With a sound of "Puff".

A tearing sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh was heard.

At the same time, a sharp pain spread throughout Orochimaru's body, making him want to cry out in pain.

The feeling of the kidney being bitten is very painful.

But Orochimaru smiled because he won the bet.

Hanzo didn't want to exchange injuries with him.

Because there were two people behind him, Jiraiya and Tsunade, which made him feel apprehensive.

As we all know, as long as a ninja is injured, he will die.

Hanzo called himself a "demigod", but he was not a god after all, and he would still be bitten to death by ants.

Besides, Orochimaru was not an ordinary ant, but a fighting ant among the marching ants.

Even if he died, he could bite the other party.

And Tsunade and the others were as famous as himself. According to Hanzo's idea, even if their strength would not exceed his, it should not be much lower.

If he was injured, it would be easy for him to be worn to death by the other party in a short period of time.

Because this is the Land of Rain, and behind him is the Hidden Rain Village. He can't afford to gamble, dare not run away, and dare not get hurt.

He is the god of this country, a towering tree. If he falls... no... as long as the news of his injury spreads, people from other countries, especially those from the three major countries he has provoked, will become hungry sharks and bite the Land of Rain.

So he can't afford to gamble.

And he dare not gamble.

If he had the strength of any of the three major countries, maybe he would dare to gamble.

At least he is not as afraid of death as in the future.

"Hehe... Master Hanzo... cough cough... you are doomed to lose... puff..."

Every time Orochimaru said a word, he would spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even at the end, he was no longer able to support his body and fell to his knees.

Ten meters behind him, Hanzo held the chain in one hand, looked at him coldly, and sneered: "You are in such a bad state, and you are still talking nonsense here!"


As he said this, he pulled his hand back suddenly, and the chain he was holding was instantly straightened. He wanted to pull back the sickle inserted into Orochimaru's kidney to cause him secondary damage.

Orochimaru's eyes changed. He wanted to pull out the sickle in his kidney as soon as possible, but his hands and feet were weak at this moment, and his whole body was surrounded by pain.

Especially the internal organs.

Because the sickle was inserted obliquely upward, his kidneys, stomach, spleen, liver, and lungs were damaged to varying degrees.

If he was allowed to withdraw his hand, his spine would definitely be cut off!

But even though it hurt so much, his mind remained unusually calm.

Since he didn't have the strength to pull out the sickle, he would find a way to minimize the damage.

So he gritted his teeth and turned hard.

From facing him with his back, he turned back to facing him.

If it were usual, he could do this simple action ten thousand times, but at this moment he felt like a salted fish, and it was difficult to turn over.

Fortunately, he successfully twisted his body when the chain was stretched straight.

Let the chain pull the sickle, just cut his stomach, and walked away.

In an instant, Orochimaru felt as if his whole body was hollowed out, and the only remaining strength in his body seemed to be taken away by the sickle.

Hanzo raised his left hand and caught the sickle steadily. He looked at Orochimaru and couldn't help showing a touch of appreciation.

"Young man, you have a great willpower. I have lived for most of my life and only met one!"

As he said this, he remembered the samurai who was willing to die in exchange for his not killing those cowards.

That samurai had qualities that even he admired, so he didn't mind giving him a way out.

But the Orochimaru in front of him was different. Although he also admired him, he needed Orochimaru in exchange for greater benefits to make up for the loss of the Rain Country.

"Don't worry, you won't die!" Hanzo said, and was about to tie Orochimaru with chains.

Prepare to send him to the village for detention and treatment.

At this moment, a loud shout came.

"【Painful Sky Kick】"

He turned his head suddenly in shock and saw a woman jumping high, with her left foot raised so high that she was almost in a split.

There was a terrifying force on her, so much so that just the momentum of falling set off a gust of wind.

It blew his clothes.

"This kind of power... You must be Tsunade Senju!" His face did not change, as if he didn't care about the power on her legs.

