"Lord Crocodile, is this your devil fruit?" Daz's expression couldn't help but change.

He is full of yearning for Crocodile.

However, that is the way of the strong. If Crocodile loses the ability of the Devil Fruit, he will be worse than himself.

For Daz, it was inevitable that he would feel a little awkward.

Now Qin Yu not only resurrected Crocodile, but also recovered the lost Devil Fruit.

This simply subverted their cognition. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would be willing to believe that the scene in front of them was real.

"This is indeed my Shasha fruit!" Crocodile barely suppressed the excitement in his heart.

It can be said that Crocodile felt like he was drowning when he just realized that he had lost the Shasha Fruit, which was the source of strength for a strong man.

However, now that he had lost it and found it again, and after the excitement in his heart dissipated, Crocodile looked at Qin Yu with a completely different look.

The moment before, for Qin Yu who killed him.

His heart was filled with hatred and anger.

But now that I have calmed down and thought about everything, my spine feels chilly.

The young man in front of him not only has the ability to switch identities.

At the same time, he also has the means to change the world, and even he who was thought to be dead can be resurrected.

What's more, the fruit that should have been lost was forced to stay here.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one even among the four emperors on this sea would be willing to believe it.

Maybe the kid in front of him is not as good as the so-called four emperors now.

But a strange idea came to Crocodile's mind.

The people in front of me might be superior to them if given time.

When he thought of this, Crocodile said in a deep voice: "I don't know how you got the Shasha Fruit again, but aren't you worried that I will regret it after I have the Devil Fruit ability again?"


Qin Yu smiled warmly and said: "Haha, I still have a little confidence in my personality charm."

"However, if you insist on escaping, no matter where you escape, you will end up with the same fate. What's more, don't you want to become stronger? For example, take revenge!"


Crocodile's expression changed and he looked at Qin Yu and said: "Okay, very good. Whether it is conditions or strength, you are in line with my ambitions. I agree to your request, but you can't force me to do it if you don't like it." thing."

"Haha, don't worry, you are just the first person I want to recruit. Next, I have several good targets!"

"Is there anyone else?" Crocodile's eyes flickered and he looked at Qin Yu, who had a sense of mystery all over him.

During this period of contact, Crocodile knew clearly that Qin Yu would never recruit some unknown people.

However, Crocodile couldn't help but be a little curious as to who he wanted to recruit into the group.

A new world, in an unknown sea.

Under the fierce wind and waves, hurricanes and waterspouts continued, which simply stirred the entire sea area.

Fist-sized hailstones were mixed in with the heavy rain, and the lightning and thunder gave people a doomsday-like feeling.

This is the living environment of the new world.

The crisis is not only from pirates, but also from these natural persecutions that appear from time to time.

Decades ago, the Pirate King Roger and the Flying Pirates, Admiral Golden Lion Shiji, almost perished in the sea during their final showdown.

Even the existence that is said to be the strongest on the sea cannot escape this kind of disaster.

It is enough to show that there are exceptions to the idea that man can conquer nature, but most of them are just nonsense.


Three huge naval battleships broke through the waves and moved forward quickly despite the heavy rain.

The faces of the naval soldiers stationed on the deck were ashen.

Facing such bad weather, a trace of worry and fear flashed across his face.

However, when his eyes fell on the back standing on the bow deck of the ship, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

"General Sakaski, not only will it be very dangerous to advance in the rain in this weather, but I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with the remnants of the Walder Pirates!" Ghost Spider said solemnly.

Faced with this kind of weather, he didn't even have a chance to touch the cigars he smoked on weekdays.

"You bastard, this is already the third siege, why can you let him escape?" Akainu's face was gloomy, and he roared angrily.

"This time, he attacked the traveling Tianlong fleet. At this juncture, his nature was very bad. Don't forget what happened in the Chambord Islands not long ago."

"If another Celestial Dragon is injured or dies in the attack, then the world government will completely lose its trust in our naval headquarters."

The rolling words were filled with resentment.

Even the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

They knew clearly that as a general, Akainu would be invincible every time he attacked.

Facing the Emperor of the Sea, he never gave in at all.

Compared with Kizaru and Qingzhi, what he insists on is indestructible justice.

However, everything that happened on the Chambord Islands was a waterloo for Akainu.

Especially at the end, the Tianlong people were beheaded in public.

The Navy Headquarters tried their best and dug three feet into the ground, but still could not find the Skeleton Demon.

That gesture seemed to disappear out of thin air, slipping away before his eyes, making Akainu feel extremely embarrassed every time he thought about it.

"Akainu, this is the call from Marshal Sengoku. It seems we can take a rest first." Kizaru's casual voice came from the cabin.

This made all the navy soldiers look relieved.

In normal weather, sailing in the New World is already a huge physical activity for them.

Now we have to brave such bad weather to move forward, which is a huge burden on the body.

If you are not careful, you may end up in a situation where there is no recovery.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Sengoku, Sakaski, please reply immediately!" The call from the phone rang again.

Akainu stood on the bow of the ship, his face full of reluctance, but facing the identity of the Warring States Marshal, he still snorted and took the phone.

"I am Akainu, what are your orders?"

As soon as the call was connected, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Akainu, according to the weather display, the sea area where you are located will usher in a Category 10 hurricane. This has exceeded the range that the warship can withstand. I now order, You return immediately and wait for the new pursuit layout."

"Return?" Akainu shouted in a deep voice: "We have been hunting for three consecutive days. If this storm hadn't suddenly intervened, I would have been able to sink the remnants of the Walder Pirates into the sea."

"If you ask me to retreat now, all my previous efforts will be in vain."

"Marshal Warring States, you don't plan to place your hopes on those so-called Shichibukai, they are just idlers!"

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