After Akainu killed Ace in front of Garp, he often used Ace as the representative of those sinful pirates, and Sengoku also tried to persuade him to no avail.

Since he couldn't do the thinking of the young man, he had no choice but to work on his life-and-death brother.

However, the answer is obviously useless.

"I'm getting old, and my combat power has declined a little compared to when I was young. I'm really afraid that one day I won't be able to hold you back, and the navy will become leaderless."

"Don't worry about this, in case the old man really can't hold back and kill Sakaski, isn't there still you and Cyborg empty, and if it's not good, let the kid from Kizaru bear it first."

Calling the Admiral a kid, even if you look at the whole world, not many people have the courage to do so.

At this moment, two figures came slowly, it was Colonel Kirby and Major Beilu Mabe.

"Teacher, the Lai Luo you are concerned about broke the Dao force detector with just one finger today, and has now been brought to the office by Marshal Akainu."

Even though it has been a while since this incident, there is still some hard-to-hide shock in Kirby's voice.

As soon as he heard that the Dao Power Detector was smashed by someone's finger, Garp got up at once, and even Sengoku, who had always been calm, the fishing rod in his hand shook a few times.

That is the latest instrument built by the Navy Headquarters. Even if its physical strength is stronger than Garp, it can only leave a few tiny cracks on it. That young man named Lai Luo is so fierce!

"Hey, it looks like the Navy has found a great kid."

A few seconds later, Karp grinned, stood up and walked towards the headquarters from Gu Zi.

"Keby, Belumeb, you two are fishing with these old men!"

As the person who knows Garp best, Sengoku naturally understands that Garp wants to test the depth of Lai Luo.

However, Lai Luo is now in the marshal's office, and if Garp and Akainu have any more quarrels alone, with Garp's violent temper...

The Warring States simply did not dare to continue to think about it.

"Oh? Is there another powerful newcomer in the navy?"

The secret base of the revolutionary army, Long put down the phone bug in his hand.

"Teacher, do you mean that I can finally take action?"

Beside the dragon, a young man with wavy blonde hair and a scar on his left eye smiled confidently.

"Sabo, wait a minute, the time is not yet ripe."

"Hey, it's been a long time since I went out to see it."

Sabo rested his chin and looked at the familiar sea through the window, tears gradually forming in his eyes.

In that direction, Ace was lying quietly in the grave, and he, as his brother, hadn't gone to visit until now.

There is also the crybaby who has been following behind him and Ace since he was a child. I heard that he is practicing with Raleigh, the king of the underworld. I don’t know if he still remembers another brother named Sabo.

Cake Island.

"That kid named Lai Luo must be resolved as soon as possible to avoid serious trouble in the future!"

Looking at the picture from the TV bug in front of him, although Perospero still had that smile on his face, the cold killing intent that pervaded his smile still had nowhere to hide.

That's right, the navy has eyeliners all over the place by pirates.

The big conscription is indeed the best way to fill the losses of the navy, but it is precisely because the world is mixed with fish and dragons, coupled with the government's order to win over the strong by any means, the navy at this time has already been dominated by the spies of the major pirates and the revolutionary army. all over.

For navy rookie Laylo, it is now spreading on this sea.

"The coronation ceremony will be held for you next week. Recently, stay at the headquarters and don't run around."

After talking with Lai Luo for a long time, Akainu became more and more pleasing to the boy who yearned for justice.

What he didn't know was that all of this was what Laylo wanted him to see.

As for Laylo's desire to form a navy of his own, as well as the Hailou assimilation gas and the technology of the Kingdom of Jemal that he quietly mastered, Akainu knew nothing about it.

Chapter 280 The Good Show Begins

good play begins

Laylo, who walked out of the office alone, looked at the huge naval headquarters, and his pride became more and more high.

Soon, a brand new navy will appear here, a navy with the world's top equipment, and its combat effectiveness is not weaker than the powerful navy of the Four Emperors.

"Boy, are you Lai Luo?"

Just as Lai Luo was contemplating his future ambitions, an old and **** voice entered his ears.

Hearing the sound, it was the naval hero Garp who came!

"Lieutenant General Garp, I wonder if you are looking for me for something?"

As a newcomer who has just joined the navy, the only thing worth noting is that he has been appointed as an admiral by default, but this is obviously unknown to Garp, so what exactly is Garp's intention.


Before Lai Luo could continue to ask, Garp in the distance casually picked up a stone the size of a fist, raised his arms, and attacked Lai Luo like a cannonball.

Did this happen as soon as we met?

As soon as the thought appeared in Lai Luo's mind, he subconsciously raised his hand and firmly caught the stone.

Terrible brute force!

Feeling the numbness that spread from the palm to the shoulder, Lei Luo couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This is just a simple collision, and it is enough to show that the naval hero is not a vain name.

"Okay, what about this?"

I saw Garp's figure disappeared instantly. According to the stone bricks that had been turned to dust under his previous location, this seemed to be a shave in the Navy's Sixth Form.

However, when can the speed of shaving reach such a speed?

The crisis signal in his mind suddenly sounded, driving Lei Luo's body to make a subconscious reaction to escape and dodge.

As for why he didn't use elementalization to avoid damage, because the power of the index finger that attacked him was completely dyed by the rich and deep pitch black, it was the ultimate armed domineering!

"Lieutenant General Garp, what do you mean?"

The figure turned into a little bit of golden light, and Lei Luo, who was more than ten meters away, asked with a sullen face.

However, Garp's answer to him was only a pair of pitch-black giant fists that appeared in front of him in an instant!

