Finally, after the two argued, Nawaki succeeded in shutting Mirai up with the price of three small personal items.

So when Minato and Kushina came back, they saw two wolf-like people with enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

They looked like profiteers.

"You..." Kushina, who wanted to approach them, stopped and even took two steps back.

Her intuition told her that these two people were up to no good.

Minato's eyes lit up when he saw her move. Here came the chance to show off.

He immediately stepped forward and protected her behind him. He was not afraid of perverts.

No matter how perverted they were in the future, what could they do to him!

Anyway, he was immune to it.

"What were you talking about just now?"

He would not say to Kushina like an innocent little boy, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you" and so on.

That would only make girls feel very rustic.

On the contrary, if I don't talk about such topics, but silently express my attitude with actions.

A girl who is protected will definitely think a lot.

For example, he cares about me so much!

For example, look, he takes me to heart!

Another example, is this the feeling of being protected!

This is high emotional intelligence!

When Mirai saw Minato coming, the smile on his face became more obvious.

He threw the rope tree aside and ran towards Minato, saying as he ran: "I have thought of a plan to make a fortune. Now I just wait for the teacher and others to come back!"

Hearing that it was a good way to make money, Minato just raised his foot to kick someone and put it down, and walked towards Mirai.

The whole action was very smooth and smooth, and it would not make people feel very abrupt.

"Hehe... Mirai, we have such a good relationship, you must take me to make a fortune together!" As he said, he jumped and trotted towards Mirai.

He couldn't help but rub his hands in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face. If you look closely, you will find that it is exactly the same as the future.

For a while, the two ran in both directions and soon got together.

"Of course, I must take you with me on this matter!" Future did not refuse at all.

After all, it involves that person, so naturally he needs his disciples to help.

Kushina: "..."

I'm used to it, really!

I was moved for a while before, but in the end, it turned out that I was moved too early.

She knew that once that guy said something, Minato would definitely leave her and chase after the future.

They are true love!

At this time, Minato also wanted to know what he had done. He hurriedly turned his head to look at Kushina, his face slightly embarrassed.

"Um... Kushina, do you want to participate?"

"Alas..." Life is not easy, Xiao Nana sighed!

She waved her hand, turned around and walked towards Nawaseki, while helping him stand up, she said: "No, I don't need money!"

Last night she slept on the pile of money, not to mention, it was quite uncomfortable.

When she woke up this morning, she felt pain all over her body.

Now she is not interested in money!

Because she still has a street of property under her name, which was transferred to her by Grandma Mito when she first arrived in Konoha.

In other words, even if she doesn't become a ninja, she will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of her life.

But whether to become a ninja or not is no longer something she can decide.

Who made her the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails?

Mirai also knows about this, and I'm afraid Kushina will never agree to this, so it's better not to let her know.

This is a secret between the three of them.


"Three days!" Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his red eyes and stared at Danzo.

"Do you know how I have been through these three days!"

"Do you know!"

His voice was hoarse, as if his throat was broken.

Shimura Danzo, who was staring at him, looked at him speechlessly.

"You yelled at me?!"

The third generation was stunned for a moment. For some reason, he suddenly felt that he could not stand up anymore.


He blinked twice, pretending that he had not heard what he had just said.

"Look at my eyes, they are so red that they are about to bleed! This is proof that I have not slept for three days!"

Danzo was still staring at him, and replied coldly: "What does your not sleeping have to do with me? I didn't tell you not to sleep!"

The third generation: "..."

Is this the point?

The point is that my eyes are red, and you don't share the burden with me, such as going to get some information.

"Look at my throat, it's all rashes!"

Shimura Danzo: (;¬_¬)

"Your red eyes and sore throat are your own fault. I've warned you so many times to quit smoking.You just won't listen, now you see, my eyes are red from the smoke, and my throat is smoking from you."

As he spoke, the expression on his face became even more uncomfortable, "You actually have the nerve to put these things on me now, I tell you Sarutobi, I won't take the blame for this!"

As he spoke, he flicked his sleeves and left.

He didn't care, let Sarutobi do whatever he wanted.


"Don't leave!"

"Come back... Danzo~ come back! "

Watching Danzo turn and leave, the third generation was depressed.

After standing for a long time, he sighed, returned to his seat, and couldn't help picking up the brush and writing on his notebook:

He turned and left, as if he had made up his mind, and never looked back at me again...


In Jiraiya's tent.

Outside the tent, there were teams of patrolmen, patrolling back and forth.

These people looked extremely nervous, and their eyes swept around from time to time. If it weren't for the fact that there was no place to hide people around, they would definitely go through it.

