
For some reason, looking at the two of them who were at peace in front of her, Leijiu, who should have been happy, felt that she couldn't be happy, and the strange emotions in her heart kept haunting her thoughts.

Kingdom of Jamal.

"What did you say? All my children were killed by the navy, and the only surviving Reiju was deceived by their rhetoric and joined the navy?"

As the commander-in-chief of Jemal 66, the king of the kingdom of Jemal, the head of the Vinsmoke family, Vinsmokegage, known as the strange bird Garuda, sat on his throne, with sadness and rage written on his face.

At this time, it was a burly man with a bun on the top of his head, a long nose, and a small head and a strong body who came to transmit information to him.

Facing the Jemal 66 Corps, known as the evil army, this man did not show any fear in his eyes, and even ridiculed and ridiculed it because of this incident.

Even so, Jiazhi, who has always been vindictive, did not dare to say a word to blame. All of this was because of that man, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea, the top cadre of the BIGMOM Pirates, and one of the Four Dessert Generals. Charlotte Snag.

"Lord King, something happened!"

At this moment, a soldier suddenly came running in a panic, and knelt down and knelt down at Jiazhi's feet.

"If it's about a few His Royal Highnesses, forget it."

Facing Gage's words, the soldier shook his head frantically, but the panic in his eyes did not diminish by half.

"In the end what happened?"

"In the depths of the North Sea, that sleeping monster was wiped out!"

"You said the North Sea Giant Monster was wiped out?"

This time, the scene instantly quieted down. Whether it was the soldier, Gage, or Charlotte Snag, there was a deep shock on their faces.

In the hearts of the Beihai people, the North Sea Giant Monster has always been an invincible existence, the devil sent by God to suppress the North Sea.

But now, the demon has been wiped out. Note that this is not a defeat, but an eradication, a real killing, and it was done by a human being.

"How is this possible, the North Sea Giant Monster is an existence that even mothers dare not provoke easily."

Sherlock Snag still didn't quite believe the soldier's words. After all, he didn't see it with his own eyes. Just relying on the news spread by people would be deified to some extent, and it had a great initial entry with the reality.

Defeating the North Sea Monster is not a difficult task for BIGMOM, but if it is eliminated, it will not be more difficult and can be summed up.

Like this extremely vengeful creature, once the weeds and roots are not cut down, the future troubles will most likely be that the whole family will be buried in the endless abyss below the sea.

"Are you sure you're telling the truth? What's that human being called?"

"Laylo, a navy."


When Gage and Snag heard the name, they both read a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

This name sounds so familiar, as if it was just mentioned not long ago... Wait a minute, Navy Laylo, it's him!

After a few seconds of silence, both Gage and Snag remembered who the Navy Laylo was.

The person who killed the three royal highnesses of the Jemal Kingdom and tricked the eldest princess into joining the navy was not called Lai Luo.

"How could this be? When did such a powerful person appear in the Navy?"

The expression on Gage's face became more and more ugly.

The Vinsmoke family was already under surveillance by the navy for illegal scientific research projects. Under this premise, they still had close contacts with the BIGMOM Pirates.

Why is this? It's not that the navy's strength has plummeted after the top war, coupled with the development of the big conscription and the madness of the pirates, they naturally can't separate their minds to take care of the Vinsmoke family.

But now, with the emergence of a strong man like Lai Luo, all this has been changed.

"General Snag, I don't know why you came here this time?"

As for the highest-ranking cadre of the BIGMOM Pirates in front of him, Jiazhi naturally wanted to deal with him in a few words, and then left, so that even if the navy came, he would definitely die without any evidence.

"You are lucky. Mom thought of getting your technology, so she ordered my brother Katakuri to predict your luck."

"What is the prediction result of General Katakuri?"

"Three days from now, you will be annihilated, and it will be your beloved daughter Leiju with a powerful navy. Now it seems that it is no longer necessary to say who the navy is."

After hearing Katakuri's prediction from Snag's mouth, Gage's previously feigned look of heartache was replaced by an emotionless indifference.

