The chef of the General's Mansion was really good, and the Lei Luo people who ate this meal were very happy.

After drinking and eating, Mifune took Relo and the others to the reception room.

"Everyone with Kakashi-kun must be a ninja from Konoha." After making tea for everyone, Mifune asked.

"That's right, Mifune-sama, I'm really sorry to hide something before." Relo replied.

"It's understandable that you need to hide your identity when you go out, but can you tell me your true identity now?" Mifune picked up the teacup and said with a sip.

"Of course you can, on the Shimokonoha elite, Ninja Relo! All three are my disciples. Relo nodded and replied.

"Oh? Your Excellency is the 'Konoha Black Shark' Raylo who has not appeared in the ninja world for hundreds of years, and once defeated the five-tailed human pillar force in the third ninja world war, defeated the Abby brothers of Yunyin Village, and fought against the three generations of thunder shadows? Mifune was a little surprised to hear Relo's identity.

"You're much younger than I thought."

"Your Excellency, there are still many shortcomings in the strength below, and this trip to the Iron Country is also hoping to compete with you in sword skills." Relo smiled back.

Mifune asked; "Then I wonder how Your Excellency's sword skills compare to Kakashi-kun?"

Before Relo could answer, Kakashi answered back; "Lei Luojun's sword skills are higher than mine, and I am not his opponent."

"Hahaha!" Mifune let out another hearty laugh and spoke; "In that case, Relo-kun's challenge is not necessary, and the old man's sword skills are only similar to Kakashi-kun."

"It must be inferior to Lei Luojun, and the old man admitted defeat!"

When Lei Luo heard this, he was stunned in his heart.

"What the hell? Compare without beating you and admit defeat? Can this system admit it? "

But the system did admit it.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the mission knife technique.

"The host wins Mifune without a fight on top of the sword technique, causing him to voluntarily admit defeat and the mission is completed."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission reward: god-level lottery points*1."

The system's prompts made Lei Luo also indifferent.

"Since the task has been completed and the reward has been obtained, it is not comparable."

So Relo spoke, "Well, since Mifune-sama said so, then the next challenge will be counted as canceled." Since

there was no further challenge, Relo and the others did not stay much longer in the General's Mansion, and after drinking a few cups of tea, they retreated to Mifune and left.

Just after Relo and the others left, Mifune's subordinates, who had been serving beside him, asked.

"Sir, why don't you fight against that Leiluo and instead take the initiative to admit defeat?"

Mifune smiled, "They are not from my Iron Country, even if they fight, there is no point, it is better to let them leave like this."

Mifune's subordinates nodded, understood what Mifune meant, said no more, and stood silently to the side.

But this is also because he is Mifune's confidant, otherwise Mifune would not have talked to him so much.


The people of Leiro, who had left the Great General's Mansion of the Iron Country, returned to the hotel where they were staying.

Relo said to Kakashi and Rope Tree and the others; "The practice of the Iron Country is considered complete, and we will go back to the village tomorrow."

"You can also go out this afternoon, and you can also bring some of the specialties you want."

Kakashi and the others nodded and went back to their rooms.

Relo returned to the room and thought of today's battle between Kakashi and Mifune in the Great General's Mansion, and couldn't help but sigh: "If I and Mifune simply competed in sword skills, it would not be so easy to win."

"Although I don't know why Mifune took the initiative to admit defeat, I still have to thank people."

Then, Relo summoned the system directly and began the lottery.

The long-lost system roulette wheel appeared in front of Leiluo's eyes, and the six prizes on it were as follows

: S-class props: Devil

Fruit * Surgical fruit S-level skills: Awakening Light S-class weapons: Slashing knife * Divine Gun

S-class weapons: Innate Fang

S-level equipment: Imperial tools * Demon God manifestation [Demon Essence]

S-level skills: Sword Art Genre * God of Fire Kagura

Demon Fruit * Surgical Fruit, From the One Piece world.

Those who are capable of surgical fruits can create a space of a global body or hemispherical body, in which they can cut, exchange, and splice anything at will, and even exchange two minds.

The awakened surgical fruit has a crazy ability, "ageless surgery", which can give humans "eternal life" if used by a sufficiently talented person, but once this operation is performed, the capable person itself will die.

The Light of Awakening, from the world of One-Punch Man, is the ultimate ability of the Phoenix Man to awaken, able to resurrect people whose strength is lower than his own.

The slashing knife * divine gun, from the world of death, the divine gun is similar to the waki when it is in the sealed state, its blade is S-shaped, the blade body is short, seemingly ordinary, after the first solution, it can freely retract, change its length, and enhance its attack speed and strength.

Born Fang, it is a treasure knife from the Inuyasha world.

In the beginning, it was a healing sword that could not kill things in this world, and it belonged to another world, and it was a sword made by the fangs of the inu general (Douya King), which could resurrect the dead by killing the messengers of the underworld. If it is activated with true compassion, a sword can save the people.

Emperor Tool* Demon God Manifestation [Demon Essence], is an ice emperor tool from the Crimson Pupil World, which can freely create and control ice, and is called the strongest emperor tool by Najeta.

Legend has it that it is the blood of a super-dangerous species living in the Far North, and the mark on Esders' chest is a sign of drinking blood, but everyone except Estes is driven crazy by the desire to kill if they taste a little.

Sword Art School * Kagura, the God of Fire, comes from the world of Demon Slayer Blade and is a breathing method and sword art school passed down from generation to generation by the Charcoal family.

Looking at the prize this time, Lei Luo's eyes were hot.

This time, there were two prizes with the ability to be resurrected, and although Relo also knew that if he used it, the price must be not small, but Relo still hoped to be able to draw it.

"Start the lottery!"

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Light of Awakening. "

Hahaha!" Lei Luo couldn't help but laugh maniacally in his heart, he didn't expect that this time he really drew the ability to resurrect.

He quickly decided to receive it, and a force flowed throughout his body, and the same memory appeared in his mind.

He already knew the Light of Awakening in its entirety and mastered it.

"Sure enough, this resurrection ability is not without limits."

First of all, the Light of Awakening can only revive people whose strength is lower than that of Relo.

Secondly, the resurrection of the light of awakening must require the existence of the soul, and if the soul is scattered, then there is no way.

Finally, each use of the Light of Awakening consumes five years of its lifespan, and the cooldown period is as long as three years.

"But, in any case, for the resurrection, these costs are definitely worth it!"

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