"If that's the case, then you have to be careful!"

The fist wrapped in golden light was extremely dazzling, like a crystal diamond, and like a falling star. Lei Luo didn't keep his hand, and he didn't dare to keep his hand.


The unpretentious pitch-black fists ripped apart the air and collided with the slightly fancy golden light.

In an instant, two unrivaled fighting spirits clashed, the fierce fist wind suppressed the space, and the ruthless force ripped apart the earth, and even the sky trembled faintly.

As time passed, energy ripples visible to the naked eye gushed out from the bodies of the two, and continued to spread around.

"The overlord is domineering!"

The Warring States who had just arrived saw the vision at the moment, his eyes gradually narrowed slightly, and he stood quietly aside, as if he had no intention of blocking it.

At this moment, he also wanted to know the depth of this young man who was so valued by Akainu, who was invincible to Beihai in Tina's mouth.

"Boy, the strength is not bad, as expected to be able to smash the Dao force detector with one blow."

"You are really old and strong!"

Laylo, who was a few meters away from Garp, stood with his hands behind his back. On the surface, he looked calm, but his right hand was constantly trembling, and there was a faint light flickering on it.

Obviously, the front of this blow was tough, and because of the domineering and domineering of the armed color, Lei Luo secretly suffered a lot of losses.

"Even with the blessing of light therapy, can't I use my right hand again in a short time?"

After feeling a little bit about his own situation, Lai Luo calmed down and began to think about the battle plan.

Head-to-head is obviously Garp's strength. In front of so many people, no matter whether it is in the form of Susanoo, the Buddha, or the Godzilla mode, it can't be exposed. The advantage is maximized.


With a light sound, Zanpakutō Binglunwan appeared out of thin air in Lai Luo's hand. He held the knife in his left hand, his spine like a sword, and his eyes gradually became cold.

"Is he still a swordsman? This kid is hiding deep enough!"

Sengoku became more and more interested in this newcomer to the navy.

The next moment, Lei Luo moved, swung the long knife, and the half-moon-shaped knife qi ripped through the air. On the way, it turned into a sharp ice, as if it would cut everything in half!

At the same time, Lai Luo's figure swayed, and a large number of light spots appeared behind Garp's back to solidify again.


Facing the front and back of the attack, Garp calmly and calmly folded his arms around his chest and stood quietly in the same place, not even using the domineering armament.

Seeing this, Lai Luo chuckled lightly, and he seemed to be underestimated.

Iron block, this move in the Navy's Six Forms is said to be invincible, and it is the absolute strongest shield in the eyes of the Navy.

But it is precisely because of the trust in this move that countless navies have lost their lives because of it.


At the moment when the long knife in Laylo's hand came into contact with Garp's fleshly body, the aura of the hard ice knife came as promised, and the humming sound like the collision of steel continued for a long time.

The blasting sound of rumbling sounded again, and the ice blade gas shattered, and Lei Luo did not hesitate at all when he saw this, and flashed a few meters away in a flash.

On the other hand, Garp at the moment was still standing still.

This is Karp, the founder of Navy Six, an existence who has trained Navy Six to the extreme!

Lei Luo's brows wrinkled even more, with the tiger's mouth in his left hand aching, and relying only on physical strength to fight, the gap between the two is still too big!

"Boy, if you only care about this, I'm afraid the Navy's high-level expectations of you are a little too high!"

Karp chuckled, he knew very well that Laidlaw still had a stronger hole card that he hadn't used.

Facing Garp's aggressive tactics, Laiduo shook his head helplessly and put away the Zanpakutō Hingren pill.

"Since you want to see it, I won't hide it anymore. However, I don't use this trick often, so you may need to wait for a while."

After the words fell, Lai Luo slowly closed his eyes, his breathing gradually became steady, but the whole person's spirit was constantly rising, and soon reached a critical point.

"This momentum, I am afraid that it is Garp, Roger and Whitebeard of this age group, they can't compare with this kid!"

Sengoku, who was watching the battle, found a place to sit down at will, no longer speaking, just watching quietly.

"What is the true strength of Lai Luo?"

Those who were not stunned by the domineering arrogance released by Laylo and Karp earlier also occupied various commanding heights at this moment, waiting for the next real good show.

Chapter 281 Fighting Garp


After more than ten seconds, Lai Luo slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. At this time, when he opened his eyes, the flickering light in his eyes announced that he had reached his final form.

However, it didn't end there.

"Eight-door Dunjia, open!"

With a stern shout coming from Lei Luo's mouth, a light flashed between his eyebrows, and then the breath that had already climbed to the peak broke through again!

A terrifying aura erupted from Lei Luo's body and shot straight into the sky, but even so, there was still a strange force that continuously impacted the acupuncture points in his body.

"Is it not over yet?"

Feeling the changes in Lai Luo, Kap's fighting spirit that had not been ignited for a long time was also ignited at this moment.

Open the door, the body door, the life door, the injury door, the Du door, the Jing door!

Lei Luo opened six doors in a row, and the body was surrounded by thick green rays of light. Even if he stood still at the moment, he gave people the kind of divine power that could shake the Nine Bulls with a single gesture!

Activate the armed color domineering!

Before Lai Luo could act, Garp's body had already instinctively completed the full-body armed domineering.

In the next moment, Lai Luo and Garp made a very tacit movement. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see clearly. They could only judge their position based on the sound of sonic booms that sounded from time to time.


The two of them who suddenly appeared were in a state of slamming fists, but what was strange was that the destructive power caused by the collision after raising the breath to the peak was actually not as good as before.

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