Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 6 gives you two choices

"The time is just right, I have already learned that ninjutsu." Qin Yu said with a smile.

"You learned A-level ninjutsu in three days?" Uoyue Cangwu was startled, then he patted Qin Yu's shoulder cheerfully and said, "You are such a good boy, you are still joking at this time."

"But this is good, it will ease the atmosphere a little. According to the report from the secret sentry thirty minutes ago, the large force of Kumo ninja has appeared five kilometers away. Please give the order."

Regarding the doubt, Qin Yu did not explain, frowned and said with a smile: "Thirty minutes ago?"

"I'm not stipulating that intelligence updates during wartime are every fifteen minutes."

Maoyue Cangwu's expression suddenly changed.

They completely ignored this point due to the reorganization of the team and the oppressive atmosphere of going to death.

"Uzuki, something bad has happened. Yamafaze and Aburame Togen have disappeared." A genin in charge of guarding hurriedly arrived.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's nerves suddenly became tense.

The two events appear to be unrelated.

If we think about it more deeply, their hidden whistles will be eliminated silently, and there will be no time to even issue a warning.

Is it related to the two of them?

"Get everyone back into the cave." Qin Yu shouted urgently.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

"Haha, I just realized it now. I thought Konoha sent someone to resist the attack of our Kumo ninja this time, but it turned out to be a stupid green man."

Hearty laughter echoed without warning.

Figures flashed out in all directions, there were so many of them, there were hundreds of them.

Head among them, on the hill a few hundred meters away, was the AB combination that frightened all countries.

"No, we are surrounded." Quan Feng's face turned pale.

Looking at the cloud ninja blocking them, anyone who wasn't a fool would know that this was a trap.

"There are hundreds of people, there are AB combinations, and we are ambushed, we are basically dead."

"Senior Uoyue, what should we do?"

"It must be the mountain wind and Aburame who took the root, otherwise our defense layout and secret sentry would not have been seen through."

The scene was in chaos, facing hundreds of people led by Ai, who was known as the next generation Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village, and Rabbi Kiri, the eight-tailed jinchuriki.

This is undoubtedly a disaster.

"Calm down." Maoyue Cangwu's face turned pale. When he looked at Qin Yu, he couldn't help but be startled.

The calm look on his face seemed like he didn't take any of this to heart.

Are you scared?

"Haha, your panic really makes me happy." Ai laughed unbridled and said, "I really want to know what your plans are next, whether you surrender obediently or let me kill you myself. "

"Kill, kill!"

"Surrender or die!"

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, which made all Konoha ninjas tense to the extreme, and the panic on their faces could not be concealed.

The cloud ninja in front of him completely demonstrated his ability to take the lead.

Qin Yu! "Shizune's little face also turned pale, and she couldn't help but look at Uchiha Qin Yu.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Qin Yu rubbed Shizune's head and said, "Senior Uoyue, take them to retreat to the cave and hide in the barrier. Leave the other matters to me."

Qin Yu had also expected all this.

After all, the roots in the original work can do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Now Shan Feng and the two were seized by Qin Feng, and they even gave up their teammates and important strategic positions.

Once Qin Yu and others are allowed to go back alive, it will probably have a negative impact on the other party.

Therefore, the only way is to strike first and kill with a borrowed knife.

However, this also played into Qin Yu's wish. Next time they meet, he will be able to attack him without any scruples.

One more grand excuse.

"Qin Yu, are you alone?"

"Are you crazy? We won't watch you die alone."

Maoyue Cangwu's expression changed, and he never expected Qin Yu to give such an answer.

Although he was facing hundreds of Yun Ninjas and the fearsome AB combination, they couldn't do it if he asked Qin Yu to fight against him alone.

"Qin Yu, don't blame yourself too much. We will face it together and there will always be a way." Shizune persuaded urgently.

"Qin Yu, you really don't have to worry about it, we stayed here voluntarily."

"Yes, we are ninjas of Konoha, and we have long ignored life and death."

In the eyes of many people, Qin Yu's actions were because he forced the entire team to stay, so he felt guilty.

"Send yourself to death?" Qin Yu smiled dryly, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't be stupid enough to send myself to death."

"You stay in the barrier, I'm just worried that I will have to rescue you later."

"I am the captain you elected. This is an order."

The small voice was full of undoubted flavor at this moment.

"Uzuki-senpai, what should we do?" Shizune was anxious.

Maoyue Cangwu's expression changed continuously, he looked at Qin Yu's indifferent face, gritted his teeth and said: "All retreat into the cave and provide support to Qin Yu at any time. Don't forget, he is stronger than me."

As soon as these words came out, both Konoha's ninjas and Kumo ninjas couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

However, when he thought about how Qin Yu had killed two jonins, Yamafaze and Aburame Togen, with just his illusion skills.

I was feeling uneasy, but I still forced myself to retreat.

They just swore secretly in their hearts that if there was any accident, they would come to the rescue with lightning speed.

Seeing the Konoha ninjas retreating into the cave in an orderly manner, a Cloud Ninja team leader couldn't help but said: "Master Ai, do we want to stop them? If they enter the barrier, it may be detrimental to us."

"Huh, what's the disadvantage? It's just a miscellaneous army, what's the point worth paying attention to? I thought the Uchiha clan in the intelligence sent Shunshen Shisui, but I didn't expect it was just an unknown waste." Ai snorted disdainfully. : "According to the intelligence, this stupid young man is just a chuunin."

"These Konoha ninjas are actually obeying the command of a chuunin. I think they are either stupid or over the top."

When the team leader heard this, he quickly smiled and said: "Master Ai is right, these people are already in our pocket."

"As long as we break through this barrier, the huge Fire Country will become our Thunder Country."

The cloud ninjas in the field all showed happy expressions.

Konoha opened three major battlefields at the same time, but it was still unable to attack them for a long time, which indeed made the Cloud Ninja Village feel threatened.

Now it can be the straw that breaks the camel's back, which makes people happy.

"Are you done?" Qin Yu suddenly spoke.

"Now I'll give you two choices."

"First, get out immediately."

"Second, I'll kill you all."

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