Kushina, who was standing by and watching the fight, was also surprised that Mirai's tongue was so long, flexible, and powerful.

But when she thought of Lord Orochimaru, she was not so surprised.

Because the other party's tongue was bigger, longer, and more powerful.

'Unconsciously, Mirai has already had the demeanor of Lord Orochimaru! '

In the field, the battle started again.

This time it was Mirai who made the first move.

As always, if Minato made the first move, he would be very passive.

He raised his hand and waved it, and in an instant a [Sword Qi] was chopped out by him.

This [Sword Qi] was crescent-shaped, milky white, and almost two meters high.

Wherever it passed, all the leaves and branches were split in half by it.

Minato and Kushina were shocked when they saw this scene.

"What is this?!"

"【Sword Qi】?! Legend has it that swordsmen can use the blade to swing out extremely sharp airflow. In the future, are you a beginner?" Minato said with wide eyes.

After his explanation, Kushina also understood. She stared with big eyes, her face full of disbelief.

"Is this 【Sword Qi】?!" She had never seen the entity, and only heard about it in books.

This is incredible.

It's almost a no-mark ninjutsu!

In the body, Kurama snorted coldly. It didn't like the power of its sacrifice, and it was so ignorant.

It was really embarrassing for the Nine-Tails.


"What's so surprising? It's just a small [Sword Qi], and its essence is still driven by chakra!"

"Chakra was born in this world, and all kinds of strange things can happen. Let alone [Sword Qi], I wouldn't be surprised if someone suddenly turned from a man to a woman one day!"

Kushina's mind appeared in front of the sealed space. She looked at the Nine-Tails nailed to the ball and shook her head and said, "No, the kind you are talking about is chakra driving wind attribute chakra, and the air blade released is fundamentally different from [Sword Qi]. Although both are Chakra is needed.

However, the former is an air knife released by compressed air, while [Sword Qi] is different. It is an attack released by the user with his own understanding of kendo and chakra as the source of power.

The former is just a simple attack, while the latter attack is attached with his own kendo will, and the power will be increased by several levels.

I have read in a book that a true swordsman can swing a knife with the power of a mountain collapse and earth splitting, and breaking a mountain is not a problem! "

Kyuubi heard this and his face condensed. Kushina's words reminded him of that man.

That man also had the power to split a mountain with one blow.

Could it be that a swordsman can be so powerful!?

Humans are indeed blessed by nature. They can learn everything and learn very quickly.

"Then why do they use knives, but you call them swordsmen and swordsmen?"

Kushina: "? ? ? "

She was stunned by Kyuubi's words and looked at it in confusion.

"You ask me?"

"Nonsense, is there another person here!"

"You are a thousand-year-old demon, how dare you ask me a little girl who is less than ten years old, how dare you!"

Kyuubi: "Uh..."

It looked embarrassed, this is indeed a bit embarrassing!

"By the way, you have lived for so long, can you explain to me why people who use swords are called swordsmen?"

Faced with Kushina's question, Kurama's face froze, and no one knew why.

In the past, I either ate or slept, and then I would fight with other tailed beasts, bully the one-tailed beast, and watch it being defeated.

If I was bored, I would tear down a house for fun.

No one knew why you humans called people who use swords swordsmen, shouldn't they be called swordsmen!

But I couldn't let Kushina know that I didn't know about this, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

So it snorted coldly and drove Kushina out of the sealed space directly.

"You are a human being and you don't even know, how dare you ask me?! I don't even bother to explain to you why people who use swords can be called swordsmen!"

When Kushina came to her senses, she had already returned to reality.

Her face gradually became speechless.

'Damn, you idiot, you dragged me in, do you think I want to go to your place! '

If you don't know, just say you don't know, why are you pretending to be so arrogant!

In the field, Minato dodged Future's [Sword Qi], and he hurriedly looked behind him.

He found that the big tree that was hit was instantly split into two, and the cut surface was unusually smooth and shiny.

