Ping-pong... crackle...

Hey hey hey... crunch...

After a burst of firewood, Uchiha Mirai was tied up by three people on a wooden stake.

Mirai's strength is indeed good, but without taking out Tessaiga and [Sharingan], he can't even beat Minato, let alone the other two helpers who are also strong.

The three of them, Nawaki, each held a tattoo sticker in their hands.

"You think your second brother is unparalleled in the world, right!" Nawaki looked at his lower body, and couldn't help but recall the eight centimeters he saw at the beginning.

The smile on his face became more kind.

When Nawaki talked about this, Mirai had something to say.

He raised his neck and said with great pride: "Yes, you saw me when I was tied to the operating table!"

The two looked at Nawaki in unison!


I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would actually look at the future.


The face of the rope tree froze, and the next moment, he picked up the mad knife that fell on the ground.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, he always feels that this knife is not clean, and there seems to be saliva dripping on it.

But he is very angry now. This guy is already a prisoner, and he dares to speak nonsense here.

He doesn't take me seriously at all.

"Well, since you think so highly of it, I will just cut it off and go to the bar!"

Future: (ŎдŎ;)

"Oh my god, don't do it, senior brother! We are brothers who have slept in the same bed, you can't do this to me!"

"Slept in the same bed?!" The faces of Kushina and Minato were even more weird.

Is it so exciting?

The face of the rope tree turned green, and he hurriedly explained to the two.

"It's the operating table. We were lying on the operating table when we were receiving the transfer technique from Orochimaru!"

He was afraid that if he said it too late, it would lead to his own disgrace.

Minato and the others didn't know whether they believed it or not. Before Rope Tree asked again, Minato turned his head and looked at Mirai and suggested: "Cut it off!"

This guy is really too coquettish. He was afraid that if he dragged it on, something embarrassing would happen.

So after taking the mad knife from Rope Tree, he raised the corner of his mouth and gestured at him.

It seemed that he was looking for the most suitable angle to cut.

Seeing that his good brother actually wanted to hurt his second brother, Mirai was immediately anxious.

"Minato, don't, don't, don't!"

"Have you forgotten that we went to prostitutes together!"

Rope Tree and Kushina: ((´-_-)-_-)


At such a young age, he has been to prostitutes. Is it so exciting? !

Minato finally understood Rope Tree's feelings at this moment, and he was so scared that he hurriedly pulled Kushina to explain: "No, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Then he turned his head to look at the future, his eyes full of shame and anger, "It was you who dragged me to the women's bathhouse to take a bath. If it weren't for Tsunade-sama seeing that we were young, she would have thrown us out long ago!"

If it weren't for the fact that the future's eyes were too erotic, which big sister would care about them!

"Cut it off, keeping this thing is also a disaster!" This time Kushina took the knife from Minato's hand and began to gesture to the future.

This guy is really coquettish.

Future: Σ( °△°|||)

Oh my god!

How could Kushina become like this!


Just as the future's mind was turning quickly, trying to find a way to let Kushina let him go, he unexpectedly heard the sound of branches snapping.

The sound was not loud, but it made the four people present turn their heads to look.

They found that behind a tree not far away, there was a fat woman looking at them in confusion.

‘Host, if I were you, you should lose some weight. Look how many times you have stepped on a branch and been discovered!’ Tongzi’s complaints echoed in Hyuga Reika’s heart.

Hyuga Reika smiled bitterly. What could she say?

“You are… that girl… that day!?” Kushina turned her head and looked at her, frowning.

Back then in the grove, she watched Minato and Mirai being affectionate, and next to them was this girl. She also said that Mirai and the others were perverts.

These words resonated with her, so she was deeply impressed by her.

“Do you know her?” Nawaki blinked, and then looked at the girl with white eyes.

I don’t know if the Hyuga family cheated or Akimichi cheated.

This girl can actually be so fat.

No wonder people say that she is as fat as a ball. He always thought it was an exaggeration, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Some people can really be as fat as a ball.

"It's you!" Minato looked at her in astonishment.

He had seen this girl twice.The first time she was bullied by Jiang Shangjilang and his men, and it was he and Mirai who rescued her.

