
A dull crashing sound suddenly sounded.

Xiaonan just felt her body being thrown away, and then saw the world turn upside down. When she reacted, she realized that she had fallen into someone else's arms.

Xiaonan was startled at first by this violent scene, then her cheeks quickly turned red and she hurriedly broke away from Qin Yu's arms.

She lived in a time of war, but she knew clearly what the difference between men and women was.

Even when facing Yahiko and Nagato, she didn't feel as distracted as before.

"Aren't you going to say thank you?" Qin Yu smiled playfully: "I saved you."

"Thank you."

Xiaonan couldn't help but be stunned. This was the first time she saw someone being so shameless as to say thank you.

However, what Xiaonan couldn't imagine the most was that she really said it out of nowhere.

However, this seemingly flirtatious scene made the Tu Zi and the Bamboo Clan leader present feel like they were being slapped in the face.

If the Earth Spider's plan was seen through, then the leader of the Taketori clan was the prey that slipped away under his nose.

Especially being teased by a dude they didn't care about just a moment ago.

This is simply a shame for him.

"Boy, you have completely angered me." Chief Zhutori's face darkened and he roared angrily.

“If you don’t do it now, then when will you wait!”

The awe-inspiring words echoed, causing everyone's expressions to change dramatically.

They thought this was just a one-sided battle, but they never imagined that there would be so many twists and turns.

"Haha, Taketori, I thought that you alone could catch all these guys in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect that you would let me take action." An unbridled laughter suddenly sounded.

A figure, like a ghost, instantly rushed behind Qin Yu.

The bee-cone-like weapon in his hand was stained with purple venom, emitting an inexplicable stench.

The violent scene shook everyone's nerves, and even Xiaonan's expression changed drastically.

She never thought that the venomous wasps that had been tit-for-tat with the earth spiders just now would emerge at this critical moment.

"Lord Xiaonan, be careful!" Cangmu called out urgently.

Xiaonan's expression tightened when he heard this, and when he looked over hastily, he realized that the leader of the Taketori clan had become violent.

Without any time to think, he quickly threw out seven or eight kunai with his backhand.

At the same time, his hands flew up and formed a series of magic seals.

Paper spear!

Xiaonan shouted, and a large piece of white paper quickly flew out of her body, and the next moment it condensed into a spear.

As Xiaonan's fingers suddenly clenched, the paper spear shot through the air towards the leader of the Taketori clan in an instant.

"Little girl, your ninjutsu is really surprising, but if you want to defeat me with these three-legged cat skills, you are still too naive." The leader of the Taketori clan smiled ferociously.

Looking at the incoming attack, he didn't take it to heart at all. The moment the meteor hit, it hit him head on.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The crisp sound of metal collision echoed, and sparks even flew out.

The shuriken was knocked out of the air, and the paper spear was knocked away with the backhand of the leader of the Taketori clan.

The distance of tens of meters, in this rampage situation, is only a few breaths.

Xiaonan was dumbfounded as he watched his attack being instantly disintegrated.

Feeling a tightening in his shoulders, his big hands were clasped directly on his shoulders, and he was taken flying down seven or eight meters away.

"You should just stand aside and not hinder others from fighting." Qin Yu said calmly.

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