Obito suddenly fell into doubt about life.

Chapter 217 The death of Obito! ending!

However, after experiencing so much with soil, the psychological quality is still very good, and he recovered quickly.

After seeing Obito's mood stabilized, Kakashi asked, "Obito, where have you been all these years? Why haven't you returned to the village?"

In fact, with Kakashi's ingenuity, he had long guessed that Obito must be related to the Akatsuki organization, otherwise how could he appear here so coincidentally.

But he still kept a trace of fantasy in his heart.

However, Obito's words broke his fantasy and told him everything he had experienced, including the Nine-Tails Rebellion he caused, without hiding it at all.

Afterwards, Obito, who had finished telling everything, said as if he had put something down in his heart, looking at Kakashi's sluggish appearance.

"Kakashi, I'm sorry, I know I'm a sinner and there is no need to live in this world anymore."

"Now that I know that Lin is still alive, I am very satisfied."

Then Obito's kaleidoscope writing wheel turned around, and a vortex appeared beside him, opening the Shenwei space, and Obito reached in and took out a jar.

It was in that jar that he kept another kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Kakashi watched Obito's movements and anticipated what Obito wanted to do.

But before he could stop it, Obito reached out and buttoned the kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes.

Now there are only two black eye sockets on Obito's face.

"Obito, what are you doing?!"

"Quickly take it back, with Lei Luo-kun and Tsunade-sama here, your eyes can still be transplanted back!"

Kakashi said anxiously, he already felt Obito's death intent, but he didn't want to let Obito die.

But Obito has already made up his mind, he has nothing to worry about in this world, and there is no shortage of him in this world as a sinner.

Obito raised his hand tremblingly and handed the two kaleidoscope writing wheels in front of Kakashi.

"Kakashi, you don't have to persuade me anymore."

"This is for you, it will be a belated gift from Joinin..."

Kakashi's eyes instantly turned red when he heard this, but he solemnly took the kaleidoscope with soil.

"Kakashi, don't forget your promise to me, remember to protect Lin!"

After Obito finished saying these words, his hands fell weakly and lost his vitality.

Just when he dug out his kaleidoscope writing wheel just now, he had already messed up his body with Chakra.

He was already ready to die.

With shaking hands, Kakashi sealed Obito's corpse with a seal scroll.

Lai Luo didn't say anything when he saw it. Obito used his own death to cleanse his sins. This was his choice.

Wouldn't it be unfair to those who died because of him if he was saved.

The most important thing is that the relationship between Lai Luo and Obito is not very good, not to mention that Obito has always had ideas about Lin.

"Okay, Kakashi, now that Obito has made a decision, you can walk all the way with his eyes." Minato Namikaze comforted Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded and said nothing more.


Soon, a month has passed.

The remaining problems of the Akatsuki organization have been resolved, and the Ninja World Alliance will inevitably be disbanded again. After all, the enemy has disappeared now, and the relationship between the countries has returned to the previous state.

Of course, there may be a little more understanding between them, but not much has changed.

In the Hokage Building in Konoha Village, the Land of Fire, Lai Luo and Tsunade discussed Lai Luo's inheritance of the position of the sixth Hokage in the Hokage office.

"Lei Luo-kun, everything has settled down now, I should step down from this position." Tsunade patted the armrest of the chair under him, looked at Lei Luo and said.

"No, Tsunade-sama, do you need to be in such a hurry?" Lai Luo obviously resisted a little.

Now that the Fourth Ninja World War has just ended, when there are a lot of messes, this Tsunade clearly wants to be lazy.

In Lai Luo's plan, he had to wait for Tsunade to finish his work before abdicating, so he had to take it slow.

And now that the Fourth Ninja World War has ended, the promise of the wedding of the three of them has to be put on the agenda.

Moreover, at that time, I only wanted to complete the system task and accepted Kaguya, but now how to arrange Kaguya's identity is a headache.

Tsunade pointed to the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, because he used the Baihao Technique when he fought Uchiha Madara before, so he consumed part of his vitality, and his face was a little older than before.

