Mirai looked at someone in the vegetable market again, looking hopeless!

"Oh my God, why am I so unlucky today!"

Hinata Reika, who was standing next to her, was too lazy to complain, and she also felt a little sympathy for the other party.

"You didn't run into your family again, did you?"

Mirai nodded with a sad face.

In order to avoid my father's attention, I ran to other streets on purpose. Just as I was about to go to the grove, I happened to meet my sister.

When I wanted to avoid my sister's sight and was about to go around the vegetable market, how could I just happen to meet my mother who was buying vegetables!

Damn, how did I encounter such a bloody thing?

Is this the treatment of the protagonist?

Which god, can you not be so cruel? I kneel down to you!

I am still young, I really can't bear it!

As a jonin of the Uchiha family, although she hasn't picked up a weapon for many years, Uchiha Mieko, who is also very sensitive to sight, also noticed the sight of looking at her.

From childhood to adulthood, she grew up in the sight of people around her, and she is very familiar with their sight.

Many people look at her with envy, or with dirty thoughts in their eyes.

But she is used to it, and she can look if she wants, and she won't lose a piece of meat.

But the two sights are different, one of which makes her feel familiar.

So she stopped chatting and laughing with the vegetable vendor's wife, turned her head and looked, wanting to see what the familiarity is.

Mirai was startled, and hurriedly turned her back and pretended to tidy up Hinata Reika's clothes.

It's a picture of us being good sisters and good girlfriends.

"What's wrong? Mrs. Mieko?" The proprietress looked at her curiously.

Just now, she was still talking and laughing, why did she suddenly turn her head and look at the entrance of the vegetable market!

She followed the other person's line of sight and found that he was looking at a pair of little girls, and couldn't help laughing.

"Those little girls are so cute!" They are really well-matched.

Especially the thin one, just looking at her back, you can tell that she will definitely be a great beauty in the future.

Anyone who has been a woman knows that whenever you see a cute, pretty, and polite little girl, you always think about your own children, or the children of relatives and friends, and always want to pair them up.

The boss lady thought that Mieko was the same, so she covered her mouth and laughed.

"That little girl is so pretty, and she is also very caring. I remember your child, she is about this age!"

Mieko frowned slightly, she always felt that the back was familiar.

But she just couldn't remember it for a while.

Hearing the boss lady's words, she smiled again.

Shaking her head, she said, "I can't control my brat. If he likes this girl, let him chase her. If I interfere, he will definitely be angry with me!"

As she said that, she looked in that direction again with curiosity.

After being told by the boss lady, she couldn't help but think in this direction.

But it should be said that the thin girl is really good, and she will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future.

Forget about the fat girl. I don't know why. It's not that I have an opinion on her fatness, but I just feel a little uncomfortable when I see her.

This feeling is like a cold. It comes without any signs and goes away like dying.

Future shivered twice, and he could also feel the gaze.

'It's over. Mom has looked at me twice. Could she recognize me? '

Thinking of this, he immediately reached out and took Hinata Reika's hand, pulling her away from here as if he was escaping quickly.

Mieko was just about to go over there to get in touch with the girl in advance and see who she was from.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually ran away!

She ran away without any signs, as if she was avoiding something!

‘Hmm~’ Her eyes narrowed slightly. Years of experience told her that the other party was definitely avoiding her.

Who would avoid her?

‘Interesting! ’

A slight arc appeared on the corner of her mouth. After a certain possibility flashed in her eyes, she smiled even more brightly.

She turned to the boss and said, “Give me some potatoes and ginger!”

“Tonight I want to make pork ribs stewed with potatoes, add more ginger!”


Future didn’t care about anything. He dragged Hinata Reika and ran to the toilet.

Even though this was the inner vegetable market and there were a lot of people in the toilet, he didn’t care.

Directly, in the confused eyes of everyone, he flashed into a men’s toilet.

Close the door and lock it!

Quickly remove the makeup.

Today is really wrong, all the poisonous things are coming at him.

If he still wears women's clothes, who knows if Minato willThey bumped into each other.

Before, he thought it was unlikely, after all, Konoha was so big.

But now he didn't dare to think so.

He ran into his parents and sister on three consecutive streets.

