Apparently, Uchiha Hong was also ignorant of the future.

Yes, although she was eleven years old, she was still a child, with insufficient life experience, and some things were not as clear as adults.

She asked, "Mom, Dad, what's going on?"

Why did they bring up the Nidaime?

Could it be that the hatred of the Uchiha for the Nidaime was so deep that anything that was not good for the Uchiha would be blamed on the Nidaime! ?

He was dead, there was no need to whip his corpse.

Dazhuang and his wife looked at each other and exchanged their thoughts with their eyes.

'Should we tell them? '

Mieko hesitated for a moment and nodded.

'Tell them, they have grown up, and there are some things they need to know! '

So Dazhuang obeyed his wife's meaning and said, "You know that we Uchiha are actually divided into two camps, doves and hawks!"

Hong nodded and said, "I know!"

This matter is not a secret in the clan.

Uchiha Dazhuang turned his head and looked at the huge Hokage through the window, his eyes fixed on the portrait of the second generation.

"Then do you know who passed down the dove-style thinking?"

After hearing Dazhuang's reminder, Mirai understood immediately and said, "Are you talking about Master Jing?"

Uchiha Hong was also stunned for a moment, "It's the only one in the clan who became a disciple of Master Second Generation?!"

"That's right!" Mieko nodded and snuggled in Dazhuang's arms.

"In fact, before the establishment of Konoha, we Uchiha had no so-called doves or hawks.

We have rich and delicate feelings, and we are very united internally."

"But since the second generation accepted Uchiha Jing as the Hokage's follower, we Uchiha have gradually split into two factions, no, three factions!" At this point, she laughed.

To be honest, she has both love and hatred for that forbidden technique master.

She respected his wisdom and scientific research ability, but hated him for always targeting Uchiha.

When she was a child, she heard her parents say something, that was when the first generation of wood was still there.

It is said that the wild boar at the entrance of the village was pregnant, and the second generation said directly, "Damn Uchiha", saying that the wild boar was pregnant, and it was all the Uchiha's fault.

Don't you think it's infuriating!

"Three factions?"

"Well, the hawk faction headed by the clan leader and the largest number of clan members, the dove faction headed by the third elder, although not many in number, but extremely stubborn in thinking, and the neutral faction that remains neutral and impartial!

To be honest, the second generation is really good at tricks. By influencing Uchiha Jing, he let him spread the idea of ​​'will of fire' within our Uchiha, like boiling a frog in warm water, and slowly divided our Uchiha into three factions!" Uchiha Dazhuang said, his eyes full of complex meaning.

Once there is no internal unity, the threat of Uchiha is greatly reduced.

Mieko also sneered, and then said: "At the beginning, our whole clan thought that Uchiha Kagami was accepted by the second generation, and he must be trained as the successor of Hokage."

Although the second generation has never expressed his opinion on this matter, look at the second generation Kage of each country, which one has not been the right-hand man of the first generation.

For example, at the first Five Kage Summit, the followers of the first generation Kage of each village were the future second generation Kage.

Except for the second generation Mizukage, Hozuki Gengetsu, that guy consumed too much chakra during the battle with the second generation Tsuchikage Mu, and fainted for a long time, and did not wake up until the first Five Kage Summit.

However, the followers of the first generation Mizukage are the future third generation Mizukage.

Therefore, it is inferred that the next generation Kage must be selected from the people around the current Kage with the highest probability.

Among the six followers of the Second Generation, only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo could be regarded as worthy by the Uchiha clan. As for Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu, they did not take them seriously at all.

Later, when Uchiha Madara was looking for the First Generation for a decisive battle, he was killed as expected.

They thought that Konoha would be angry with them and even prepared to launch a rebellion.

But the Second Generation announced that night that he would accept the six people of Uchiha Kagami as his disciples, which disrupted all the arrangements of the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, he also said that Uchiha Madara had long been defined as a traitor and had nothing to do with the Uchiha clan.

He even came to the Uchiha clan alone.

A lot of discussions were held that night. At that time, the Konoha system was not as perfect as it is now. The public security of Konoha was entirely managed by the various ninja clans.

In order to show his sincerity, the Second Generation directly handed over the public security power of the entire Konoha to the Uchiha clan.

It's a pity that they were grateful to the second generation.

"It was also because of this incident that thoseThe dovish idea spread quickly in the clan. By the time the clan leaders became alert, it was already unstoppable! "After all, they were all clan members, and there were more than just one or two of them. They could not be attacked at all. They could only drag it on like this, hoping that after they died, this idea might end. Da Zhuang retracted his gaze and sighed, "The funny thing is that I thought it was a delicious cake at the beginning, but now it looks like a bigger and heavier invisible shackle. But even if the clan leaders saw it, they were unwilling to give up the power in their hands! If this continues, sooner or later, once the relationship between Konoha and the village deteriorates to the extreme, we Uchiha will definitely be liquidated! "

The siblings were silent.

