Time soon came to the afternoon.

After school, seeing Kushina Uzumaki wanted to leave, Minato stood up hurriedly and stopped her in two or three steps.

"Uzumaki, do you have time after school?" He had a shy smile on his face, his head tilted to the side, his eyes slightly dodged, and he didn't dare to look directly at Kushina's eyes.

With this look, those who didn't know would think he wanted to invite someone to do something bad in the grove.

Looking at the sissy who stopped her, Kushina frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to invite you to practice together, do you think it's okay?"

"You want to invite me?" Kushina frowned even more.

As if he had noticed Kushina's thoughts, Minato waved his hand and grabbed the future who was sitting and watching the joke.

"No, no, no, it's not me, it's the two of us!"

Future: "???"

Strange, wasn't I watching the show, why was I pulled up?

Kushina looked past Minato and looked at Uchiha Mirai.

She had an impression of this classmate.

He was cold and arrogant, and looked down on everyone around him except Minato.

This was very Uchiha.

There was a practical class in the afternoon, and she also saw that the opponent was very strong. With just a wooden sword, he beat the opponent and made him scream.

Although he had long black hair, he was very masculine. The waist-length hair did not bring him a trace of femininity, but added a strange charm.

No wonder he could fascinate the female classmates in the class.

Before the get out of class, she was warned by female classmates from other classes not to try to get close to Uchiha Mirai, otherwise she would definitely be in trouble.

A sissy, a scumbag!

This was Uzumaki Kushina's first impression of the two.

"This... okay!" Kushina thought about it. The two were her deskmates, and they would spend a lot of time together in the future. As a foreigner, she had to integrate into Konoha.

Seeing that Kushina agreed, Minato's face became even more rosy, and even his eyes narrowed into a slit.


Kushina was stunned when she saw his smile.

It should be said that although this guy is a little bit effeminate, he is really pretty when he smiles.

Coming back to her senses, she turned around and asked, "Let's go, where are we going to practice?"

Minato quickly gathered his mind. He had already planned the place for practice.

"Follow me, that's our secret base!"

As he said that, he took Mirai by the back of the neck and walked in front to lead the way.

Mirai struggled a little and broke free from his hand, "You guys go, I want to go home!"

He wanted to go home and be quiet. Originally, he could win 10 billion, but now, let alone 10 billion, he didn't even have 100.

And he just thought about it. As an Uchiha, if he rashly contacted Uzumaki Kushina, who was about to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, it would be easy to provoke the nerves of the top leaders.

Don't forget, it was Madara who used the Sharingan to easily control the Nine-Tails and fought against the First Generation of Wood.

Even in the end, Hashirama Senju won a miserable victory, and not long after, the God of Ninja died.

So the top leaders are still a little afraid of the Uchiha clan.

They are afraid of their strength, their extremism, and even more afraid of their ability to use the Sharingan to control the giant beasts at will.

Of course, the attitude towards them now is not as serious as it will be in the future.

Minato didn't know the twists and turns here, how could he let Mirai go? He immediately grabbed the other's belt and didn't want him to leave.

Just like a blind date, whether it is a man or a woman, the first time they want to have a gay friend or a girlfriend accompany them to boost their morale.

"You promised me this morning, how can you go back on your word!"

"Hey hey hey... stop pulling, I'm going to take off my pants!" Mirai struggled twice, but couldn't get away.

Forget it, anyway, the attitude of the top leaders towards them, the Uchiha, has been going on for a long time.

There should be an Anbu to stop them then!

With this in mind, he followed Minato's lead and walked towards the grove.


Then Uzumaki Kushina was a little confused!

She looked at Minato and took a fish out of the river.

After roasting it, he didn't eat it himself, but used the roasted fish to set a trap.

The trap had a big pit, covered with fallen leaves and weeds as a cover, and the roasted fish was on the weeds.

Then he took her and hid in the bushes on the side.

Uzumaki Kushina: [・_・?]

I feel like I have a lot of question marks!