Is this the legendary 'Murphy's Law'?

Things with only a slight possibility will be infinitely magnified.

Then the probability of him running into Minato must be infinite.

Minato must not know that he was wearing women's clothes.

He had lost face once in the morning, and he must not do it this time!

As he licked his tongue, the makeup on his face disappeared instantly.

He opened his mouth and spit, and his original clothes appeared.

He changed them immediately.

Outside the toilet door.

Hyuga Reika was also speechless.

'Tongzi, why do I feel that everything is not going well today! '

This made the system roll its eyes.

What a joke, when you are with the protagonist, how can things go smoothly!

Before, you wanted to deal with Hyuga Souyoshi, and you succeeded easily. Then this "bad luck" must be fulfilled in other places.

'Host, although this incident happened very outrageous, you have to learn to get used to it. As the protagonist, there will always be some strange things happening around him. '

Hinata Reika sighed.

The "protagonist" she thought was just a trendsetter of the times.

Not the kind in the book.

'But why was he fine before? '

After listening, the system curled its lips.

It didn't happen before because the golden finger of the "protagonist" was not activated.

The "protagonist" without the golden finger is the same as an ordinary person.

That's why he spent seven years in peace.

'In short, host, if you follow him, you must be prepared to deal with all troubles! '

"It turns out that he is a troublemaker!" Hyuga Reika understood.

I have made up my mind. After this contact, both parties will treat each other as the most unfamiliar people in the future.

I need to keep a low profile, and the last person I can contact is someone like him.

Otherwise, I will be exposed.

She glanced at the toilet and frowned again.

If she didn't want to understand what the other party injected into Hyuga Soyoshi, she really wanted to leave now.

But soon, she noticed something.

Because Mirai rushed into the men's toilet just now, this incident was seen by many people.

Because Mirai was wearing cute women's clothes, many old perverts couldn't help but crowd into the men's toilet.

And some aunts stood at the door of the men's toilet, calling anxiously inside.

I wanted to tell the little girl who rushed in just now that she entered the wrong toilet.

But because there were people in the men's toilet, they wanted to go in but didn't dare to.

Hyuga Reika: ( ̄□ ̄;)

Good guy, I really have to stay away from him!

At this time, someone suddenly patted her shoulder, which scared her.


"Bao Yisi, little friend, did Auntie scare you?" Mieko half-crouched down and looked at Hyuga Reika.

Her eyes were full of apology.

Hyuga Reika was a little confused. Wasn't this the person who bought vegetables just now? If she guessed correctly, she should be her future mother.

Why did she find her!

Mieko took in all her reactions carefully.

'Surprised... Confused... And understood... This is interesting...'

Although the little fat ball hid it well, she still saw it.

"Auntie, do you have something to do?" Hyuga Reika quickly restrained her emotions and asked very innocently.

This made Mieko feel a little happy.

'Then she immediately changed into an innocent little girl! ? Trying to get away with it, this little guy is not simple! ’

“Auntie just wants to ask, what happened here, why are there so many people gathered here?”

Hearing this, Hyuga Reika felt bitter.

‘See, I told you to be prepared! ’ Tongzi’s voice sounded in her heart at the right time.

‘Don’t talk about this first, help me think about what I should say! ’

‘Just tell the truth, there are so many people here, why do you think she came to you instead of others, not to mention, even if you lie, the other party can see through it at a glance! ’

Hyuga Reika was speechless after hearing this.

Yes, it seems that she can only tell the truth!

But she still wants to struggle, and she doesn’t know why.

“Auntie, I don’t know, I just got here!”

‘I lied, as expected, I still don’t like this little girl! ’ The smile on Mieko’s face was restrained a little.She asked again: "What about the friend you were with just now? Why can't I see her?"


Hinata Karin didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Tongzi: (.-_-.)

Oh, see, telling a lie requires countless lies to cover it up.

Mieko looked at the other party's silence for a long time, and she was already 80% sure in her heart.

'Wearing women's clothes... There is this little fat guy at the door... Familiar feeling... And subconsciously rushed into... The men's room...'

'Little Mirai, you are quite good at playing! '

The corners of her mouth raised a bright smile.

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