In Jiazhi's eyes, the family is nothing but chess pieces. As long as the family can regain control of the North Sea, everyone can disappear anytime, anywhere, even his own sons and daughters, he will not have a trace of heartache.

This is Vinsmoke Gadge, a man who admires strength and power and hates kindness and weakness, but in order to create a righteous image in the eyes of the world, he always pretends to be a kind father and a gentle gentleman.

Now his daughter is going to take the navy to destroy the family. In this case, he doesn't need to act anymore.

"Snager, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't I say, you are lucky."

"You are playing word games with me. Do you believe that from now on, the BIGMOM Pirates will only have three dessert stars?"

"Hehe, if you do that, the four generals will still be the four generals, but the kingdom of Jamal will be crushed by the anger of her mother and wiped from the world."


Having said that, Gage snorted softly and chose silence.

"I said that your luck is good, my brother asked me to come, just to protect you."

Chapter 266 Recruitment from Pirates

The North Sea, the strongest sea among the four major sea areas, has a warship, which is rapidly advancing under the desperate drag of the four-headed sea kings.

"Reiju, are you sure that the Kingdom of Jemal is in this direction? What if you make a mistake?"

The location of the Jemal Kingdom has always been a big problem for Tina.

Because this country is not built on an island like an ordinary kingdom, but a land supported by a giant snail on its back, a country that can move at will on the sea.

"Well, I can sense the location of the family, but these sea kings have been on their way for a whole day and night. Will they suddenly bite the rope and escape? Our warship has run out of fuel."

Hearing Leiju's worry, not only Lei Luo and Tina were shocked, but also the four sea kings.

That's right, it's just ordinary hemp rope that binds them. If it's special, it's just a little thicker. In front of their sharp minions, it's just soft tofu.

Since you can't beat the man on the deck, can you escape?

After a short silence, the four sea kings bit each other's hemp ropes, but just as they were about to dive into the sea and return to the embrace of the mother sea, four golden lights roared and turned into shackles. They are bound in it.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Lai Luo waved his hand again, and four golden light chains spread out from his palm, connecting the four sad sea kings and the naval warship.

The warship traveled for hundreds of meters and disappeared in place. A submarine suddenly surfaced on the sea, with a large one-eyed skull drawn on its side.

"Boss, it's the navy who shot out the bells and whistles. I saw with my own eyes that he put an end to the myth of the sea, the giant monster of the North Sea."

"To catch up, whether it's wealth or women, I can give him everything, even if it is the position of the deputy captain of our One-eyed Pirates, of course, provided that he agrees to join us."

In the submarine, a thin middle-aged man with a huge scar on his chest sat in the captain's seat and said slowly.

Time passed, and another day and night passed.

It seems that they felt humiliated. The four sea kings chose to kill each other and understood each other's lives. Even if the corpse was drowned in the sea and the sea was stained with blood, they would not act as a leg for these people.

"It's over, what's going on here?"

Looking at the scarlet sea in front of him, Lai Luo couldn't help feeling his head was big.

The blood of the four-headed sea kings is like a warning. Not only are their kin quickly fleeing this area, but even the larger marine creatures smell the danger and stay away.

Lei Luo, who was standing on the deck, opened the Jiugou Jade Reincarnation Sharingan and looked around, not even a small fry could be seen.

"I'm still blaming you for being too brutal. I've said it before. When we go to bed at night, let the four of them rest for a while. It's better for you to let them travel 24 hours a day. This kind of treatment will be accepted by everyone. Nope."

Tina also sighed helplessly.

Now, even if they ask for assistance from the headquarters, they have to wait at least a week.

Leaving these aside, there are not many things and fresh water left. In addition, it happens to be the world of the sea kings. Looking up, there is only an endless sea, not even a small island.

"It's a pity that all the fish around here have run away, otherwise... Huh? Lei Luo, Major General Tina, look, there seems to be something floating on the bottom of the sea!"

While the navigator on the warship was sighing, he suddenly saw a shadow under the sea that gradually enlarged. This picture had a feeling of deja vu.

That's right, when I met the North Sea Giant Monster, it was exactly the same as the current scene, but the movement was much bigger at that time.

"Great, no matter what kind of monster he is, you wait, I'll go down and catch it up!"

