Da Zhuang wanted to say something, but he noticed the strange expressions of the mother and daughter, which made him a little confused.

"What are those expressions?"

It's not like to say that they are confused, because there is a strange look in their eyes, as if they are speechless!

But it's even less like to say that they are speechless.

Mieko looked at the fat ball, and her eyes gradually became dangerous.

"Husband, I don't agree with this marriage!"

Future: ⊙▃⊙

Uchiha Da Zhuang: [・_・?]

"Why?" Is it because the other party is too fat?

That's not a problem. If you move more, you will definitely lose weight.

He stared at his wife with a pair of sincere big eyes and persuaded her: "Wife, believe me, I am very accurate in judging people. Don't think this person is fat. In fact, it's just that fat covers up all her advantages. Once she loses weight, her appearance and figure will only be one point worse than yours."

Mieko shook her head. She didn't care much about this, but...

Forget it, she directly told the reason why she didn't like her.

"Do you know why I don't like her? Because I have met her!"

"Ah!?" This time it was Da Zhuang's turn to be confused.

Is it such a coincidence?

"Ah... Da Zhuang... If you say other girls, I won't mind, but this girl is the only one, because she will lie!"

"Ha!?" The father and son shouted together, all with a dull look on their faces.

Especially in the future, he didn't know that Hinata Reika had actually met his mother.

When did it happen? Did it happen after he rushed into the men's bathroom?

Why did she lie to her mother and leave a bad impression on her?

Uchiha Hong had heard her mother talk about this before Mirai and the others, and she thought of a possibility at this moment.

So she asked tentatively: "Mom, what did you ask?"

Hearing her say this, both the father and son turned to look at Mieko, curious about what they talked about.

Mieko rubbed her eyebrows and told her about her conversation with Hyuga Reika.

After listening, Uchiha Hong's face was weird for a while, and she finally understood that it seemed that her mother was because of this.

So she said: "Mom, she lied to you, do you think there is a possibility that she is protecting someone?"

As she said, she glanced at Mirai!

Mieko followed her line of sight, and when she saw her son...

She was silent!

Yes, at that time, I asked her what happened in the toilet, and she told me that she didn't know.

But he knew that it was his son who caused the sensation in the toilet.

That means she was defending her own son.

But she got stuck in a dead end and directly caught the other party's small matter of deceiving herself, so she had a grudge against her.

Future: "???"

What are you looking at me for?

But he didn't dare to speak. Everything was vaguely pointing to his mother and sister, as if they knew the fact that he was wearing women's clothes.

But this was just his idea. He didn't dare to ask. If he asked, he would break the fig leaf.

Then he would be so embarrassed that he had to deduct three bedrooms and a living room.

Defending her own son... That's fine!

The grudge in Mieko's heart disappeared immediately.

She immediately looked at the back of the photo with a kind look, "This girl is really good. In fact, if you look closely, she is quite polite!"

Uchiha Dazhuang's face suddenly brightened. His wife agreed with the person he saw. Doesn't this mean that she is very optimistic about his vision?

Thinking of this, he turned and looked at the future, "Son, after the unanimous decision of the three members of the Dazhuang family, we want to send you to seduce... ahem... pursue, pursue this girl!"

After saying that, he saw the bitter look on his son's face, thinking that he was worried that the other party was not good-looking, so he comforted and persuaded: "Don't worry, Dad, I have a good eye for people. If this person can lose weight, she will definitely not be fat!"

"As for her appearance, you don't have to worry. This girl has very delicate and smooth skin. Once she loses weight, she will definitely be a beauty!"

Future: (゜-゜)

Sometimes, he has to admire his father's vision. Hinata Reika is really beautiful when she loses weight.

She is so beautiful that he is so ridiculous that he is open-eyed.

Uchiha Hong also smiled and said: "Yes, brother, what dad said about this girl is right. Mom has also seen her. I think you should really pursue her. There are so many boys now, and all the good girls are occupied.

If you don't work hard now, you may not be able to find a girlfriend when you are in your twenties, thirties, or even forties in the future!"

"You can't let your parents, or even me, support you for the rest of your life!"

"I'm still young!" Future looked very melancholy, facing his father and sisterIf he hadn't heard of her, he wouldn't know what to say.

"Little ass, Fugaku, you know, when that guy was five years old, he took Mikoto around everywhere, fearing that others wouldn't know that Mikoto was his girlfriend.

You're already seven years old, and you'll be eight soon. If you round it up, you'll be eight, nine, ten, or eleven. You're not in a hurry, but we are!"