Probably from the old sister in her twenties to a mature woman in her thirties.

Then Tsunade said, "Look at the wrinkles at the corners of my eyes. If I continue to work on Hokage's position, it is estimated that I will become as old as the old man soon. I should take a good rest and take care of myself."

The old man Tsunade said was the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiizan. Now his life is very comfortable. He teaches his grandson at home every day. Under his discipline, Konoha Maru is not as naughty as in the original book.

After listening to Tsunade's words, Lai Luo nodded helplessly and replied, "Okay, then you have to report to the daimyo to inherit the position of Hokage. It will take at least a month for this to happen."

"Then two months later, the Hokage Succession Ceremony will be held in two months, and I will officially succeed as the sixth-generation Hokage, how about it?"

Tsunade watched and talked for so long, and Lai Luo finally let go, nodded and replied, "Okay! Two months is only two months!"

Lai Luo thought to himself, after two months, things in this village should be almost dealt with.

Now that the matter has been settled, there is no need for Lai Luo to stay in the Hokage office. Even if Tsunade tried his best to keep him and let him learn to deal with things by his side, Lai Luo resigned resolutely and left the Hokage building.

Lei Luo breathed a sigh of relief after walking out of the Hokage Building.

"Oh, I won't have such a leisurely life in the future..."

When Lai Luo returned to the psychic beast shop and saw that there was no one in the shop, it stands to reason that the few of them have nothing to do now, and they don't know where to go, even Kaguya is not there.

"It's not going to happen, is it?"

Lei Luo felt a tightness in his heart, and quickly turned on his five-vision omnipotence to look for the traces of the four girls in the village.

It turned out that these four people were actually shopping! !

"Oh, woman..."

Now that they were all fine, Lai Luo was relieved and returned to his room on the second floor.

Lying on the bed, Lai Luo finally had time to draw the lottery.

Thinking about not having a lottery for so long, I still feel a little itchy.

"System, I want to draw a lottery!"

Chapter 218 The Sixth Library Immortal Thief!

The system heard Lai Luo's call and replied, "Dear host, your current balance of god-level lottery points is 3 points, do you want to draw all of them?"

The system's way of replying made Lai Luo's head full of black lines, thinking of the immobile and unconnected customer service in his previous life, but Lai Luo still did not complain after all, after all, the lottery is the most important thing.

Lai Luo replied in his mind: "Draw them all! No! One by one!"

With Laylo's answer, three roulettes instantly appeared in his mind, but with Laylo's change of words, two more roulettes disappeared.

Then the roulette wheel stopped after a while, and six S-rank prizes appeared on it.

S-Class Weapon: One Punch

S-Class Item: Woodman's Fountain

S-level skill: Six library immortal thief

S-rank weapon: Zanpakutō*1 character

S-Class Item: Devil Fruit * Hormone Fruit

S-rank bloodline: Saiyan bloodline

Laidlaw is a little unfamiliar with many prizes on the roulette, but the system has some brief introductions to them.

One punch, from the world of vitality knights, is a type of fist weapon. Usually, it looks like a glove with a very good material, and it is not an S-rank reward at all. But it has a special ability, the user can continuously inject his own energy into the glove, the more energy injected, the greater the power of the punch.

The amount of energy that can be injected into one punch is almost unlimited. As long as enough energy is accumulated, it is not impossible to break stars with one punch. But every time the energy in it is used, it needs to be re-injected again.

The Woodcutter's Spring is a magical item from the world of Doraemon. This artifact looks like a children's swimming ring, but has an extremely rare rule-like ability.

The user can put any item into the Woodman's Fountain, and the Woodman's Fountain will spit out items two levels higher, and the items you put in will be returned to you.

For example: if you throw in an iron axe, the Woodcutter's Spring will spit out an iron axe and a silver axe. A golden axe.

Liuku Immortal Thief, from the world under one person, also known as Saint Thief. This was the one that Laidlaw most wanted out of these prizes. The effect of this ability is very simple, but it is also very crazy, that is, stealing the vitality of the world.

In particular, this ability has been optimized by the system. It can be said that as long as you have the ability of Liuku Immortal Thief, you will live the same life as heaven and earth.