Minato looked at this scene and his face turned green.

The big tree was split, could his small body withstand it?

"Future, when did you learn it, and you actually hid it from me!" As he said, he looked resentful.

As if the future had done something that angered the heavens and the people.

Looking at his expression, the future was speechless, and there were many MMPs in his heart, ready to come out.

"Don't come on, I don't believe you don't know this trick of mine!"

He had used this trick to fight with Naoki, and the noise was so loud that it was not until Tsunade took action that their fight was stopped.

Tsunade was back, he didn't believe that Minato didn't know about this, even if he didn't know, wouldn't Jiraiya know!

That's why he used this trick at the beginning, instead of hiding it and catching him off guard at the critical moment.

Minato: (#/。\#)

How embarrassing, the other party actually knew it.

Future, if you didn't say it, I could blackmail you.

For example, let you wear women's clothes or something, so as to wash away the shame of being forced to wear women's clothes.

"I really don't know, you have to believe me!" He blinked his big eyes, looking innocent.


"I believe you, uncle, come on!"

Future had a dark face, holding the knife, and swung three times.

At the same time, he put the knife on his waist and made a gesture of drawing the knife.

Minato looked at the three [Sword Qi] coming towards him, and his face changed immediately. He didn't dare to take these three moves head-on, otherwise he would definitely be torn into pieces.

"Future, you're too cruel!"

As he said that, he quickly retreated backwards.

Left and right, he couldn't dodge away. Didn't he see that guy Future was following closely behind the [Sword Qi], and at the same time, he had already made the [Drawing the Sword] posture!

If he dared to dodge, he would definitely be in trouble!

"Minato, I told you, if you want to defeat me, show your real speed. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Namikaze Minato: `Д´|

You are really stubborn, aren't you!

He stopped hiding immediately. Anyway, he had been exposed just now. Thinking of this, he paused and looked at the whistling [Sword Qi] and people. He finally became serious.

"Mirai, don't cry if you lose!"

Mirai didn't answer, but the muscles in his arms seemed to be thicker.

Minato didn't care that the other party didn't answer. He raised his kunai and chuckled: "Watch out, my fight will only take a moment!"


In an instant, Mirai lost Minato's trace.

It was as if no one had ever appeared there.

Mirai's face was unusually solemn, and he was no longer as relaxed as before.

'I was careless before and didn't see it clearly, but I didn't expect that I still didn't see it this time when I concentrated! ’

This speed is definitely faster than Lee in his Chunin period.

Seven years old, with the speed of Lee at thirteen, Minato, you are worthy of it!

Thinking in his heart, he gave up the [Drawing Sword Slash] posture.

He turned his body and turned directly to the back.

People with fast speed rarely attack from the front, which the teacher taught in the morning.

It is easy to be targeted.

Based on Future's understanding of Minato, he doesn't like to attack from the front either.

Although he used to be this kind of person, after being cracked by Future several times, he changed his attack route. Whether attacking from the left, right, top, back, etc., it is far more advantageous than attacking from the front.

And there is a sword energy opening up in front of Future, which protects his front in a sense.

He only needs to pay attention to other directions now.

Sure enough, when he turned his body, he saw a figure appearing above his head. He stepped on the tree upside down, pointed the kunai in his direction, and looked at Future with some surprise.

"You actually guessed my attack route!?"

Mirai raised his lips and said with a grin, "It's just a simple probability problem!"

Minato smiled and didn't attack. He knew Mirai was lying to him.

This wasn't a probability problem. It was clearly a targeted measure he made based on his understanding of himself.

Seeing that Minato didn't attack, Mirai didn't want to follow him. He immediately stomped on the ground to stop himself.

Then he pushed hard on the ground and rushed towards him.

He raised his knife with both hands and shouted loudly: "Minato~"

Minato was also excited by him. He also kicked the tree trunk and shouted very loudly: "Mirai~"

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