puff quack quack...

"Laylo, I'll go take a call first, I'll talk about it later."

Facing Sabo who was waving away at him, Laylo just nodded, and then turned his eyes to the dying Captain Badgers of the Blackbeard Pirates No.

Chapter 317 SS Level Reward: Accumulation of Corpse Qi!

"Leader of the Peacemaker Alliance, former Admiral of the Navy, Evil Eye Lei Luo..."

Looking at the young man slowly walking towards him, Badgers forced out a weird smile.

"Oh? Are you still alive?"

Lai Luo grinned, and a laser beam shot out from his fingertips, and a corpse was added on the ground.

"Laylo, you're looking for me... eh? Where's the person?"

East China Sea, Alliance of Peacemakers.

"System, draw a lottery!"

The familiar wheel reappeared, still with six rewards.

S-level skill: Reincarnation.

S-Class Weapon: Dawn Bow.

SS-level skills: Accumulate corpse gas.

S-Class Item: Lava Fruit.

SSS-level props: Zhenshi Rune.

SS-level skills: Five Thunders.

Reincarnation, the ultimate move of the Iron Armor Wraith Mordekaiser in the League of Heroes, its effect is to create a different-dimensional space enchantment, forcibly drag itself and the target into it, and the user steals the opponent's attributes.

The system has been strengthened, and the duration of the alien space enchantment can be customized according to the user's mind. In addition, stealing the opponent's attributes is replaced by depriving the opponent of an ability, such as devil fruit, domineering, pupil art, etc.

The Bow of Dawn, the most expensive weapon and equipment in the glory of the king, can make the user ignore 40% of the defense of being attacked. After the system is strengthened, the arrow of the Bow of Dawn can condense all materials, and has its own armed color. Domineering coverage and automatic aiming function.

The accumulation of corpse energy comes from the ability of the Cancer family in the myth of Saint Seiya Pluto. This is the ability that can only be controlled by the underworld Pluto. It can arbitrarily manipulate the souls of living beings, and in a single thought, it can detonate the souls of others.

In addition, this reward comes with the skill Accumulation of Corpse Qi Netherworld Wave. The corpse qi ghost Cangyan and the corpse qi soul are buried.

Lava fruit, the absolute king of fire fruits, is also the top existence of nature devil fruits, with the strongest destructive power of all devil fruits.

Since this Devil Fruit comes from the system, the sequelae of becoming a landlubber is ignored.

The world-suppressing talisman, a one-time consumable item, comes from a different world, and is the work of one of the great powers. Once the talisman comes out, one world can be sealed between the palms, the palms can be exchanged, and the fingers can be exchanged. The world is broken.

Five Lei Zhengfa, also known as Lei Fa. Thunder is the most righteous and mighty force in the world, and it is the nemesis of all demons and evil spirits. Once the thunder law comes out, it will definitely eliminate the injustice in the world, and create a bright world!

And the end of Lei Fa is one of the five thunders.

The five thunders are the chaotic gods and thunders in charge of the endless void, the gods of the gods, the gods of Pangu, the gods of Zixiao, the gods of the gods, the gods of Zixiao, the gods of Taiyu created by Sanqing, and the sanctification of the gods of thunder. God Thunder.

"Damn it, my character has exploded?"

Even Lai Luo himself couldn't believe that in this lottery, there were actually two SS-level rewards that were rarely seen in the past, and there was even one SSS-level reward that fascinated him the most.

In this way, three of the six rewards are above the existence of S-rank, in other words, he has a 50% probability of obtaining power beyond the limit of human beings.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the SS-level skill: Accumulate Corpse Qi!"


At the moment when the system's prompt sounded, Laidlaw even suspected that he was dreaming.

The SS-level reward for accumulating corpse qi, just by virtue of this ability, is more than the sum of all the rewards he has received from his entire body.

