The farewell ceremony lasted for a long time, until the last figure could not be seen, and the villagers slowly followed the crowd and returned to Konoha Village.

However, their enthusiasm had not disappeared, and the excitement on their faces remained on their faces.

In the future, they also walked towards the school under the guidance of the teacher.

It was only nine o'clock in the morning, and they had to go to a class after returning to school.

The three of them were walking at the end of the class team, and he found something very strange.

The girls in the class seemed to be very afraid of Kushina, and did not want to play with her or contact her, but as long as Kushina asked them for help, these female classmates did not dare to object, and they did it happily.

"Kushina, do you have a grudge with the girls in the class?"

Hearing what the future said, Minato also looked at Kushina curiously.

He didn't know what happened. It seemed that the day after the future disappeared, the attitude of these female classmates towards Kushina changed.

Became very afraid.

As if Kushina was a demon monster that specialized in eating people.

He couldn't help but look to the side!

Ah~ So cute!


But Kushina is so cute, how could she be a demon?

Even if she is a demon, she is a cute demon, so why be so scared!

Kushina heard this and looked ahead. In front of her were the male classmates, and the female classmates all ran to the front.

It was indeed as the future said, these people were afraid of themselves.

"They once troubled me, and then I beat them back!"

Future: "???"

Minato: "!!!"

The two were stunned for a moment.

"You guys also fought?! How come I didn't know?" Future was a little confused. These days, they have resumed their previous rhythm of life again.

But the difference is that Future came directly to the grove, and the lunch boxes and the like were all placed in his body.

There is no need to run to school specifically to wait for Minato to come together.

Training in the morning, classes, after school, training, lunch, training, afternoon classes, after school, training, when the time is up, each goes home, each finds his own mother!

In the past week, the lives of the three of them have been very regular.

It can be said that except for going home and pooping, they are almost together, inseparable.

So when did Kushina beat these people?

Compared with the curiosity of the future, Minato was extremely worried, "How is it, Kushina, are you injured? Are you okay now? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Although he knew that Kushina was very strong, they had practiced these days.

But how to say it, worrying makes you confused.

Kushina glanced at him, "Don't worry, although I can't beat you two, but they are not enough for me to beat together!"

Hearing this, Minato breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that you're fine! It's good that you're fine!"

Looking at him like this, Mirai couldn't help but tease him, "Minato, you only care about Kushina's injury, not the injuries of your classmates. If those female classmates knew, they would cry in the toilet!"

"Mirai, don't talk nonsense, how can I not care about my female classmates!" Minato's old face turned red, and he didn't dare to look at his expression.

Needless to say, he must be looking at me with a teasing expression. If I look at him, do you believe that he can deduct the four-bedroom and one-living-room house by himself?

Mirai didn't want to tease him anymore, he asked curiously, "When did it happen?"

Hearing this, Minato also looked at Kushina, his eyes were full of tears, and he was obviously embarrassed to the point of crying.

"That afternoon, when you disappeared, I was just about to go home after school, and I was surrounded by all the female classmates!"

She said, for some unknown reason, she looked at Minato inexplicably, and then said: "You don't know, at that time, a yellow-haired guy was so anxious that he cried. Even when I called him several times, he didn't respond to me!

Mirai, you are the true love!"

Hearing this, Minato got anxious before Mirai said anything.

He was so anxious that he used his hands and feet to wave his hands and vetoed: "Kushina, you misunderstood us. The relationship between us is pure friendship, not what you think!"

Mirai looked at him like this, and suddenly became playful. He stretched out his hand to hug Minato and said with a smile: "You saw it, yes, there is pure love between us!"

Kushina: ヽ(ー_ー)ノ

I'm not blind, you just want to tease Minato, do you think I will really believe you!

Minato: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

"Fuck you, it's already this time in the future, please stop adding fuel to the fire, I beg you!"

He said excitedly, and slapped away theThe hand that came.

He turned to look at Kushina, eager to explain: "Kushina, you have to believe me, I'm not a pervert!"

"Okay, okay, I know, you're not a pervert!"

Kushina hurried to comfort him, but the expression on her face was extremely perfunctory.

Minato was almost crying, why didn't he believe me!

He turned his head suddenly and looked at the future, and said with a determined face: "Let's keep the 38th parallel in the future, I don't want Kushina to misunderstand!"

Future: ꒰╬•᷅д•᷄╬꒱

"What the hell? You want to break up with me for a girl?! I don't agree!"

"Ni Zou Kai! The relationship between us is very serious, don't always say things that are easy to be misunderstood!" He shouted angrily, and at the same time stretched out his hand to push the future's cheek to prevent him from getting close to him.


Many girls in Hyuga Reika's class saw this scene, especially when they heard the argument between Mirai and Minato.

Everyone was petrified.

Hyuga Reika looked at these female classmates with some pity, and she even heard the sound of heartbreak.

'Why do you like that perverted old pervert?'

He is not a good person!

Not to mention someone worth entrusting your life to.

Speaking of entrusting your life to...

After I have avenged myself, if I am still alive...

She couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Today is a good day, suitable for traveling.

The sun is warm, not as hot as the past few days, and the breeze is gentle, blowing on people, there is a lazy feeling.

The white clouds in the sky are floating in the wind, very free.

‘If I am still alive at that time… I want to be an ordinary ninja, live a stable life, marry an honest man who is neither handsome nor ugly, and give birth to two children for him in a stable manner, preferably a brother and a sister, or a brother and a sister is also good. After the eldest son or daughter gets married and the second son can take care of himself, I will retire…

Then I will accompany my husband, travel around, enjoy the rare freedom, or go outing with friends…

Live a leisurely retirement life, and then leave this world before my husband…

If I can live this kind of life, it would be great…’

‘Host, you are dreaming! ’

Just as she was intoxicated with her ideal life, the ruthless voice of the system interrupted her fantasy.

She immediately rolled her eyes and gave it to the system.

‘It’s none of your business! ’

‘Host, being the sixth is not our purpose. Do you still want to develop the [Byakugan] and evolve it into the [Rinnegan]! ’

‘I want to! '【Rinnegan】 is the cornerstone of all her dreams. If she can't break the【Bird in the Cage Curse Seal】, what's the point of her imagining more.

'Then why don't you quickly lick Uchiha Mirai? As a trendsetter in this era, he always has great opportunities around him.

If you don't build a good relationship with him now, how can you upgrade your eyes! '

Hearing this again, Linghua's face darkened a lot.

'If you want to lick him, then go ahead. I tell you, even if I die here, die outside, or die painfully from the curse of the main family, I will never lick Uchiha Mirai at all! '

After saying this in her heart, Hyuga Linghua no longer paid attention to Tongzi, but returned to her previous state of having no sense of existence.

In her consciousness.

At first, the system wanted to persuade her again and blow more pillow talk. Sooner or later, she would be softened and listen to her and contact Uchiha Mirai.

But when it heard the other party's final resolute words, it was not panicked.

'Hey... Not everyone dares to say my oath as the Great Emperor Zhenxiang. Now, I don't have to do anything, Xiao Linghua will definitely taste the taste of being slapped in the face! '


As long as the two of them are together, they can definitely make a big thing. Didn't you see the incident of Hyuga Souyoshi last week?

Only by making trouble can you get the heavenly points of this world by signing in, so that you can leave this world and look for other traversers!

After all, this world is too small!

It's not suitable for your own development!

The so-called signing in means that you have to get it at the important nodes that affect the development of this world.

There are many nodes that can affect the development of the world, but the easiest way to create nodes is to make trouble.

As long as the impact of the matter is big enough, it can still affect the progress of the world.

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