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Chapter 139 The Uchiha Clan’s Forced Concubine

Konoha Ninja Village, inside the Hokage's office.

The three major consultants are gathered here.

However, compared to Mito Mono and Koharu, Danzo, with half his body wrapped in bandages, looked a bit miserable.

The only remaining left eye was staring directly at the Third Hokage in the first place, making the atmosphere extremely depressing.

Jiraiya and Tsunade, standing aside, fell into silence, glancing at the teacher from time to time.

"Sarutobi, what's wrong? Haven't you found the whereabouts of Uchiha Qinyu yet?" Danzo said with a sneer.

"You kept promising that he would not defect, and it has been three days now."

"I told you a long time ago that the Uchiha are an evil clan. This is what the teacher said that day. Have you forgotten it?"

Having said this, Danzo looked at Jiraiya and said, "If you cooperated with me that day, he would have nowhere to escape."

"Now those lunatics of the Uchiha clan have actually activated the promise left by the first Hokage that day and asked for an early Hokage election in order to seize the position of Hokage. This is simply wishful thinking."

As soon as these words fell, everyone looked at each other.

They were also caught off guard by the Uchiha clan's sudden move.

Although, as Hokage, he will not interfere with the changes in the position of the leader of the Uchiha clan.

However, Uchiha Fugaku was suddenly replaced, allowing Uchiha Ishi to succeed as the clan leader.

This kind of operation really surprised them.

"Danzo, please be patient. You have just begun to recover from your injuries. Going to war in such a big way will have an impact on your condition." The Third Hokage advised.

"Hmph!" Danzo snorted coldly: "Sarutobi, of course you want me to calm down a little so that you can sit more securely as the Hokage."

"But don't forget, the first Hokage back then knew that most people in Konoha Ninja Village did not trust the Uchiha clan, so he set two rules to make up for the dissatisfaction in Uchiha Madara's heart."

"First, if the current patriarchs and elders of the Uchiha clan, and even all members of the clan, jointly recommend, they can be qualified to run for the position of Hokage."

"Secondly, in order to obtain the position of Hokage, in addition to getting a 50% support rate, you also need to have enough strength to convince everyone in the Konoha Ninja Village."

"Those three old guys have delayed taking action and are still hiding in the clan just to wait for this opportunity."

"There have always been many geniuses in the Uchiha clan, but White Fang, the Sannin, Minato, etc. can all overpower them. Without absolute certainty, those old guys look aloof and indifferent to worldly affairs, but Now you can show your fangs. Under these conditions, ask yourselves who can suppress that kid."

The slightly arrogant words echoed in the office, causing the expressions of everyone present to change.

Danzo's words sounded very offensive, but they were not unreasonable.

Now the three elders of the Uchiha clan have promised to force him into the palace with the words of the first Hokage.

This makes it impossible for them to refuse.

"No, we still have Minato. As long as he learns the magic of celestial beings and cooperates with the flying thunder god's technique, his strength will definitely increase significantly." Koharu suddenly said after sleeping.

"Although you have mentioned that the talent Uchiha Qin Yu has learned can be called a monster-like existence."

"However, Jiraiya who was present has mastered the celestial arts and is very aware of the difficulty of learning it. Uchiha Qinyu only entered Mt. Myoboku for a short period of time, so I guess he must have not learned the celestial arts, or Mt. Miaoboku." Refuse guidance.”

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