The second time was in the grove, when she said she had strayed in here and left quickly.

"You know her too?" Nawaki was stunned!

Is he the only one who has never seen such a special person?

Mirai, who was tied to a wooden stake, was like seeing a life-saving straw at this moment, and hurriedly called for help to Hyuga Reika: "Reika, save me!"

Hyuga Reika glanced at him, her eyes full of disgust.

"I don't know you!"

Then she turned to Kushina and asked: "I'm sorry, I don't think I came at the right time!"

Originally, she wanted to find Uchiha Mirai, and wanted to see what medicine he injected.

There was no way, she couldn't see Hyuga Souji now, but she was extremely curious. She couldn't bear it until today, and she wanted to come here to find him.

Wanted to take the medicine used by Mirai for injection and test it.

Wanting to see what he injected, Hyuga Souji was fine, jumping around and scolding whoever he caught.

Like a shrew.

And his body muscle tissue did not have any side effects of the extra 500 ml of liquid.

So these days, she couldn't eat or sleep well, and even ate two fewer strings of kidneys for supper.

Then she saw that Uchiha Mirai, the pervert, was tied to a stake.

Those people wanted to cut his thing, but in her excitement, she accidentally stepped on the branch and broke it, so she was discovered again.

Kushina seemed to have noticed something from her attitude towards Mirai, and she raised the corner of her mouth and handed her the mad knife.

"No, you came at the right time!"

Hearing this, Hyuga Reika smiled on her chubby face.

"Thank you!" As she said that, she walked towards Kushina, took the knife, and looked straight at Mirai.

"You pervert, I never thought you'd have this day!"

When she thought that she could reduce one pervert in the world, she couldn't help but feel happy, so much so that her fat face, which was squeezed by fat, looked a little bright at this moment.

Future: (`゚Д゚´)ゞ

"Let's talk nicely, don't use the knife, have you forgotten that I helped you before!"

Sheng Shu looked left and right, and he didn't want to say anything now.

Judging from the reaction of the future, they all knew this woman, so he was the only one who didn't know her, right!

The smile on Hyuga Reika's face faded, and she looked at the future with sarcasm, "Are you helping me? You are clearly doing it for your own perverted desires, deliberately wearing a female..."

"Hey...wait...why is he foaming at the mouth?!"


Hyuga Reika was only halfway through her words when she found that the future was foaming at the mouth and his eyes were rolling back, which looked more formal than their Hyuga's [white eyes].

Nawaki was a little confused, "We didn't poison him!"

"Why does it smell like soda?"

"What kind of poison? Hurry up and save him!"

Minato was immediately frightened when he saw his good brother become like this.

He hurriedly squeezed Hyuga Reika away, grabbed the mad knife in her hand, and chopped at the future.

With a click, the rope tied to the future broke completely. His strength was so great that the mad knife chopped directly into the stump.

He didn't care about anything, and hurriedly hugged Weiwei, knelt on the ground, and held him in his arms.

His eyes instantly turned blood red, and his tone was extremely excited, "Weiwei, are you okay!"

"Don't scare me, it's not fun at all!"

At this moment, Minato didn't look disdainful as before, and his face was full of anxiety.

Weiwei is his good friend. Without him, it's like there's no wife in the wife cake. What's the meaning of his life.

If he dies... then I... then I won't live!

Hyuga Reika didn't care about anything, she hurriedly said: "I know a little medical ninjutsu, please let me see if you can!"

Hearing the medical ninjutsu, Minato grabbed her and shouted urgently: "Then what are you still standing there for, hurry up!"

"Uh... OK!" Hyuga Reika was stunned for a moment. To be honest, it was the first time she saw the anxious look on this gentle boy.

Before she could check it out, she was speechless.

"Uh, no need to look, he's fine!"

Because she saw the other party glance at her secretly, and when she looked over, the guy in the future rolled his eyes again.

How could she not see that the boy was obviously pretending to foam at the mouth to prevent her from saying that sentence?

Oh my god, you still have some moral integrity!


The three people presentI'm confused. You can pretend even if you're foaming at the mouth?!

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