Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 1541 I have something to do with explosions

"Haha, Atomic Samurai, you are looking up to me too much, or you are underestimating the store manager Qin Yu."

Bang Gugan laughed and said.

"You heard what Iai said just now. That boy has the ability to kill a dragon-level monster in one move. If I, an old man, can win over you and invite him, I'm afraid that the other party may not agree to my invitation and become my disciple."

"Now, we'd better hurry up and find out whether this strange shop really has a way for people to become stronger in a short period of time. If this is really the case, I'm afraid we humans will not be able to survive this doomsday feast. If you do it, you can increase your chances of winning by protecting yourself.”

The sound of Er Chang's words echoed between heaven and earth, and could not be dispersed for a long time.

The Atomic Warrior's expression darkened slightly.

Of course he knew what Banggu meant by his words.

At the same time, as one of the few top warriors in mankind, Atomic Warrior also knows how severe the situation mankind is facing now.

If possible, Atomic Warrior hopes that humans can become more powerful.

At least, they don't need to support them alone.

"Atom, you are not stupid. You should know very well what I mean."

Speaking of this, Banggu made it clear directly.

The Atomic Warrior came back to his senses, and after a moment of silence, he said.

"Banggu, I understand your intention. I am not a narrow-minded person."

"If Uchiha Qin Yu really has this ability and is more suitable to guide students than me, I will definitely accuse him."

"But if he is really just pretending to be a ghost and simply defrauding money, then don't blame me for being rude."

Banggu nodded silently.

He obviously couldn't find fault with this statement.

At least, in Banggu's eyes, if Uchiha Qin Yu really has the strength to kill a dragon-level monster with one blow.

Then even if you can't recruit the successor of Liushui Shattering Fist.

We also want him not to stand on the opposite side of humanity.

After all, this kind of person is indifferent to fame and fortune and is willing to hide in the big market.

Once it is really pressed, it is still unknown what exactly it will do.

"Okay, it's getting late, we should go over and pay a visit."

Bang Gu came to his senses and spoke again.

However, as soon as the words came out, Bang Gu's nerves suddenly became tense.

Under the bulging muscles of the whole body, there is no trace of fancy, and the waist plate rotates like a millstone.

The right leg made a majestic sound of breaking through the air and swept behind him.


A dull collision sound suddenly sounded.

Atomic Samurai and Bang Gu took action almost at the same time.

The samurai sword hanging on his waist made a crisp sound and was slashed out behind him.

Only Iai'an and Qiu Wutachi, these two juniors, still looked back behind them with stiff expressions on their faces, as if they were just waking up from a dream.

The first thing that came into view was the familiar figure that took Bang Gu's right leg off with one hand, easily dodging the slashes of the Atomic Samurai.

"Teacher, this is Uchiha Qinyu, the owner of the comic shop."

Iaian was the first to react.

Looking at the attacks of the two S-level heroes, the confrontation was easily resolved.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid not many people would be willing to believe that all this was true.

Moreover, this exposed hand is enough to prove that the drill warrior's words are probably true.

The person in front of him might really have the means to kill the dragon-level monster with one move.

"Are you Qin Yu, the store manager?"

Banggu's expression froze, he took the lead to disperse the breath from his body, took back the sweeping whip legs and said.

"Atom, it seems that we were tested just now."

"This store manager Qin Yu is indeed as powerful as imagined."

As the third-ranked S-level hero, Banggu has always been very low-key.

But this does not mean that he is weak.

It can be said that if he claimed to be the pinnacle of mankind, no one would be able to find fault with him.

Now giving this kind of evaluation, in the eyes of Iihean and Qiu Wutachi, this is an extremely respectful attitude.

Of course Atomic Samurai knew what Bang Gu meant, telling him to put away his sword.

However, as Uchiha Qin Yu escaped his sword attack just now, the slightest trace of contempt in the Atomic Warrior's heart was also put away.

After all, in his eyes, not just anyone can escape his attack.

Looking at Uchiha Qin Yu who was very close and younger than his three disciples.

The Atomic Samurai put away the sword with his backhand and said: "Store Manager Qin Yu, I just felt strange."

"However, that trace of substantial murderous intent is unexpected. At the moment just now, I really thought that there was a dragon-level monster sneaking up on us. I think to be able to reach this level, at least it would take a lot of effort. Let's kill the dead soul with a knife."

After saying this, not to mention Iihean and Qiu Wutachi, even Banggu's expression changed slightly.

After all, the sudden murderous intention that enveloped them just now was so intense that Bang Gudu took action reflexively.

After the attack was halfway through, he suddenly reacted.

"Haha, the Atomic Warriors are laughing. I was just invited by a man to suppress and clean up the continents that had been reduced to ruins when the weird monster rampage just started."

Qin Yu smiled warmly, patted the dust on his body and said.

"By the way, I remember that guy. He seems to be the number one S-class hero, the guy you call Explosive."


The people present were stunned for a moment.

The expressions of Bang Gu and Atomic Warrior changed drastically.

As S-level heroes, they know a lot more things than ordinary people.

At least, in their perception.

Humanity now has two lifeline guardian aces.

One of them is the second in the ranking, the little girl known as the Trembling Tornado.

The other one was the one that had been missing for a long time, ranked first, and was wrapped in secrets.

It can be said that once these two people are lost.

Then mankind will enter the end of the world early.

However, now Uchiha Qin Yu told them that I have something to do with blasting.

Moreover, Blast also invited him to suppress the weirdo riot.

This kind of deed is too shocking.

It can be said that if Uchiha Qin Yu had not said such words himself, they would never have thought that the person in front of them would be related to explosions.

However, the apocalyptic wave caused by the weirdo riot back then was indeed suppressed by explosives.

Among them, Tatsumaki and most of the heroes were rescued because of this.

But if we say that one person with explosives alone can suppress the chaos of the entire world's weirdos in a short period of time.

Atomic Samurai and others are indeed skeptical.

Now Uchiha Qin Yu suddenly told them that it had something to do with blasting.

This undoubtedly adds a touch of irrefutable feeling.

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