Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 50: Full Level of Psychic Skills

"Jiraiya, don't worry, I have a bad temper. I hope Toad won't provoke me." Qin Yu said with a smile.

"Are you really loud?" Jiraiya rolled his eyes and said, "Wait a moment, don't cry, come to me for help."

"Bite your index finger first, then leave your name on it, and then I will cast a spell. Once the contract is made, you cannot betray Miaomushan casually, otherwise you will become a stone."

At the end, Jiraiya did not forget to remind him.

Looking at the scroll laid out flat, Qin Yu bit his finger and quickly wrote his name on it as the blood flowed out.

The moment Qin Yu withdrew his hand, Jiraiya quickly formed a seal with his hands, and finally lit up five colors of light, pressing it directly on the scroll.

White steam steamed, and the seal in Jiraiya's hand instantly merged with Qin Yu's signature, turning into a mysterious sealing spell.

When the light dissipated, Qin Yu felt an inexplicable connection with another space.

"Okay, the contract has been successful. You can try it, but I advise you to be cautious and don't embarrass yourself." Jiraiya put away the scroll and put it on his back again.

"By the way, I haven't learned the sealing techniques of psychic art yet. Please teach me." Qin Yu thought of an important question.

In this body of his, he had been a useless person for more than ten years, and he couldn't even recognize ninjutsu, let alone such advanced psychic skills.

"You still don't understand the seals of psychic art?" Jiraiya was a little surprised.

After all, he only returned to Konoha Village to find out what happened after he learned about Namikaze Minato's message and knew that Qin Yu was a peerless genius who had been dormant for more than ten years in Konoha Village.

Now Qin Yu told him that not knowing the art of channeling was indeed beyond his knowledge.

Seeing Qin Yu shaking his head again, Jiraiya sighed: "Okay, I'll show you, but if you use it once, there is a 90% chance that it will fail, so don't take it to heart."

"Look, don't blink, Mt. Myoboku Sage Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya came on stage while rapping, put his right hand to his mouth and bit it, but his hands flew quickly like wheels.

When the last seal fell, Jiraiya slapped his right hand towards the ground.

"Psychic art!"

The cobweb-like seal spread instantly, surrounded by white mist.

A figure the size of Michelle appeared in front of everyone.

This is a toad wearing arm armor on both hands.

It is somewhat similar to the toad summoned by Jiraiya when he fought against Kisame and Uchiha Itachi in the original work.

"Is this a psychic beast?" Mao Yue Xiyan's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she said, "I heard that as long as a psychic beast is summoned on the battlefield after signing a contract, it means that the combat power will be doubled."

"Moreover, the psychic beast is a partner who will never betray."

Regarding these words, Qin Yu also made some complaints in his heart.

If Wan She knew this, she would definitely grin.

Eat people, eat their masters!

Wan She never jokes!

"Brother, are you sure?" Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but ask.

Qin Yu patted Itachi on the head and said with a smile: "Do you also want to see my joke?"

"I'll try my best, maybe it will work."

While talking, Qin Yu communicated with the system in his body.

"Ding Dong, I found out that the host has learned the art of channeling. Can I reach the full level with one click?"

"Maximum level immediately!"

Qin Yu issued the order.

"Dingdang, congratulations to the host, the psychic skill has been leveled up."

A stream of information about psychic techniques poured into his mind, giving Qin Yu a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

"Qin Yu, if you are not confident yet, you can go back and get familiar with it first. There is no need to rush." ​​Jiraiya patted Qin Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You don't have to be discouraged. No one is as talented as me. , the first summons was successful.”

Looking at Jiraiya who was familiar with Jiraiya, Qin Yu rolled his eyes and said, "It must be the first time I randomly channeled spirits and successfully reverse summoned myself to Miaomu Mountain."

"You and I are different."

Jiraiya couldn't help but be stunned, this was his secret.

In addition to the Third Hokage knowing a thing or two, he also boasted about it to Tsunade.


He even showed off in front of Orochimaru.

It seems to be written in the intimacy paradise.

The more Jiraiya thought about it, he realized that it didn't seem to be a secret at all, so he simply ignored it.

"Boy, you really have a good tone. I hope you can still laugh when you see the tadpole without legs after a while."

Mao Yue Xiyan on the side also waved her pink fist towards Qin Yu, obviously to cheer him up.

As for Uchiha Itachi, he still remained silent with a cool look on his face, but his eyes towards Qin Yu also showed a hint of urgency.


Qin Yu took a deep breath.

The blood on the index finger of his right hand had not yet dried. With a touch of his palm, his hands started flying as fast as wheels.

Jiraiya's expression changed after witnessing this scene.

Originally, he thought that Qin Yu would be very unfamiliar even if he really learned how to form seals for the first time.

However, the swiftness of the seal movements in front of them completely subverted their cognition.

"Psychic art!"

When the last seal was completed, Qin Yu suddenly slapped the ground with his backhand.

Feeling that 80% of the chakra was extracted from his body like a frenzy, his expression couldn't help but change.


A powerful sound suddenly sounded, and under the white mist that towered into the sky, three huge hill-like figures condensed out of thin air.

The air wave caused by the summons rolled back, making Uzuki Xiyan and Uchiha Itachi feel like they couldn't open their eyes.

However, compared to them, Jiraiya almost had his eyes popped open.

Jiraiya was filled with disbelief when he saw Gamabunta, Gamatakeru, and Gamahiro who were once channeled and known as the three great powers of Mt. Myoboku.

"Jiraiya, what happened? You wouldn't have gone to participate in the Third Ninja War, met some difficult guy, and channeled the three of us at once." Gamabunta held a cigarette in his mouth Zhang Zhan puffed out a puff of smoke and said, "This is a big price to pay."

"We need to find at least several thousand kilograms of bugs, otherwise don't even think about sending us away."

Gao Jian and Gao Guang couldn't help but look around.

However, in their perception, there was no danger at all.

There were only two stunned people and a confused Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, you should also speak. There is no danger at all. You can summon us at will, but you can't send us away at will." Tomahiro couldn't help but speak.

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