In the story line of the Pluto myth, there are not a few people who can shake the gods with the strength of mortals, but there are only three people who can seal the first-level gods, and these three people are all It has an inextricable relationship with Cancer, who masters the accumulation of corpses.

This alone is enough to prove the horror of this ability!

Lei Luo, who was extremely excited, slowly raised his hand and looked at the beating blue flames at his fingertips, with an undisguised ecstasy on his face!

"The corpse gas underworld wave is activated!"

As Lai Luo mobilized the power in his body, everything in front of him instantly became blurred, and when he could see everything clearly again, a line of large characters appeared.

The entrance to the underworld, Huangquan Hirazaka!

"Is this the place where souls come after death?"

After whispering a word, Laidlaw continued to walk forward.

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

"Just for a mere Doflamingo, the whole world is going around in circles. If you are doing this kind of thing, then what kind of face do I have as a marshal!"

The furious Akainu stared at the five old men sitting on the sofa in front of him. If it wasn't for rationality that still bound his thoughts, I'm afraid this place would have been turned into ruins by now.

"Your face? Sakaski, don't take you too seriously!"

"Hmph, your navy is just the outermost face of the world government. When do we five old stars do things, when do we need you to tell us what to do?"

The five tyrannical breaths struck instantly, even if it was as strong as Akainu, it was a little bit overwhelming at the moment, and dense sweat permeated from the tensed body.

Facing the Five Old Stars, although Akainu is not sure that he can defeat them all, but if he just runs away, he still has absolute confidence in himself.

However, in this Holy Land Mary Joa, the most terrifying person has always been hidden here, that is a person who even Garp is not sure he can defeat, the head of the world government - Lord Im!

"Since we don't need our navy, from now on, you can hand over the task of dealing with pirates to your immediate unit CP. As long as you agree, the navy can be disbanded today!"

After hesitating for a while, Akainu still roared out his thoughts.

"You still have the face to mention pirates? Where is the green pheasant now? Do you have any points in your heart!"

"Kuzan has long since quit the Navy, and all his actions have nothing to do with the Navy!"

At this moment, the Five Old Stars couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts.

The marshal of the navy is just a puppet in their hearts. Although he cannot be arbitrarily executed, he can be replaced by an obedient dog at any time to be competent for this position!

Da da da…

Just when the momentum between the two sides was about to explode completely, a CP member rushed over.

"Lord Five Old Stars, Marshal Sakaski, report!"

Seeing that the visitor was so flustered, Akainu glanced at the five old stars with disdain.

"Say something!"

The long-haired Wu Laoxing snorted lightly, and the anger under his voice almost wanted to be released crazily.

"The Don Quixote family, where Doflamingo belonged, was wiped out by the Straw Hat Luffy and his allies, the death surgeon Luo and his gang, and Dressrosa was turned into a ruin without a single place. land!"

"What! That kid..."

Chapter 318 The proposal of the green pheasant

"In addition, the images of this battle have been spread all over the world, and all the crimes of Doflamingo have also been known to the world!"


Just as the CP official finished speaking, the sandalwood table beside the bald five old star collapsed and shattered.

Doflamingo, once a member of the Tianlong people, one of the seven Wuhais under the king, controls many industries around the world, and both black and white are his world.

The founder of the population auction on the first island of Chambord, the clown who smuggles and sells a large number of arms in the underground world, the secret person who provides artificial devil fruit for Kaido...

These countless titles belong directly to Doflamingo.

Behind these black industries, there are the birth of slaves, endless wars and even more powerful pirates.

However, the five old stars have always watched his small actions. The reason why they didn't arrest Brother Ming was because of the panic that Brother Ming brought to the world. First, he could better serve the Tianlong people. Second It can unscrupulously raise people's taxes, and in addition, it can effectively contain some high-level naval officials who are single-minded about justice.

But now, the fall of Doflamingo means that all this will end.

"Sakaski, order the entire navy to arrest the Straw Hats and Luos!"

Because of the influence of this incident, the five old stars who were involved in their interests also regained their composure.

