Wei Lai had a smile on his face, but he was still thinking.

Is this old guy sick?

He kept pestering him, and he couldn't do anything.

Seeing that Hyuga Souji's desserts were about to be packed, he hurriedly said sweetly: "Uncle, I want to ask, are the desserts on the counter outside ours?"

"Huh?" The boss was stunned, then frowned, "I'll go and take a look!"

As he said that, he stood up and walked towards the counter. As he walked, Wei Lai could still hear the other party cursing.

"These two guys can't even take care of the customers of a store. It seems that they still need to recruit workers!"

'Huh... finally left! ' Wei Lai sighed in his heart.

If it weren't for the convenience of dressing up as a little girl, he wouldn't bother to dress up.

But Hyuga Reika was too fat. If she used the [Transformation Technique], she would definitely be discovered. This task could only be done by him!

Thinking about it, he took out a syringe from his sleeve and hid it under his wrist, and walked towards the packing place with a curious look on his face.

He asked with innocence and envy: "There are so many desserts!"

Because of his height difference, he put his hand on the table, and in front of his hand was the packing bag. No one paid attention to his actions, and all looked at him with a smile.

"Hehe... little friend, do you want to eat? Call me brother, and I will give you delicious food!"

Future: ( ̄ー ̄)

I can bear it!

He immediately showed a big smile.

"Ouni~ sauce"

"Hey~" He was in a good mood immediately.

Without saying anything, he handed a dessert to Future.

"Then goodbye, brother! I'm going to share the dessert with my brother!"

"Yeah, okay! The ground is slippery, be careful!"

Looking at the way Future walked with the dessert, the other people in the store all showed a fatherly smile.

"What a polite little girl!"

"That boy of mine... forget it... he doesn't deserve it!"

"I'll go see if her parents are there. If they are, I'll become sworn brothers with him, and his daughter will be my daughter! Hehe..."

"That's not right... why did she go through the back door?"

As soon as this was said, everyone in the back room was stunned.

Someone immediately chased after her, "Little friend, you went the wrong way!"

But when he opened the curtain, the little girl was no longer on the back street, and there were only passers-by who looked at him with a strange expression.

I don't know what he was so excited about!

At the corner, Mirai's face was dark!

This made Hyuga Reika couldn't help but joke, "I didn't expect you to be so popular after becoming a girl!"

Mirai looked at her and couldn't help but retort, "It's none of your business!"

Hyuga Reika, who was retorted, didn't care, she asked about the business!

"How is it, is it going well?"

Weiwei lay in the corner, slightly tilted his head and looked towards the back door. When he saw the man went back with a look of disappointment, he turned around and walked out.

While eating the meatballs, he said: "Don't worry, I did it very secretly. They were attracted by my cute appearance and didn't notice that I used a syringe to inject laxatives into the bag!"

Hinata Reika watched him eat so deliciously, and couldn't help but reach out to take the meatballs from his bowl to eat.

Weiwei immediately quit, he turned sideways and said unhappily: "This is what I exchanged for my looks, if you want to eat it, go buy it yourself!"

Hinata Reika didn't care about Weiwei's words at all, she directly grabbed and snatched half of the meatball skewers in his bowl.

"Don't worry, I'll give it back to you later!"

In the consciousness space of Hinata Reika, a ball of light watched this scene, and the corner of his mouth also showed a smile like an old father.

‘Hehe… I did say that there is only one time traveler in a world, because if there are two, they will definitely fight.

But what I didn’t say is that a male and a female are not included! ’

‘Xiao Linghua, Xiao Linghua, don’t you realize that your relationship has progressed too fast! ’

There is a saying that when fellow villagers meet, their eyes are filled with tears.

Even if they don’t know each other, as people from the same world, they will get close to each other and walk together in the dark!

Just like when you go to work outside the province and stay with other strangers, after a long time, you will find people from the same province.

When the future saw that there was only a string of three-color meatballs left on the plate, his face wilted.

It looked a little aggrieved! ?

Oh, forget it, eating too much will cause cavities and make you fat!

It’s better to eat less!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

As for the boss’s words… ah… just listen to them the other way around.

If he says that you won't get cavities, does that mean you won't get cavities?

No one would believe that.

Of course, there are some people who can eat a lot without gaining weight.Quality, such as the man named Hyuga Souyoshi.

But there are only a few such people.

"Did you calculate correctly?" Mirai asked curiously after finishing the last string of meatballs.

Hearing that the other party doubted her professionalism, Hyuga Reika was a little unhappy.