Zanpakuto* is a word from the familiar world of death. It usually looks like a huge brush, and it can be used to perform spells similar to ghosts. For example, writing a \"hidden\" word on the Lingwang Palace can hide the Lingwang Palace, and writing a \"Feng\" can create an order. A barrier that humans cannot pass through.

Before liberation, the ability of the brush is \"kill the name but not the meat\", and it can attack the opponent and reduce half of its power. After liberation, the tip of the brush at the front of the brush will change into a blade, and the ability is still \"kill the name but not cut the meat\" but extends the black thing that can be touched by the blade\"loses its name\", if the opponent's weapon loses its name, it will not be able to play. its power.

And this Zanpakutō was an evolutionary Zanpakutō born long before the Swastika appeared in the world. After the swastika, it can \"carve a new name\" on the thing whose name has been erased by the first word, if you carve \"black ant\" on the cast object, the object will become as fragile as an ant Powerless.

Devil Fruit * Hormone Fruit, the magical devil fruit owned by the monster king Ivan in the world of One Piece, this fruit can control the body's body temperature, pigment, growth, and emotions, transform humans from the inside of the body, and even change their gender to become a new human being , which is the shemale.

Saiyan bloodline comes from the Dragon Ball world. In the Dragon Ball world, Saiyans are the strongest fighting nation in the universe, because Saiyans have great potential and their bloodline talent is very powerful.

As long as Saiyans are willing to practice, there is almost no upper limit. Moreover, the vitality is very tenacious, and the combat power will be greatly improved after each death and resurrection.

After Lai Luo understood the information about these prizes, the lottery began.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Six Library Immortal Thief!"

"Hahaha, very good!"

Lai Luo laughed wildly in his heart. Originally, he used the Light of Awakening to resurrect Minato Namikaze twice, and Kushina Uzumaki once, but it took 15 years of his lifespan.

Although he doesn't know how long he can live, fifteen years is not a small number.

However, now that Lei Luo has the Sixth Library Immortal Thief, he has the same longevity as heaven and earth. If Lei Luo is abnormal, he can completely make the enemy sit up in the coffin board.

Hey, if I go down with a knife, you're dead.

Hey, I have brought you back to life with another awakening light.

But when you got up, I stabbed you again and asked if you were angry.


Laiduo's mind flashed a lot of irritating thoughts. After a long time, he calmed down the excitement in his heart. After all, immortality has always been the eternal pursuit of human beings.

The immortality that Orochimaru has pursued for a lifetime has yet to find a way, but Lai Luo easily achieved it.

"Okay, system, let's start the second lottery draw!"

Following Lai Luo's order, another roulette wheel flew out of his mind.

After a garish, dazzling spin, the system wheel finally stopped.

I saw that the six prizes above are:

S-Class Weapon: Zanpakutō*Glass-colored peacock

S-level skill: Detention of spirits

S-Class Items: Devil Fruit * Mirror Fruit

S-Class Weapon: Zanpakutō * Onitomaru

S-Class Item: Random World Pass

S-level skill: Heaven and Earth Furnace

With the last lottery draw, Lai Luo didn't bother to check the information about these prizes one by one, such as Zanpakutō and Devil Fruit. Lai Luo already owns the Ice Wheel Pill, and also ate the Sparkling Fruit and the Buddha Fruit. These two Devil Fruits have no pursuit of these.

And the rest of the prizes are worth seeing.

Just like the Six Library Immortal Thieves that Lei Luo had just drawn, the generals sent by Ling Ling also came from a world under one person. The use of kuling sent will be able to manipulate the soul, and can temporarily borrow all the abilities of the soul during its lifetime.

It can even devour the soul, and can permanently gain some abilities of the soul.

The random world pass, the system does not show where the prize came from, but its function is very simple. After using the pass, it will randomly shuttle to another world.

The melting pot of heaven and earth comes from a fantasy world. This is a skill, but it can actually be called a magical power. He can smelt the abilities he has, fuse them, become more suitable for him, and become stronger.

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