Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 516 A very simple bed warmer

"Sister, what should we do now?" Godru was anxious.

They have confidence in Hancock's strength, but this time there are two generals. Unless they are willing to expose Qin Yu's existence, they can fight together.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Hancock alone to escape.

"Hmph, no matter what I do, I won't be blamed by anyone, because I am the most beautiful." Hancock snorted disdainfully and said, "Give me your order and everyone will enter combat mode. Once the navy dares to break in, I will kill them."

"As for Akainu and Kizaru, I will leave them to you. Qin Yu has done a lot for us. If we can't repay our kindness now, I, Hancock, won't have the face to appear here."

At the end, there was a hint of awe in the words.

"Mr. Hancock, you are right. If Lian can't repay him, we women won't be able to hold our heads up."

"This time, Lord Qin Yu helped Lord Hancock avenge himself. We must do our best to protect his safety."

"As long as Mr. Hancock gives the order, we are willing to die."

On the huge deck, all the crew members instantly fell into a state of mad love.

The pink hearts in her eyes simply gave people the feeling of going through fire and water.

Listening to these shouting words, Qin Yu frowned and exited the space of consciousness. However, the scene he saw made his expression stagnant and said: "Why are you taking off all your clothes and still hiding on my bed?" , if you are sleepy, then you are out of luck, there are annoying guests coming."


Bonnie looked at the clothes scattered on the ground, her expression couldn't help but froze, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Have you forgotten the bet you just made? I, Bonnie, am willing to admit defeat."

"Didn't you say you wanted me to warm your bed? Are you kidding me?"

Looking at Bonnie with an angry face, Qin Yu touched the tip of his nose helplessly and said, "Actually, I was really joking."

"Even if it is really a bed warmer, it is just a very simple bed warmer!"

"A very simple bed warmer?" Bonnie was startled, and then she roared angrily with red cheeks: "Are you saying I'm not simple? You men, I don't believe you can be simple."

Hysterical words echoed in the room.

However, before Qin Yu could continue to quibble, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open.

Seeing the sudden scene, Bonnie quickly tightened her grip on the quilt.

"Ahem, it seems that I, an old woman, came at the wrong time, but you kid is really restless, and Hancock is outside." Grandma Ze couldn't help but coughed dryly when she saw this situation.

"However, I can't control that much about you young people's affairs. You should have heard that Kizaru and Akainu are coming this way. I hope you have some solution."

Qin Yu was obviously too lazy to explain his mother-in-law's misunderstanding about her beauty.

Bonnie covered the quilt and stopped talking, but when she met Qin Yu's gaze, her nerves suddenly tightened and she said urgently: "You, what do you want to do!"

"What are you doing?" Qin Yu said with a playful smile: "You are so smart, you should know it without saying anything. Don't put on clothes yet, I have a way to escape!"

"What, no clothes? You gangster!"

Exclamations echoed in the cabin.

However, in the face of the tossing inside, people outside do not know and have no time to pay attention.

The atmosphere on the deck of the huge ship seemed extremely depressing.

Hundreds of Nine Snakes female warriors were guarding the edge of the ship's deck, and the three Hancock sisters were standing at the bow of the ship.

Regarding the naval fleet that gradually came over and formed an encirclement, his expression became solemn.

"General Akainu, our encirclement has been completed. People who are good at seeing, smelling, and domineering have already spread a dragnet nearby. If the Skeleton Demon appears, it will be impossible to escape!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel walked over quickly. Even he looked tired after the three days of searching.

Just when they were searching for Qin Yu's whereabouts and were stuck in a bottleneck, the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates suddenly sailed into the blocked waters of the Shampoo Islands, giving them a glimmer of hope.

"Hmph, this Hancock has always been arrogant. According to Bastiu's information, when the Skeleton Demon appeared that day, he also encountered the ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates. Regardless of whether they are related or not, we must not let go of the possibility. Sex." Akainu shouted coldly with a gloomy face.

During this time, three Celestial Dragons were killed in public in front of two navy admirals.

The pressure exerted by the Navy Headquarters and even the World Government made Akainu feel a little anxious.

The appearance of the Nine Snakes Pirates now has undoubtedly become his only chance.

"Haha, Akainu, I advise you to get them back to the cabin quickly. Hancock's girl is in a lot of trouble." A crisp voice came from the cabin.

Soon he saw Karp walking out with donuts in the basin.

Looking at Garp with a smile on his face, Akainu's face darkened and he said, "Hmph, you, a semi-retired person and a mere pirate, are you worthy of our avoidance?"

"Oh, I've already mentioned that suggestion. Don't say that I didn't work hard when you get back." Garp didn't take it to heart and stuffed two donuts into his mouth.

Before the words could be heard, the place became commotion.

"So beautiful, is this the Pirate Empress Boya Hancock?"

"I heard that once you take one look, you will be fascinated by her. Oh my god, my eyes are full of her."

"That cold and arrogant expression and condescending gaze are simply a thousand times better than my yellow-faced woman. No, I should say ten thousand times better."

"I can't do it anymore, I'm going to pass out from happiness."

"No, if Mr. Hancock lets me die, I will die for her now!"

The crazy words that rang out one after another made Akainu's expression change slightly.

There was no need for a general like him to take action against the Shichibukai's invitation.

Moreover, Akainu, who believed in absolute justice, had no intention of understanding the so-called Shichibukai.

In his eyes, he wished that the so-called Shichibukai would make mistakes and punch them one after another.

However, it was precisely because of this reason that when he looked at those subordinates with peach-hearted eyes, as if they were possessed by demons, their expressions suddenly changed drastically, and they shouted urgently.

"Return them all to the cabin!"

However, facing these words, the stunned naval soldiers on the deck were obviously indifferent.

A cold and cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Sweet Ganfeng!"

Four simple words came out.

At this moment, it was as if it was filled with magic sound.

Akainu only saw Hancock lift his right foot slightly and lean back.

A soft kiss from the red lips, and a pink hurricane quickly rolled away with her as the center.

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