Future looked at his father, who was spitting all over his face, and narrowed his eyes. He didn't want to see his father's hateful look of urging him to get married.

"Don't worry, I've asked someone to find her. I promise to give you the correct contact information tomorrow. Then, you can create an encounter, get close to her, take her out to play every day, climb mountains, swim, or go to the sea.

Anyway, just keep your mouth shut, move your legs, exercise more, let her lose weight slowly, and then you'll know how beautiful she is!"

Future: "..."

Hehe... I already know!

Honghong held Mieko's arm, she narrowed her eyes with a smile that meant something.

"Dad, don't worry about this. I think Mirai will definitely find her, don't you think so, my dear brother~brother~"



Mirai shrank her neck and didn't dare to look at her directly. Why did she feel that her sister really knew?

But isn't it a bit outrageous to let me marry Hyuga Reika?

She beat me half to death just two days ago, but I have to say that she is really beautiful.

Especially she is very fierce. If she hits me, my nose will definitely bleed!


No, no, Mirai, you have to control yourself and don't let people see that you are actually a little pervert.

"I don't..."

"Dad, I have a secret..." Uchiha Hong interrupted directly, and she glanced at Mirai with a meaning in her eyes.

This meaning was just understandable to Mirai.

‘Brother, you don’t want your secret to be known, do you?’

Mirai: ┗( 0﹏0 )┛ Surrender

Please, don’t say it!

Knock, knock…

Suddenly, at this time, there was a knock on the door.

“Captain Dazhuang, the clan leader asks you to come over.”

This strange voice interrupted the ‘happy’ family.

The smile on Dazhuang’s face faded a little, “Damn, it must be about the Hyuga clan!”

This matter has caused a big stir today. If he hadn’t used tough measures to stop it, I’m afraid it would have spread to the Hokage Building.

Alas, how could a good after-dinner time be interrupted?

He shouted at the door: “I know, wait for me, I’ll be there soon!”

Mieko and the others also stood up, and Mirai looked a little embarrassed.

The reason for this matter was still because of himself.

To be honest, the more proud he was of his plan at the beginning, the more he regretted it now.

The follow-up of this incident is really...

Under the gaze of the whole family, Da Zhuang led two clan members to the clan leader's house.

The future looked at his father's back as he walked away, with a worried look on his face.

If they hadn't given Hyuga Souji diarrhea, they wouldn't have run into Uchiha law enforcement officers in the toilet, and maybe they wouldn't have quarreled, let alone made such a big fuss.

Seeing his worry, Mieko reached out to support his shoulders and smiled and comforted him, "Don't worry, your father is very smart!"

Smart people always have ways to solve problems.

She didn't worry about anything at all.

Uchiha Hong also smiled and closed the door, "Yes, and the relationship between our Uchiha and Hyuga clans has never been very good, especially recently, there have been frictions every day, and this conflict is expected.

Dad can go to the clan leader to explain the pros and cons of this matter to the clan leader and effectively avoid some unnecessary troubles."

As she said, she turned back and looked at the future!

After listening to this, Weilai couldn't help but nodded, "That's true, Dad is so smart!"

"Well... sister... why did you lock the door?"

"Nothing, just to prevent being disturbed!"

"Mom, why are you holding my hand?"

"Mom is worried that you will run away!"

"Hey, sister, why are you holding my hand too?"

"Sister is also afraid that you will run away!"

"Wait, isn't this my room? What are we doing here?" Weilai became more and more scared.

He seemed to have anticipated what was going to happen next.

Mieko and Honghong stretched out their hands and pushed Weilai directly into his room.

His face was so bright with a smile!

"Weilai, be obedient! Mom/sister knows what you did today!"

In an instant, Weilai was completelyEveryone froze. His sister and mother really knew!

He turned his head mechanically and looked behind him. Mieko was holding a pink kimono and his sister was holding a black and white maid outfit. He became more and more terrified, "No!"

"Don't come over here!

"Ya... Ya... Meteor"


Uchiha Dazhuang and the other two didn't walk far. When they heard the scream, they subconsciously turned their heads and looked behind them, "Whose unlucky child is this? Why is he screaming so miserably!"

Dazhuang shrugged and didn't take the scream seriously, "Who cares? He must not be able to do his homework, so he was beaten by his parents!"

The two shrugged and didn't care about the unlucky child anymore.

"Let's go. We can't keep the clan leader and others waiting for too long.

By the way, have you found the person you were looking for? "Before going home, he asked this man to help him find the little fat ball.

"Well, I found it, but captain, why are you looking for her? She is from the Hyuga clan!"

Da Zhuang paused and his face froze.


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