Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 504 Someone wants their lives

"Hurry, stop him quickly, he plans to kill the Tianlong people!"

Bastiu's urgent cry exploded like thunder.

Everyone present tensed up their nerves again before they could recover from the gloomy death army.

According to the news they received, the Celestial Dragons were only attacked and passed out.

But being attacked and being killed are two completely different things.

As long as a person does not die, there is always room for detours no matter how hard you try.

However, if the Tianlong people die, the result will be completely different.

An incredible nightmare for anyone.

"Bastiyu, what are you talking about?" Huo Shaoshan grabbed Bastiu's collar and shouted urgently: "That's a Celestial Dragon, a world noble that has survived for eight hundred years."

"Now you are actually saying that someone wants to kill the world's nobles. Are you crazy?"

The hysterical roar echoed between heaven and earth, as if it was filled with magic sound, and could not be dissipated for a long time.

After all, in the eyes of anyone who kills a Celestial Dragon, he will be regarded as the number one enemy by the Navy Headquarters and even the World Government.

That is equivalent to slapping them in the face and making them priority for pursuit.

Unless you're a madman, it's not worth killing.

"No, the purpose of the Skeleton Demon is to become famous all over the world. If he wants to kill the Celestial Dragons, this is the fastest way." Bastiu roared urgently.

As soon as these words were spoken, Akainu and Kizaru's expressions suddenly changed dramatically.

If Bastiu's words are not wrong, it means that the seriousness of the matter will rise to a new level.

Their eyes all turned around and locked on Qin Yu.

The moment their eyes met, Qin Yu's soul flame suddenly surged in his deep-set eyes, and he said with a warm smile: "You finally guessed it right!"

"I am the supreme ruler of the Nalisak Tomb. Three ants deliberately offended me. What crime should I be punished for?"

The icy words came out, like the sound of magic, echoing in the heaven and earth for a long time without any way to dissipate.

However, before everyone could react, the death legions arrayed on the field suddenly shouted in unison as the weapons in their hands suddenly hit the bone shield.


The word he uttered seemed to stir up the extremely oppressive atmosphere in the venue.

The moment everyone present's nerves suddenly became tense, three burly skeletons wearing golden armor came out carrying three Tianlong people who were chained like dogs.

The arrogance and arrogance of the past were completely replaced by panic at this moment.

Looking at Akainu and Kizaru in the field, Charles Marco took the lead and couldn't help but hurriedly asked for advice.

"What are your navy doing? Why don't you save us quickly? We are the world's noble Celestial Dragons. If we lose even one hair, you ants will all die."

"Hurry up, come and save us. I will definitely give you a copy in front of the Five Old Stars, so that you will lose your position as a general."

"No, I'm wearing clothes, you rude monster, why don't you let me go quickly."

A series of hysterical roars came from the mouths of Charles and Marco.

However, before they could finish cursing, they were thrown heavily to the ground by three magic skeleton warriors wearing golden armor.


When the huge strength was released, even the fish tank above his head collapsed.

The eye-catching scene made the pupils of those present suddenly shrink, and some couldn't help but gasp.

Seeing the majestic Celestial Dragon being thrown to the ground, his face cut with blood from the splashing glass, they couldn't help but rub their eyes red.

This is a Celestial Dragon!

In their eyes, that is a superior existence!

However, it is now reduced to a dead dog. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would want to believe that this scene is real.

"Uchiha Qin Yu, please stop quickly. They are the Celestial Dragons. You want to be famous all over the world. This is enough now." Akainu was the first to shout sternly.

"Now, as long as you release the person, we may still discuss it and just send you back to the Chengda Prison. Otherwise, you will be buried here today."

The awe-inspiring words echoed throughout the world, but more people rolled their eyes and their expressions stiffened.

In their eyes, if this counts as a negotiation.

In the horse-riding world, no hostages would be killed.

"Haha, I'm sorry. There's an old saying in my hometown. If you accept money from others, you can help others to eliminate disasters. I'm sorry, someone bought their lives." Qin Yu said lightly.

"Someone wants to kill them, who is it?" Akainu's face darkened, and he said: "Uchiha Qin Yu, I don't know where you are from, but if you want money, our navy headquarters can give you ten times as long as you Let the person go!"

If an ordinary person was kidnapped, Akainu would punch him without saying a word.

But there were three Tianlong people in front of him, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

"How much?" Qin Yu's sunken eyes were filled with soul flames. He suddenly raised his head and met Akainu's gaze.

At the moment when everyone's nerves were tense, the words that fell on their ears were like thunder.

"One Bailey!"

After uttering three simple words, even the three normally aloof Celestial Dragons showed expressions of disbelief.

In their eyes, if someone wants to kill the world's nobles, they must at least pay a sky-high price.

Now Qin Yu told them that one pele means that the life of a noble is worth less than that of an ant!

Akainu's face darkened, and the moment he and Kizaru looked at each other without trace.

The next moment, angry roars arose.

"Do it!"


The air vibrated suddenly.

Kizaru, who was standing next to Akainu, disappeared into thin air like a ghost as the endless spots of light dissipated on his body.

Appearing again, he had already taken the lead and came to the side of three skeletons in gold armor.

However, before Kizaru could take action, a cold voice suddenly fell on his ears.

"Kizaru, have you forgotten what it feels like to be struck by lightning?"

The sound of crackling thunder arcs sounded without warning.

A thunderbolt flew across the sky, and appeared behind Kizaru in an unyielding manner.

The big white bone hand suddenly merged, and when it turned into a hand knife, it slashed down towards Kizaruli.

Before the attack came, an awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the air roared.

Kizaru's face darkened, and the golden light in his hands gathered together, turning into a giant golden shield. He blocked it directly behind him, and then roared angrily.

"You bastard, you suffered a loss from Hailou Shi last time, but you won't be so lucky this time!"

However, as soon as the roar started, the next words that fell into his ears made Kizaru's expression suddenly stiffen.

Looking at the dark ink-like lightning in Qin Yu's hand, his face was full of disbelief.

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