"You don't need to worry about the navy, Doflamingo, don't even think about getting out of the underwater prison in this life!"

Akainu snorted softly, turned around and left, leaving only an unextinguished cigar on the carpet in the room.

The unpleasant smell of tobacco and fur burning together made the eyes of the Five Old Stars flash with a strong killing intent.

Alliance of Peacemakers.

"Gerges, I feel that you, who are powerful in the Eight Gates of Dunjia, have completely ignored your Devil Fruit advantages. This will only magnify the shortcoming of turning you into a landlubber. Do you understand what I mean?"

Lai Luo, who had returned from the underworld, pointed at Gedges, who was cultivating, and appeared in a secret room with a flash.

Here, is the most hidden secret of the entire Peacemaker Alliance. Except for the staff inside and Lai Luo himself, even Anilu and Master Yi are not aware of it.

And this, all because there is a man here who should have died long ago, Vinsmoke Gadge!


"No need to salute, this time I brought back something new, you can try to incorporate it into the super soldier bloodline factor."

After the words fell, a light blue flame suddenly ignited in Lai Luo's empty palm. Among them, there seemed to be a few small people-like air masses lying there quietly.

These little people are not other things, it is the soul that Lei Luo found after going through untold hardships in the underworld, the soul of the saints of another world!

Lei Luo, who thought he had come to the underworld of the pirate world with the help of accumulated corpse energy, accidentally found an ancient tree with 108 black and gold fruits hanging on it after walking a distance, and immediately told him, This is the underworld, the underworld of the Saint Seiya world!

"Master, these little people you brought are not genes and cannot carry any bloodline factors. However, these little people seem to be composed of countless fragments, and there is a method of casting armor hidden in them."

After some research, Gage frowned and said to Laidlaw.

How to cast armor?

Could it be the holy garment that represents the power of the constellation?

Lei Luo, who suddenly thought of something, leaned in front of the instrument in front of Jiazhi, peeping at the fragments contained in the little people, the smile on his face became more and more hideous.

"Jage, can you make these armors with the current technology?"

Thinking that soon, he will be sitting on a group of troops with eight armors, wearing armor that can be fused with the power of the constellations, and Lai Luo's heart is pounding.

If everything can really develop according to his expectations, then it is only a matter of time before the four emperors are dismounted.

"Master, the forging method of these armors is not difficult, just those materials..."

"What materials are needed, just say it and I'll get it done."

"The materials needed to make these armors are the stars that make up the constellations in the universe!"

The stars in the universe, this concept may be a distant term for other people. It can be in front of Lai Luo, but it only takes some effort, not impossible.

After all, Anilu once lived on the moon, and Laylo also obtained a secret method from the system that can be discarded in a vacuum state. No matter how bad it is, he can rely on the fruit ability of Gedges to roam freely in the universe.

As for the only problem now, how to bring those huge stars back.

"Master, these armors cannot be mass-produced, and each constellation can only correspond to one pair of armor."

Jage suddenly said a word and directly helped Laylo solve all the current problems.

"You are here to familiarize yourself with the method of forging armor, and I will be back soon."

At this moment, a corner of the empty island.

"Admiral, Badgers' life card is also..."

Poison Q looked at the burning paper in front of him, and didn't even dare to look up at Blackbeard who was in a rage.

A newcomer who suddenly appeared in Beihai completely broke the plan he had planned for his whole life. Even Tickey's mentality was unacceptable.

In the past, the Blackbeard Pirates, who used to be imposing on the sea, now only have four people left. With such a gap, others have already collapsed.

"Lei Luo, when I meet you next time, it will be your death!"

Titch gritted his teeth and said that even the fat face could not stop the bulging veins.

"Hey hey, Tiki, this is what you call evil retribution. You who betrayed your father will be killed by Lei Luo sooner or later!"

Margao, whose whole body was intact, but his spirit was extremely weak, sneered and sneered.


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