It's not that this force is not strong. On the contrary, even he didn't dare to take it head-on, but he had to be able to hit the person!

Besides, the opponent jumped too high.

Then he calmly made a seal and instantly disappeared from Tsunade's attack range.

Tsunade in mid-air had an extremely ugly expression.

She didn't expect that her attack would miss, butIt was good, at least it forced him away from Orochimaru.


As her long legs slammed into the ground, a terrifying force burst out in an instant.

The earth was instantly torn into pieces.

Countless stones and soil were lifted high by her kick.

Waves of destructive power like an earthquake spread out in all directions, leaving several unlucky rain ninjas around without even time to react before being buried alive by this blow.

On the ground, Orochimaru looked at the scene in front of him, his mouth twitching slightly.

He didn't understand why Jiraiya liked such a violent woman.

Isn't it good to be gentle and weak!

Fortunately, Tsunade's destructive power is very strong and her control is also good, so there was not much damage around him.

It was just painful and he wanted to howl twice.

Tsunade stood up from the center of the explosion. She glanced at Orochimaru. The moment their eyes collided, a plan quietly emerged.

She turned her head suddenly and looked behind her. Her pretty face was full of anger. She shouted fiercely: "Hanzo, your opponent is me!"

Hanzo looked at Tsunade, then looked at Orochimaru, with some contradictions in his eyes.

His intuition told him that these three wanted to take his turn, but his reason told him that the remaining person was definitely plotting something.

"Call out your last partner, you are not my opponent!" As he said that, he glanced behind him.

At this moment, their positions were reversed. Tsunade and the others were in front of the gate of the Hidden Rain Village, while Hanzo was in front of the Konoha ninjas.

However, no one from Konoha or the Rain Ninjas dared to step forward to join the battle.

Because those who stepped forward were all dead.

The ninjas who did not dare to step forward but were a little closer were all very unlucky and buried.

'It's almost time. If nothing unexpected happens, one minute is enough to form an encirclement! ' Thinking of this, he turned back and looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade frowned slightly, and her woman's intuition told her that Hanzo was not looking for Jiraiya alone just now, he seemed to have planned something.

"Don't worry, he will show up when he should!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Hanzo did not answer, but looked at Orochimaru.

At this moment, Orochimaru was bleeding a lot, and the ground was stained with a pool of blood. With the reflection of the firelight, it looked weird and terrifying.

'He was so badly injured, but he didn't rush up. Either his reason was suppressing him, or he was really not here!

If it's the latter...'

His face sank slightly. Could it be that he was guarding the rear to prevent being surrounded! ?

But what's the use of that?

They don't think that they can defeat me with just two people!


On the top of the mountain.

Sarutobi Hiruzen held a telescope and kept watching the battlefield.

Seeing this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "These two little guys are actually acting again, so insidious!"

But I hope they don't mess up and turn the fake death into real death, that would be funny.

Since the injury, Orochimaru's intestines have flowed out, but he didn't use the snake slough, that is, [Orochimaru Style·Substitution Technique].

Isn't it just to trick Hanzo at the critical moment?

Then he turned his eyes around, and from where he could vaguely see that the ground in the distance was trembling slightly.

Several inconspicuous earth bags were approaching this side at a rapid speed. Obviously, under the earth bags, something was moving at high speed.

He put down the telescope, and a trace of entanglement flashed across his face. Should he stop them or remind them?

After thinking for a few breaths, he decided to let it go. These three little guys must have some backup. He didn't think these three little guys would be like Mitomon Yan and others, who had brains but not much.

Jiraiya, who was accumulating natural chakra, slowly opened his eyes and looked behind him with a serious expression.

Although he was surrounded by the earth wall and couldn't see anything, he just noticed from the feedback of natural chakra that there were five huge salamanders, cutting off their retreat.

"Sure enough, this is a trap!"

Then he thought and made a few seals with his hands.

"【Earth Escape·Fishing in the Earth】"

The next moment, his figure quickly merged into the ground and quickly left behind him.

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