What made the future silent was that his father was right. In the future, it was just as he said. The relationship between Uchiha and Konoha deteriorated to the extreme. Then there was a traitor who didn't know if he had lost his mind or was used by Uchiha Shisui with [Kotoamatsukami], but he actually joined forces with outsiders to slaughter the entire clan.

Even when facing his biological parents, even if he was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, even if he was in tears, he still held the knife and stabbed his parents.

Only Uchiha Sasuke was left in the entire clan.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at his father more. Is this still the father he knows?

When did he have such a long-term vision?

"What's the look in your eyes? "Uchiha Da Zhuang noticed the look in Weilai's eyes and asked unhappily.

"Uh... Dad... You..."

Looking at Weilai's dare to say but not to say, Mieko smiled. She rubbed Weilai's forehead, "Don't be fooled by your father. This guy may look big and strong, but he actually has a very good brain!"

Let alone other people, she had always thought that Da Zhuang was as his name suggested, strong and smart, but not much.

But after getting married, she discovered the real side of this man, saying sweet words every day, and nothing is repeated.

There are so many sexy poses!

How can such a person be stupid!

Hong Hong pursed her lips and interrupted, "Do you mean that the reason why the Konoha high-level officials accepted Weilai as a disciple is to try the second generation's strategy again? "

Mirai opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it in the end.

Hearing her daughter's question, Mieko put away the smile on her face.

She squinted her eyes, shook her head and said: "No, the second generation was an open conspiracy. At the beginning, we Uchiha knew that it might be a trap, but facing the temptation of the position of Hokage, we couldn't refuse it at all!

I also wanted to improve the relationship, so I didn't stop Uchiha Jing from becoming his apprentice.

But this trick has been used once. I think even if the clan leader is an idiot, it is impossible for him to fall into the same trick again!

The biggest possibility is that he wants to stabilize our Uchiha first through this method. "

Da Zhuang also touched his chin and thought: "What your mother said makes sense. The clan leader wants Fugaku to compete for the fourth generation Hokage! "

Originally they wanted to drive the Third Generation off the stage, but now the Third Generation has become a force to be reckoned with.

The Education Department has Mitomon En, the Medical Department has Utatane Koharu, and in the dark there is that old silver coin, Danzo.

Even Akimichi Tofu, who has always been ignored and has a weak presence, might unite with other families to boycott the Uchiha clan.

So it is harder than climbing to the sky for them to drive the Third Generation off the stage.

"But if you become Orochimaru's direct disciple, then we Uchiha clan will have two choices, and the clan's belief in supporting Fugaku to compete for the Fourth Generation will not be so deep!

Heh... This is another conspiracy!"

The corners of Mirai's mouth moved twice, and he was about to say that he didn't want to be Hokage.

But he was interrupted by his mother.

"Yes!" Mieko sighed and said, "Even if the clan members have suffered a loss once, once there is hope, how many people will give up easily!

On the contrary, after they have suffered a loss, they will instinctively think that the first loss was due to lack of preparation, and they will never make the same mistake again!

If you really hold such a thought, then you have really fallen into the trap of the third generation! "

Uchiha Hong hurriedly asked: "What do you mean?"

Future put away his thoughts and explained to her: "Originally, according to the Uchiha idea, the first and second generation Hokage were Senju, so the third and fourth generation Hokage should be our Uchiha.

But now it seems that the third generation is unlikely, and the chance of becoming the fourth generation is not so high. After all, compared with Teacher Orochimaru, Fugaku is beaten in every aspect.

But I am different!"

"Different? How do you mean?" Hong asked in confusion.

She couldn't think of what was different.

The Dazhuang couple stopped talking, but watched their children's questions and answers with interest!"Because I am a genius of Uchiha, the second in the Ninja School, Fugaku and others were not as outstanding as me when they were my age.

And Jiraiya-sama, and Tsunade-sama and others don't want to be in that position.

If Fugaku has no hope of competing, they will do their best to let Orochimaru become Hokage.

In this way, my chance of becoming the fifth generation will be much greater than that of Minato and others! Moreover, Minato and I are good friends, and he is often taken care of by our family.

No matter from which aspect, my chance of becoming Hokage is the highest in the history of Uchiha!"

Uchiha Hong understood.

"I see, so that's it!"

Mirai continued: "Not only that, if Orochimaru becomes the fourth generation Hokage, then we Uchiha will have hope and will be quiet for a long time until Orochimaru retires and I take over.

What a good calculation! You can use the word "delay" so well, you are worthy of being the third generation Hokage!" Mirai turned his head and looked at the third avatar of Hokage Yan.

In the original novel, a "delay tactic" made Itachi determined to exterminate his own people.

Even a "delay tactic" of inaction made White Fang Hatake Sakumo commit suicide.

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