She didn't understand the other party's mysterious operation at all.

"What are you doing?"

Minato held small branches in both hands, covering his yellow hair at the temples, and looked at the trap in front of him intently.

Hearing Uzumaki KushinaAfter saying this, he lowered his voice and explained: "Although the fish in the river is delicious, I don't think it's as delicious as wild boar meat!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "!!!"

She widened her eyes and looked at the trap in astonishment, then looked at Minato.

She looked at the grilled fish again, then looked at Minato again, and so on...

There were a lot of things she wanted to complain about in an instant, but there were too many words, all stuck in her throat.

Her face flushed red, and it was obvious that she was having a hard time holding it in.

Finally, she finally squeezed out a paragraph of words.

"You use grilled fish to make a pit trap to attract wild boars!?"

Are you kidding me? Which wild boar would be so stupid?

Also, there are wild boars in Konoha Village? !

Most importantly, wild boars eat this stuff?

She didn't know that wild boars actually eat everything and are not picky eaters.

Minato smiled at her and said confidently: "Don't worry, I have a lot of experience in the traps I made!

Don't look at it as simple, I used this trap to catch the third generation!"

He has caught the third generation, let alone a wild boar.

Uzumaki Kushina: "???"


Meow meow meow...

In her mind, someone who was about to be pickled by smoke immediately appeared.

The third generation! ? Is it the boss of Konohagakure, Sarutobi Hiruzen Hokage? !

Uchiha Mirai held a wooden sword and leaned against a big tree.

The tree was very thick, even two of him could be perfectly covered. When he heard Minato's proud words, his expression was also quite strange.

This incident was really true, and it happened last month.

At that time, he and Minato were hungry during training, so the two of them decided to go to the river to catch fish.

Both of them were exhausted, and the fish they caught were either too small or nothing.

Finally, the two looked at the lonely fish and fell into deep thought.

The fish was only the size of a palm, not enough for them to eat.

It would be a pity to throw it away, so the two discussed and decided to just eat it, it was better than nothing.

So they cut it open, skewered it and roasted it.

While roasting, Minato suddenly thought of something, and with his eyes shining, he made a trap with the fish.

In the end, the beast did not come, but the Sandai came.

Then the Sandai was caught!

It was only with the combined efforts of him and Minato that the Sandai was pulled up.

Mirai dared to hold Minato's asshole and swear that the Sandai was definitely intentional.

But... he had no evidence!

But Minato was still convinced.

I don't know where his confidence came from! With the perfect score in the [Trap Technique]...

"Shh... don't talk, it's coming!" Minato hurriedly reminded. He had been paying attention to the surroundings and noticed the movement before the two of them.

Uzumaki Kushina turned her head in confusion and looked at the source of the sound.

There was a rustling sound in the dense bushes, as if some animal was walking and rubbing against the leaves.

'Oh my god... can't it be that wild boars are really that stupid! ? '

As if she thought of something, she shook her head again.

'No, this is not a question of stupidity, but the question is, don't wild boars eat vegetarian food? '

Could it be that this wild boar wants to change its taste?

The strange look on Mirai's face also converged, his body was slightly tense, and he was ready to take action. He didn't think that he could subdue a big wild boar with a pit-type trap.

He noticed from the corner of his eye that Minato squatted lower and one hand quietly touched his back bag.

There was Minato's ninja bag, which was his birthday gift to Minato.

'Fortunately, although this guy is a little bit confident, he is not stupid enough to really think that he can catch the big wild boar with this trap. '

He couldn't help but show a look of relief, and suddenly, his face froze.

Minato's hand had already touched his back bag, why did the branch blocking his temples still not move, and still stay firmly on his face? !

He tilted his head slightly and looked at Minato from another direction.

When he saw it clearly, his face turned black instantly.

This guy actually used the muscles at the corner of his eyes to clamp the branch.

So the branch still stayed firmly on his face, continuing to block the yellow temples.

Damn, this is all right? !


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