Uchiha Dazhuang and Uchiha Mieko, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, strolled by the river under the moonlight.

The ninja world is not big, but the moon in the sky is not small.

Shining on the earth, it is as bright as a strong flashlight.

Green fluorescent light can be seen everywhere by the river, floating in spots. Looking closely, the light is emitted by fireflies.

The wind at night is very cool, but not the kind of biting cold. When it blows on people, it can make people feel extremely fascinated.

Uchiha Mieko gathered her hair that was messed up by the naughty night wind. She looked at the big man beside her, her eyes full of tenderness, and then looked at the moon reflected on the river.

A strange artistic conception enveloped her whole body, very comfortable! She likes the current atmosphere very much.

"Zhuangzhuang..." She called the person next to her, her tone full of happiness.

Uchiha Dazhuang turned his head, looked down at the lovely girl beside him, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Meimei!"

Zhuangzhuang... Meimei...

These are the nicknames they gave each other, and they usually call each other like this only when they are together.

"Hmm~" She shook her head, her voice was gentle and full of infinite tenderness.

"I just want to call you!"


As she said this, she also blinked mischievously.

Seeing Mieko like this, Uchiha Dazhuang's old face instantly turned red, and his heart beat wildly.

His breathing, like a certain part of his body, became a little rougher.

"Meimei~" A big man shouted shyly, and there was a strong sweetness in his rough voice.

But Mieko didn't feel the slightest bit of nausea.

"What's wrong?"

"No! Nothing... Hehe..."

I want to call you too!



On the other hand, in the courtyard, Uchiha Mirai was in a miserable state.

He lay on the grass without any image, his chest heaving violently, and his clothes were in a mess.

There were cuts everywhere from sharp weapons, revealing the white and delicate skin inside.

However, there was no trace of scars on the skin. It was obvious that Uchiha Hong's attack had reached the level of subtlety, and it was able to only cut the clothes without hurting the human body at all.

The hairband he used to tie his hair was scattered on the side, and his long black, straight, and very smooth hair was like a bird's nest, randomly placed on the ground.

There were countless kunai scattered on the grass beside him.

These kunai were all opened, and they were obviously not Uchiha Hong's ninja tools, but Uchiha Mirai's.

Uchiha Mirai put one hand in front of his eyes, and recalled the battle just now in his mind.

He was suppressed in every aspect, whether it was physical skills or ninjutsu, the only thing worth watching was swordsmanship.

Raising his hand slightly, he saw the big and bright moon through his fingers.

"Is this... the power of the [Sharingan]..."

On the other side, a girl was sitting on the wooden corridor of the courtyard. Although the tone of the future was very slight, she still heard it.

She had a smile on her face and a sense of pride.

"That's right! Once our Uchiha clan opens their eyes, their strength will be the best in the same realm!"

However, after saying this, the smile on her face gradually dissipated, revealing a hint of bitterness.

"But I would rather not have this pair of [Sharingan]!" The girl said, she couldn't help but curl up, her hands wrapped around her calves, and her delicate chin rested on her knees.

Her eyes were blurred, as if she was lost in memories!

That was the first time their class received a C-level mission, and the three good sisters were so happy.

They thought that they could show off their talents this time, marry a tall, rich and handsome man, and reach the pinnacle of life...

But when they went out, they realized how naive their ideas were.

The outside world was not like Konoha at all. It was all war, and everyone was thinking about how to kill others to ensure their survival.

There were countless intrigues, but fortunately, they all relied on their strong strength to barely survive before the guiding ninja who secretly protected them took action.

When they returned to the village after the mission, they met a little girl, a little girl who was only five years old.

The little girl was very thin, almost skin and bones, without any flesh.

There was no front or back, very flat.

When they met her, the little girl fainted from hunger. Seeing this scene, they who had just graduated from school couldn't help but feel compassion, temporarily accepted the little girl, and brought her with them.

At first, after the little girl woke up, they were still a little wary of her, but as the little girl called her beautiful sister and cute sister, the three good sisters gradually calmed down.'s fall.

The vigilance against the little girl also gradually collapsed.

She remembered clearly that the little girl showed a longing look to them after asking about the situation in Konoha.

"How great it would be if I could be born in Konoha!" The little girl's voice was very sweet, like a porcelain doll, and her eyes were very clear.

The three of them looked at each other secretly and made a decision together.

"Then why don't we take you back to Konoha to settle down!"


Until this moment, she clearly remembered the light that lit up in the little girl's eyes, which was like a faint candlelight in the dark night, making the three of them want to take good care of her.

"Really, the sisters are all ninjas, and they will definitely do what they say!"

"Yeah! That's great!"

The three looked at the little girl's excitement and all smiled.

For this reason, they also decided to celebrate for a night, and the location was a local barbecue restaurant.

But the accident happened that night!

The three of them drank the drink poured by the little girl without any precautions. The drink was drugged with a special drug.

It was colorless and tasteless, and could paralyze a senior ninja for more than ten minutes.

It was no pressure to deal with the three rookies who had just graduated from the ninja school.

Back to the residence.

After seeing the three people being paralyzed, the little girl's face changed instantly. Her originally pretty face showed a hideous and terrifying appearance. She said angrily to the three of them: "Damn it! You all deserve to die!"

"All ninjas born in the Great Ninja Village deserve to die. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have suffered the pain of war!" The little face was full of twisted anger.

"Why... why?" She asked with difficulty, her big eyes full of confusion.

"If it weren't for you great ninja villages wantonly launching wars, our country would not be affected at all, my parents would not have died tragically, and I would not have become a street child. All this is your fault, so you all deserve to die!"


It was only then that she realized that anger and hatred could be so terrible.

Especially when it appeared on a five-year-old girl, her scalp tingled and her hair stood on end.

She forced herself to speak with difficulty, "But... little sister..."

"Shut up!" The little girl's face was full of gloom. She lifted up the skirt she was wearing with a gloomy face.

"You are still ninjas, but you didn't even see that I am a man. You deserve to be caught by me!"

Uchiha Hong was stunned when she saw the little inch under the skirt.

That picture is still lingering in her mind.

"Hahaha... But to be honest... Thanks to your disgusting hypocrisy, you didn't check my body in the first place, which gave me the opportunity to take advantage of the girl's weakness to successfully deceive your trust and completely knock you down!"


For a while, the little girl's evil and crazy laughter rang out in the temporary residence.

Then, nothing happened...

The little girl fell straight down with a wildly laughing expression, revealing a tall figure that appeared behind her at some point.

She was stimulated by the sticky blood splashing on her face, and finally came to her senses. When she saw the figure, she found that it was her team leader, and finally couldn't stand the effect of the drug and fainted completely.

When she woke up, she found that she had opened her eyes.


It was unknown how long it took for her to come back to her senses.

Seeing her brother still lying on the ground, she shook her head slightly and put these thoughts behind her.

Feeling the atmosphere was a bit dull, she smiled again and teased: "Are you envious? It was exchanged for human lives!"

Uchiha Mirai turned his head slightly to look at her. Perhaps because of the relationship between siblings, he could feel that under the smiling expression, there was a touch of emotion that could not be dissolved.

He didn't know how his sister opened her eyes, and his sister never told them.

But it was definitely not because of happiness, otherwise there would not be such a sad mood.

"Sister~" He couldn't help shouting.

The girl stretched out her body and responded in confusion.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Uchiha Mirai retracted his gaze and looked at the moon.

"No, I just wanted to call you!"

'Blood... cursed by... Kaguya Otsutsuki... huh! '

I must dig up her grave someday!

Uchiha Hong: (O_o)??

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