With such strict guards, even flies would shake their heads.

And they have only one purpose, which is to protect the tent.

The tent is made of special materials, which is not only moisture-proof and warm, but also soundproof, anti-peeping and anti-sensing.


The three of them sat together.

"Hiss... Orochimaru... move over there! ”

“Baji Baji… I’m here, it shouldn’t affect you… Jiraiya… Gulp…”

“Just let you move… Hiss…”

If you don’t move, how can Tsunade get close to me!

“Jiraiya… Ha… Suck… Hiss… Stop talking so much… Chew chew chew… Orochimaru ignore him!”

You must have guessed it, yes, the three of them are eating hot pot!

In such a well-defended tent, eating hot pot taken from Orochimaru’s stomach.

If people outside knew that they were protecting such a thing, they would probably find a frozen fish and beat themselves to death!

Seeing that the food was almost gone, Tsunade reached out to Orochimaru.

“There’s no food, take some enoki mushrooms, potatoes, and beef!”

Hearing this, Orochimaru picked up the food in the pot with chopsticks and said, “Wait until I finish this mouthful! "

As he spoke, he took out half a bowl of vegetables from the pot.

There were shrimps, potatoes, bean sprouts and leeks.

I don't know how he held all the vegetables firmly.

Then he dipped it in his dipping sauce dish.

Jiraiya fished in the pot twice, but didn't get any vegetables. He looked at Orochimaru's chopsticks with great greed.

The vegetables on it were twice as big as the dipping sauce bowl.

Orochimaru opened his mouth very elegantly and took the bowl-sized vegetables in one bite.

I didn't see him chewing, and as his throat moved downward, he swallowed all the vegetables.

The next moment, his throat moved again, but this time it was the opposite.

Just now he swallowed, this time he spit it out.


As he spit, three He spat on a bowl that was completely sealed with plastic wrap on the table.

There was still some mucus on it, crystal clear, and connected by silk threads.

The bowl was full of the dishes that Tsunade had just ordered!

Tsunade and Jiraiya each picked up a bowl very skillfully, and regardless of the saliva on it, they found the seal of the plastic wrap and pulled it.

Then they took out all the dishes inside.

Then they poured it into the pot.

The pot, which had already been empty, was full again.

The empty bowls were piled up by them.

There were almost bowls and plates around the three of them, almost as tall as a person, and I don’t know how they ate.

"Orochimaru, I have a suggestion. Next time when you take food, can you not take it out of your stomach? You can take it from your mouth! "Jiraiya said, and then turned to the other side.

On his left was a pile of empty bowls, and on his right was a basin of clean water.

He reached out and washed his hands in the basin. When he felt clean, he wiped the water stains on his body randomly.

He began to drool at the hot pot.

Tsunade on the side did the same thing, but she wiped the water stains on her hands with a towel. Obviously, they were still disgusted.

Orochimaru shrugged, and there was also a basin of water next to him.

But... eh... he didn't need it!

He stretched out his long tongue, licked his hand, and the mucus on his hand disappeared immediately.

"Next time!"

"You said the same thing last time!" Jiraiya pouted.

Tsunade stirred the dishes in the pot with chopsticks to make them soaked in the soup as much as possible. She put down her chopsticks, looked at the two of them, and said: "According to the information sent by my people, the teacher has not slept well these days! "

Hearing Tsunade talking about business, Jiraiya and Orochimaru both put down their chopsticks at the same time. He sighed.He said: "It seems that the teacher also played a role in this incident!"

Otherwise, why didn't he send any information? Even if he was held accountable, it would be good.

Why is he like this now, saying nothing, but he is so anxious.

This is not guilty!

Orochimaru licked his lips, and sighed: "You know what, the teacher's "delay tactics" are quite useful. Now all kinds of monsters and demons have emerged!"

"It's not a solution to keep dragging it on, Jiraiya, how are you doing?"

Hearing Tsunade's question, Jiraiya's face was a little hesitant, "I don't know, our people can't get close to the heart of the Rain Country at all. The rain ninjas we caught are just peripheral minions and don't know much at all!"

Orochimaru leaned back after hearing this and looked up at the top of the tent.

He said in a gloomy tone: "Even the teacher is so anxious that he can't sleep. I think Hanzo is almost ready. I suggest that we launch a surprise attack at midnight tonight!"

"Have you made enough antidotes?" Jiraiya was stunned and asked curiously.

"No, we have a better way!" Tsunade raised her lips.

There was a glimmer in her beautiful eyes.

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