Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 531 Destiny comes to your door automatically when it comes

"What else do you want? Do you want some unwritten rules or something?" Qin Yu rolled his eyes and said: "Those who can join the guild are only one in a hundred. We are taking the elite route."

"Limited resources must be used on a few people to quickly increase the overall strength. Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it is just nonsense."

Having said this, Qin Yu suddenly lost his appetite when he looked at the scene where Bastiu was spraying him in a mess, and said: "Let's bury the bill first, we still have somewhere to go next."

After leaving these words, Qin Yu took the lead and turned around and left.

"Pay the bill?" Dasqi couldn't help being startled and said urgently: "Aren't you treating me to dinner? It's rare that this is my first time joining the party."


Qin Yu stopped and rolled his eyes at Dasqi and said, "If you want to see other famous swords, hurry up and bury the order. Follow my pace. I don't care if you get lost."

"Other famous swords?" Dasqi was stunned for a moment, his eyes brightened immediately, he quickly took out his money bag, put the money behind the table, and quickly chased after him.

Compared with the famous sword, it is no longer important whether what Dasqi insisted on just now was the first time.

Seeing Qin Yu and the two men suddenly disappearing, Bastiu quickly followed them without any time to think.

However, as soon as he left.

A figure sitting in the corner gently put down the black tea in his hand. His face hidden under the cloak revealed a playful smile and said, "I didn't expect that at this time, I would encounter such a good thing."

"Are you a user with lightning attribute Devil Fruit abilities? My fruit ability may be able to suppress him. I have had enough rest during this period. You two newcomers should hurry up and catch up. We are going to start working."

Without saying anything, the man in the cloak walked out quickly.

Right behind him, there were two figures also wearing cloaks.

At the same time, Qin Yu quickly walked towards the central square with Da Siqi.

As the place where Roger, the Pirate King, was executed, this is considered a tourist destination and a must-visit place for pirates.

However, Qin Yu didn't have Luffy's mentality of going up to the high platform and pretending to be an idiot.

Instead, he went straight to the weapons shop next to him.

If I remember correctly, there were two good sharp swords in this inconspicuous weapons shop, namely Yuki Kakeru and the Third Generation Kitetsu.

Qin Yu has very high standards for swords. However, at the moment, the fastest way to improve the fidelity of character templates and to show off is to wait for me.

Although the extent of improvement may be limited.

But Qin Yu would not give up any opportunity to show off.

"Lord Laxus, do you think there are so-called famous swords in this kind of weapons shop?" Bastiu hurried over, looking at the dilapidated small shop in front of him, and said: "Lord Laxus, if you love famous swords, you just need to You join the Navy Headquarters, and as a lieutenant general, I promise you that I can find you a famous sword that is not inferior to the one in this girl's hand."

"At the same time, I can also teach you how to use swordsmanship. I see that you are very skilled in dual-color domineering. If you combine it with swordsmanship, your strength will definitely skyrocket."

Looking at Bastiu, who was spitting all over the place, Qin Yu looked back and said, "Your conditions are quite superior."

"Still, it's not for me."

"Also, many things are like fate, just like the Shigure in the hands of this girl and I. When fate comes, it will be delivered to the door in person. Who knows, if I push the door in now, I can get two more."

Two famous knives?

Dasqi and Bastiu couldn't help but be confused.

In this sea, as a swordsman, it is already very good to get a famous sword.

Now Qin Yu gets two handfuls as soon as he opens his mouth, and they are delivered to his door automatically.

This is to regard famous swords as street cabbage!

"Brother, your joke is not funny. If there are really famous knives in this shop, I will eat this door." Bastiu couldn't help but said stubbornly.

Looking at Bastiu with a stubborn look on his face, Qin Yu patted him on the shoulder and said: "Dasqi, prepare some ketchup for him and eat it with this door panel later. I hope it's not iron inside!"

After saying these words, Qin Yu took the lead in pushing open the door and going in.

Looking at the door panel, which was made of iron, Bastiu couldn't help but be shocked.

Is this riding horse a crow's mouth?

"Welcome." The boss with a red nose stood behind the counter. After looking up for a moment, he continued to wipe the knife with his head down.

As a veteran who has been running a weapons store for decades, he can tell at a glance whether someone is being taken advantage of.

As for those pirates wandering on the sea, it is even less likely that they have anything to do with the rich man.

At least, in his eyes, these are all taken advantage of.

However, the moment he lowered his head, the boss suddenly raised his head and looked at Shigure in Tashiqi's hand, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is this a small T-shaped random sword, a white lacquered sword, the blade is like a rain flower, is it Shigure among the fifty good swords?" The boss raised the magnifying glass slightly and said urgently: "It seems that you are a person who knows swordsmanship. , although my small shop is shabby, it still has many knives from famous craftsmen."

"Look at the sharp blade hanging on the wall over there, which is worth hundreds of thousands of beli. Once you get it, it will be even more powerful."

After looking at the boss, Dasqi, who was spitting all over the place, was about to say something, but Qin Yu spoke first: "Boss, I only have one hundred thousand beli here, and I want two knives."

One hundred thousand Baileys and two knives?

The three people present were stunned on the spot.

Bastiu couldn't help but said: "Brother, you can't even buy two sharp knives with one hundred thousand beli, right?"

"If you really want to buy a knife, I can lend you some Baileys."


Two simple words came out, completely interrupting Bastiu's chattering.

Seeing that the last chance to blackmail the enemy was gone, the boss's face suddenly darkened, and he snorted disdainfully and said: "A poor man is worthy of playing with knives. You can only choose two broken knives for a hundred thousand beli. You choose it yourself." Bar!"

After leaving these words, the boss was obviously too lazy to pay any more attention and continued to wipe the blade of the knife with his head lowered.

Looking at this scene, Dasqi and Bastiu couldn't help but be startled, with a hint of embarrassment on their faces.

Especially Dasqi, she knew very well that Qin Yu had more than 10 million beli obtained through blackmail.

If you really want a knife, it is enough to pick two good knives before you have any famous knives.

However, before they could react, a warm smile appeared on Qin Yu's face.

Everything he is doing now is two years ahead of schedule.

These words and a hundred thousand Baileys are like triggering conditional cues in a game.

As long as it is better integrated into the plot, the chance of getting the famous sword can be maximized.

After all, in Qin Yu's understanding, any slight change may cause the original world to derive another different parallel dimension.

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