine-Tails' heart, he did not try to control the Nine-Tails, it was unrealistic, as long as it could disrupt the actions of the Nine-Tails and reduce the pressure on Nara Shikaku, his purpose would be achieved.

However, even so, after only three seconds, he snorted, and the corner of his mouth quickly retreated with blood spilling from the corner.

The hatred and despair of the Nine Tails' hearts almost made him lost, and if he didn't stop, he was afraid that his soul would be devoured by the other party.

But this time was enough, the figure of Akimichi Dingza appeared, and under the comprehensive multiplication technique, a giant appeared in front of the Nine Tails, punched out heavily, and fell to the ground even with the strength of the Nine Tails.

Coupled with the shadow of Nara Shikaku and the support of the rest of the ninjas, they controlled the Nine Tails in a short time.

"What about Watergate, where is he at this time?" Glancing at Akimichi Dingza, who was in a stalemate with the Nine Tails, Sarutobi quickly asked.

He could see that Akimichi Dingza could not last long.

"There is no news of the fourth generation of Hokage for the time being." A dark part quickly replied.

However, as soon as his words fell, at this moment, the water gate appeared.

During the time when he disappeared just now, Watergate found Jiu Xinnai according to the Flying Thunder God Technique left on Jiu Xinnai, but found that the Nine Tails had been pumped out.

Although Jiu Xinnai can hold on for the time being because of the strong vitality of the Uzumaki clan, he also needs to reseal the Nine Tails into his body as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely die.

At this moment, he discovered that someone had channeled the Nine Tails in the village, so he first sent Jiu Shinna to Naruto's side, and then immediately rushed over.

"I'm sorry I'm late, so leave it to me next!"

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