Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 487 A miraculous method

"Lieutenant General Bastiu, why don't we retreat? If we continue like this, our defense line will be broken by a steady stream of Sea Kings." A naval soldier tightened his grip on the curled sword in his hand and said breathlessly. .

However, what worried them the most was the gradually darkening magic circle beneath their feet.

They can clearly feel that the healing effect of this magic circle will decrease as the number of times they are treated increases.

At the same time, the orc rage in their bodies has long lost its effect.

Because their potential was instantly activated, their own muscle fatigue increased dramatically.

It can be said that if it were not for the existence of this healing magic circle, they would have been defeated by the endless stream of Neptunes.


A dull collision echoed, and the huge shark that rushed towards him was cut in half by Bastiu.

The hot blood splashed down on his face, staining his clothes.

The fishy smell rushed straight to his nostrils, making Bastiu's face, which was already exhausted, even paler.

He mustered up his energy and glanced around. Looking at his men who were already losing their strength, Bastiu said with a hint of bitterness on his face: "If the people in this headquarters know about our fleet, we will kill them." With hundreds of sea kings, we can definitely be promoted to an elite fleet."

"However, in this situation without support, everything within a radius of several nautical miles is dyed red by the blood of Neptune species. The pungent smell of blood will only attract more Neptune species, and we can't do anything at all. To escape, the only thing I can do is to fight to the end."

The small voice shook everyone's nerves at this moment like a heavy hammer.


A low roar detonated without warning.

The deafening sound shocked the naval soldiers who had already reached their physical limit, and even Bastiu's spirit and will.

He looked up hastily, and the moment he caught his eye, his eyes almost burst.

"Yes, it's a super sea king type!"


The huge body was tens of meters long. The moment it broke out of the water, it caused a fishy wind, and the bloody mouth opened as large as seven or eight meters.

This bite would probably be enough to bite the warship in half.

However, facing this violent scene, Bastiu and the navy soldiers present were already approaching their limit.

The scene before them made all their remaining fighting spirit disappear.

The only thing he could do was to watch helplessly, biting down with a bloody mouth.

"Are you going to die?"

Ridiculous ideas sprouted in everyone's minds.

However, a bloody light descended on the deck first.

The gray-white skeleton and the soul flame blooming from the deep-set eyes seemed to give people a soul-stirring illusion at this moment.

Facing the incoming super sea king, Qin Yu only looked up slightly.

"I didn't expect that I could see it in a place like this. This kind of cute sea king can come in handy."

A small voice suddenly rang out.

Compared with the fierce attacks of super sea kings, Qin Yu's calmness created a huge gap.

Before anyone could react, the incoming bloody mouth suddenly fell.


The dull collision sound echoed like thunder.

The huge body, seven or eight meters away from Qin Yu, seemed to hit an invisible wall.

The next moment, before anyone could react, the scepter in Qin Yu's hand suddenly stomped down towards the ground.

"Third-level magic·negative contact!"


The scepter stamped down towards the deck, and a scarlet magic circle bloomed under Qin Yu's feet.

The dark magic detonated in Qin Yu's body, rolling back like a frenzy.


The shrill roar suddenly rose up like thunder.

A trace of human panic flashed in the pupils of the super sea king.

Unfortunately, before he could react, his huge body seemed to be corroded.

A body of flesh and blood instantly disintegrated between heaven and earth.

The tens of meters of gray-white bones were helplessly smashed into the sea in full view of everyone.

The splashing sea water rolled back around like huge waves.

The Neptunes, who had been rushing in in droves, all felt a little stagnant after witnessing this scene.

The next moment, he turned around and ran away without looking back.

For a moment, the Sea Kings, who were still fighting crazily and seeing the ship as their prey, were frightened.

"Oh my god, what did I see? Are these Neptunes scared out of their wits?"

The adjutant standing next to Bastiu turned pale and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became extremely depressing.

"I'm afraid this is the King of the Sea in this sea area!" Bastiu's expression also changed, and he hurriedly explained.

However, facing the unclear situation in front of him, Bastiu still tensed up his nerves, tightened his grip on the shark-killing sword in his hand, and stared straight at the unfathomable skeleton demon in front of him.

Although, after experiencing many things, Bastiu knew that he was no match for this demon, but it seemed that only in this way could he have a sense of security.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to survive." Qin Yu chuckled coldly, held the scepter in his hand, looked back and said, "Seven people were seriously injured, all were slightly injured, and none of them died."

"Your record is better than I expected, and the results are quite good. There is no need to do it again for the time being."

next time?

A small voice swept through the entire place like a hurricane at this moment.

The navy soldiers who survived by chance, and even Bastiu's face suddenly turned pale.

"Devil, you devil, kill if you want. There is no need to torture us like this." Bastiu roared angrily.

"Demon?" Qin Yu laughed dryly and said, "I said, demons and skeletons are two different types, but I admire your courage."

"Seeing as you have completed the task well, I still need some manpower to control the ship, so the mission is over."

"Level 3 magic·Group healing!"

Qin Yu stamped the scepter in his hand towards the deck again.

The blue magic circle bloomed, and the healing light rain fell one after another.

A feeling like bathing in a hot spring made Bastiu and others' expressions stagnate. Although the fatigue in their bodies was not eliminated as quickly as the first time they were baptized by the light rain.

But his wounds and physical strength were obviously slowly recovering.

Feeling the changes in his body, the adjutant standing behind Bastiu couldn't help but look up at the sky and muttered: "No matter how many times I see it, this weird method is like a miracle. If within our navy, People with this kind of ability may be able to turn around the situation of various battles!”

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