"Don't worry, my mother was a pharmacist trained by the family. I learned from my mother for a while when I was a child!"

As she said this, there was no sadness on her face. She had gotten used to it over the years.

"That's good!" Mirai nodded. He remembered that the other party could replicate the red pepper balls of the Akimichi clan, so he no longer doubted the other party's ability.

Speaking of crossing over, it really changed a lot of things.

At the beginning, Tongzi told him that he was the only crosser in this world.

And its explanation sounded quite reliable. For so long, he hadn't seen any trace of his fellow villagers.

On the contrary, it was because of his influence that Hyuga Reika, who had never appeared in the original work, actually hid such a strong talent.

‘Perhaps her secret was discovered, and was solved by the main family in secret!’

That’s why it didn’t appear in the original book.

After arriving at the toilet, the two of them found a gap where no one was around, and immediately slipped into the men’s toilet.

Mirai didn’t want to be discovered, because he was now dressed as a woman, and if others found out, there might be some trouble.

Hyuga Reika was shy.

She had never been to a public place for men.

My mother said that if you see something you shouldn’t see, you will get stye.

She still relies on [Baiyan] to make a living, but she doesn’t want to waste [Baiyan].

Because Hyuga Reika was so fat, the two of them couldn’t squeeze in at all, so they simply found a room each and went in to wait.

If someone else came in, they would lock the cubicle, so that people outside would think that someone was using the single toilet.

Until that person came in.

In the ninja school.

Namikaze Minato listened listlessly, and the teacher was also talking with a bit of lack of interest.

The students were doing their own things, and none of them could concentrate on the class.

"As we all know... Between A and B, the straight line is the shortest. If we want to attack point B as quickly as possible, it is best to use the straightest route, but this is also the easiest for the enemy to detect and guard against.

Ninjas with superb combat experience will even set traps in this way, waiting for us to fall into them.

So the teacher's announcement to you is that straight-line attacks are the most undesirable, and we must learn to..."

At this point, he couldn't say anything more.

He put down the textbook, with a look of despair on his face.

'Uchiha Mirai... The days when you were away... The teacher missed you! '

In the past, even if Uchiha Mirai didn't listen to his lectures, other students wouldn't be so boring.

They wouldn't look at the future's position from time to time.

But now that the future is gone, he found that not only the students' attention was not on the class.

Even he felt empty in his heart, as if something was missing.

Damn it, what on earth was I expecting before!


Look, even Minato Namikaze, who was the least troublesome in the class, didn't have the heart to listen to his lecture.

He would look out the window from time to time, and then turned his head to look at the door of the classroom.

Then I might as well not attend this class!

I must go to Uchiha Mirai's house for a home visit in the evening, don't force yourself to kneel down and beg him to come to school.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, this guy is not that annoying.

In the bathroom, the two waited for a long time, but still didn't see the shadow of Hyuga Souji.

This made Mirai have a bad premonition.

He just realized that if Hyuga Souji ate the three-color meatballs in the store and stayed for a while, he could go to the bathroom in the store.

Just when he thought that this plan had failed.

There was a hurried sound of footsteps.

"You two are waiting for me outside. Come in with me!"

The voice still had the unique voice of the puberty period. Mirai recognized it as the voice of Hyuga Souyoshi.

He was immediately delighted. The course of events was still developing as they expected.

He hurriedly held his breath and focused all his attention on his ears.

As he got closer, the hurried footsteps only paused in front of his door. After noticing someone here, he turned to the next one.

With a creak.

The door opened!

It was the next room!

Mirai raised the corner of his mouth, and he and Hyuga Reika hid in a room apart.

That is, they hid in the two cubicles No. 2 and No. 4.

The No. 1 cubicle was the most frequently used, and a person who was about to have diarrhea would not choose the last toilet, so No. 3 was the most likely one for the two of them.

The fact was indeed as they expected.

When there was a rustling sound from next door,After hearing the sound, Mirai and Hyuga Reika quietly climbed up the partition, opened the curtain and looked down.

Hyuga Soyoshi looked like he was alive, and squatted in the pit with his eyes squinted comfortably.

Mirai raised his head and looked at Hyuga Reika, and his eyes were all self-evident.

The next moment, Mirai signaled Hyuga Reika to crawl to the women's restroom first to explore the potential danger.

And he opened his mouth slightly.

As his Adam's apple surged, a needle filled with estrogen was spit out by him.

Gradually, the [Sharingan] in his eyes slowly emerged.

It's not a bad thing to use the [Sharingan] once or twice occasionally, and this matter cannot be sloppy.

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