Laylo, who smelled the smell of the means of transportation, rolled up his sleeves, but just as he was about to jump into the sea, he saw an iron sight glass first emerge from the sea.

"What are you doing, it turned out to be a human, making me happy for nothing!"

Lei Luo, who felt a little lost, suddenly thought that he could borrow some fuel from the other party. Just when he turned around and planned to let Tina talk to the middleman in the submarine, he saw the solemn faces of everyone.

Laylo, who noticed something was wrong, turned his head again. At this moment, all the submarines had surfaced, and the huge one-eyed skull pattern above was instantly brought into view.


This was the message that popped out of Laylo's mind.

Perhaps for others, this situation would be aggravated by the pirates, but in Lai Luo's eyes, it really came from God's blessing.

Since the other party is a pirate and he is a navy, there seems to be nothing wrong with killing people and taking fuel.

"Tina, why are you pulling me?"

Just when Lei Luo was about to start, Tina suddenly pulled him.

"That's the One-eyed Pirates. Their captain, One-eyed, is a terrifying existence with a bounty of 800 million Baileys."

After hearing Tina's explanation, a look of confusion appeared on Lai Luo's face.

800 million Bailey, doesn't that mean that it is higher than Ace, but why have you never heard of the existence of this character in the original book?

Seeming to understand the confusion in Lai Luo's eyes, Tina continued to explain: "One-Eyed is a big pirate who fought for wind and rain in the North Sea 20 years ago. At that time, he was captured by the hero Karp himself and detained in the sixth floor of the submarine prison in the city. , it was because of the war at the top that he narrowly escaped."

As soon as he heard the sixth floor of the underwater prison, Lai Luo's expression also changed subtly.

That is the place where Shiki the Golden Lion, Ace the Fire Fist, Jinping the Sea Hero, and Doflamingo who will be defeated by Luffy in the future are imprisoned.

Few outsiders know about the sixth floor of the underwater prison, but among the navies, there is a saying that the pirates active in the sea are not necessarily strong, but as long as they are detained in the sixth floor The criminals of the highest level must be the great pirates with the greatest prestige and strength on the sea.

"Junior Navy, although I don't know your name, I invite you to join my pirate group now. Remember, this is an invitation from Lord One-Eyed. There are not many people in the world who can enjoy this treatment."

Looking at this one-eyed man who usually praises himself for his strength, Lei Luo rolled his eyes.

If he were to follow such a disgusting captain, he was really afraid that the pirate group would be disbanded the next day because the captain died.

Chapter 267 Destroy the remnants of the old era!

"This is an invitation from the one-eyed adult. There are not many people in the world who have this kind of treatment~"

Lai Luo imitated the one-eyed tone and said, and after he finished speaking, his whole body was shaken, and he gave the one-eyed a blank look.

"Hahaha, good boy, with the spirit of my youth, you have the exact same expression as when I refused to be Kaido's co-captain."


As soon as he heard the name, Lai Luo suddenly set his eyes on the one-eyed middle-aged man with a kind smile.

Unexpectedly, this person is still in contact with Kaido. Could it be that he was once a member of the Rocks Pirates?

"Kid, I know that you killed several children of the Vinsmoke family. If you choose to join my pirate group, I think Lingling will not only forgive you for being on the same ship in the past, but will also marry you. Your beautiful daughter."

After Kaido, I heard Lingling again. Either the navy soldiers were so frightened that their legs were weak, or they would have found a place to hide long ago.

Those two are two of the four emperors on the sea today!

"What if I say no?"

"Then I have to kill all your companions, and then give you to Lingling."

"Have you been locked up for a long time and your brain is not working well? Why do you like to brag so much?"

Facing Laylo's cynicism, the smile on the one-eyed man's face became more and more prosperous.

"Like, it's really too similar, you are just like me when I was young, the same strong, the same arrogance!"

"Like your mother, I'm not a one-eyed guy with a high self-esteem."

"You mean this eye? This is the medal left by Whitebeard in the initial defeat, but it's a pity that he has already gone one step ahead."

Whitebeard, another Four Emperor-level figure!

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