I saw a female Shinobu blocking in front of a child, but there was a deep wound on her back, and blood continued to flow.

"Iruka, are you all right?" This female Naka Shinobu is none other than Iruka's mother.

Iruka looked at the wound on her mother's back and couldn't help but exclaim at the male next to her.

"Dad! "

Why don't you stay in the shelter obediently?" The male Shinobu turned his back to him and did not look back, "Leave Mom's affairs to Dad, you run away!"

Iruka shouted, "Don't! I don't want to leave my mom and dad alone and run away!

"I'm going to protect my mother!"

The male Naka-ninja turned his head to look at Iruka, with a resolute face, it was Iru Buka, the head teacher of Relo back then.

Iru Buka said sharply: "Don't do it for children!"

"It is a parent's duty to protect their children!"

At this time, a teacher from a ninja school appeared in front of Irubuka.

Iru Buka spoke, "Please take Iruka to the shelter, please!" The

ninja teacher nodded, picked Iruka up, and dashed towards the shelter.

Iruka struggled in the arms of the ninja school teacher and shouted, "Let go of me!" My mom and dad are still fighting!

Irubuka looked at Iruka, who had left safely, dropped all his burdens, and turned to attack the Nine Tails.


On the other side, Watergate and Obito are still facing each other.

The blood on Obito's hand was still dripping, and he spoke: "It is worthy of the fourth generation of Hokage, I didn't expect you to hurt my hand and separate the Nine Tails."

"But sooner or later, the Nine Tails will be in my pocket!"

"I am a person who can dominate the world, and I have the means!"

Then the body disappears into a twisted whirlpool.

At this time, the Nine Tails had been forced out of the village by the ape flying sun and a group of dark forces, but they were still constantly attacking and persecuting, and they did not dare to relax in the slightest.

However, the Nine Tails once again opened their mouths and condensed the tailed beast jade.

And the ape flying sun chop was almost at the limit, kneeling on one knee, panting, "That guy actually doesn't give up."

A dark man stood by his side, supported him, and shouted with concern in his mouth: "Three generations of adults! "

Seeing that the tailed beast jade of the Nine Tails is about to condense and form, the water gate once again arrived in time.


Toad Wen Tai fell from the sky and smashed on the head of the Nine Tails, interrupting the tailed beast jade condensed by the Nine Tails.

The Dark Ninja, who was struggling to support, instantly felt hope when he saw the figure standing above Bunta's head.

"It's four generations of adults!"

But the Nine Tails unwillingly condensed the tailed beast jade again.

Bo Feng Shuimen said to the toad Wen Tai below him: "Trouble you to suppress this guy again for a while."

Then stared at the Nine Tails who condensed the tailed beast jade and thought to himself: "Even if I can't restrain this guy, to divert an attack of this scale, it must consume a considerable amount of Chakra."

"That's all there is to it!"

And when the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun was about to step forward again to desperately block the Nine Tails, he found that the Nine Tails disappeared in front of him.

Only the figure of Toad Wen Taiyi was left.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper said in surprise; "Watergate he... Flew away with the Nine Tails?

Then looking at the huge light wave that appeared in the distance, "Is it there?" And

beside the Nine Tails in the distance, when the water gate appeared again, there were more Jiu Shinai and Naruto in his arms.

Watergate said to Jiu Xinnai: "I have to open the enchantment as soon as possible, but my Chakra is about to..." Jiu Xinnai

directly interrupted Watergate's words and spoke; "I can hold out for a while... Watergate..."

Then forcibly used his own chakra, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and countless golden chains drilled out of his body, binding the Nine Tails.

The Nine Tails struggled, but couldn't get rid of it.

Watergate looked at Jiu Xinnai's current state and couldn't help but exclaim, "Jiu Xinnai! At

this moment, Naruto was woken up from his sleep, and he howled and cried without knowing anything.

Jiu Shinna looked at Naruto, his eyes full of tenderness, and said, "I woke you up... I'm sorry... Naruto..."

Then Jiu Shinai turned to Watergate and said, "Just contain the Nine Tails, although I will also die, but in this way, I can postpone the resurrection period of the Nine Tails a little further." The

Ninetails had sensed the danger, and while it wasn't really going to die, he didn't want to try the feeling of wandering in the mud, and he was still struggling.

Jiu Xinnai said to Watergate gently: "To help you with the only Chakra I have, there is only one way."


said sadly: "Jiu Xinnai, you made me the fourth generation of Hokage, made me your husband, and made me the father of this child, but I..."

Watergate's words were interrupted by Jiu Xinnai again: "Watergate... Don't show that expression. I am blessed to have you loving me.

"And... Today is still this child's birthday..."

If I were alive, what else could I imagine besides imagining the future happy life of our family of three? After

all, Bofeng Shuimen couldn't suppress the tears in his eyes and let them flow.

Jiu Xinnai continued; "I only have one last wish... I really want to meet Naruto when he grows up! Bofeng

Shuimen endured the grief and spoke; Jiu Xinnai, you don't have to die with the Nine Tails. "

Don't worry, your remaining Chakra, I'll use it for you to meet Naruto."

Bofeng Shuimen raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I will seal all your remaining Chakra on Naruto and combine it with the Bagua Seal."

"Besides, I'll take care of the Nine Tails!"

"It's not a human pillar power, I can only seal it with ghouls!"

Jiu Xinnai looked up at the water gate who stood up and said; "But... That sealing technique will make the sorcerer..."

But Watergate didn't let her continue.

Instead, he spoke; "There is another point, I can only seal half of the Nine Tails on me."

"Such a powerful force cannot be physically suppressed, and from a strategic point of view, it is impossible to achieve."

"The Nine-Tails Seal has your participation, but it would be bad if the human pillar force was absent before the Nine-Tails were resurrected, causing the balance of the tailed beast to collapse."

"If you seal it with a ghoul, you can seal me and half of the Nine Tails forever."

"Therefore, the other half of the Nine Tails can only be sealed with gossip and sealed to Naruto."

Jiu Xinnai stopped talking, and Watergate looked in his eyes.

"I know what you want to say, but what Jiraiya-sensei said about the world change and the disasters that come with it, today I confirmed two things."

"The masked man who attacked you, that guy will definitely bring blood."

"And then the person who stopped him was this kid."

"This child, named after Jiraiya teacher, will open up the future as a pillar of human power!"

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