Tsunade and Jiraiya's expressions changed slightly after hearing this.

They all had a solemn look on their faces.

If it is true according to Orochimaru, then this move is a technique specially tailored for people who are born with a large amount of chakra and fast speed! ?

Without waiting for the two to ask anything, Orochimaru touched his chin, and the enthusiasm in his eyes began to overflow.

"No, no, no... This move [Rasengan] is not the strongest, it is just the extreme of chakra form change, it is a basic ninjutsu, but as long as it is basic, other abilities can be added to it in the future...

For example, earth attribute chakra... For example, wind attribute chakra..." Orochimaru said, his eyes swept back and forth between Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato.

"Then it will be an S-level forbidden technique! This is a series of unprinted ninjutsu!"

When he finished speaking, the cave fell silent for a moment, and even Mirai opened his mouth wide and looked at Orochimaru in disbelief.

Especially Jiraiya and Tsunade, the two of them were as shocked as when they saw Orochimaru turned into a girl.

It was like thunder rolling in the sky, and like the Yellow River flooding.

Wave after wave bombarded their strong hearts.

For a moment, they, who were as strong as the three ninjas, were so shocked that they couldn't speak. Is this a technique that a child can think of! ?

Could it be that he borrowed it from someone for free!

But this technique is so amazing, who can he borrow for free!

After a long silence, Mirai finally came back to his senses, and he looked at Orochimaru with a look of doubt.

"Teacher, tell me honestly, did you peek at my script?"

After the silence just now, Orochimaru also recovered his restless heart. He licked his lips and licked back his saliva.

Hearing Mirai's words, Orochimaru was a little confused, "What script, isn't this something that anyone with a brain can think of!"

Everyone: (.-_-.)

Sorry, we don't deserve to be called people with brains.

At this time, Orochimaru seemed to realize that what he said was a bit too hurtful.

He continued calmly: "Of course, this is just my idea. It is too risky to integrate the nature change into this move, and as a newly developed technique, the future is full of uncertainty.

What I said just now is just my guess about it. To what extent it can be developed in the future, it depends on the efforts of you practitioners!"

Hearing this, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

But the future was a little confused, "Teacher, don't you want to learn?"

Looking at the teacher's look just now, it shows that he is very interested, but he doesn't seem to plan to learn now.

Orochimaru shook his head, "No, my ninja way has become a system, your technique is not suitable for me, and the only thing that is useful to me is the word 'no seal', but do you think I am someone who lacks no seal ninjutsu!"

Future: "..."

"Uh, no!"

Indeed, no, whether it is [Orochimaru Style·Substitute Technique], [Shadow Snake Hand], [Snake Swallowing Technique], almost all of them can be performed without seals.

"Yes, I don't lack it, and I have a better technique that I need to develop, but I don't have time to waste on this technique!" As he spoke, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

There are really countless techniques in the world, and new techniques are born every day. For example, now, his disciple has developed an A-level ninjutsu.

This is much more awesome than his teacher.

The ninja world is so big that there are always new techniques born in places he can't see.

But as he said, human energy has limits. He wants to master all the techniques in the world and use them to spy on the truth of the ninja world.

It's just that time is a hard flaw. He can't learn them all in his lifetime.

So for him, the most important step is to get eternal life, so that there will be endless time to let himself master the truth and become like the Six Paths Sage.

This ideal is very grand and huge, and it is his lifelong dream.

Jiraiya looked at the fanatical Orochimaru, and his brain twitched, making him pinch his eyebrows.


This fool...

Since his parents died, he has developed a strong interest in life, and he wants to transcend the scope of human beings and obtain eternal life.

But when life is eternal, it is still a human being.

No, it is a god. Once a person becomes a god, then in the long years, his humanity will gradually be eroded by time, replaced by divinity, or even devil.

Whether it is a god or a devil, it will become an obstacle for people.

Either the gods and devils wipe out humans, or humans kill the gods and devils.

Then people will start fighting among themselves.

Because fighting is human nature.

For their own interests, they fight with people, the earth, and the sky...

"Orochimaru, your dream is too far awayIt's too far, so far that we can't possibly achieve it!"

"Jiraiya, you don't have to persuade me, I know what I'm doing!" Orochimaru responded without any emotion.

"Alas!" Jiraiya smiled bitterly, just like before, once he made a decision, no one could pull him back.

The air became dull again.

Before, I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, but now I felt indescribably heavy.

"Sister Tsunade, are you learning this technique?" Kushina saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull, so she changed the subject and asked.

Hearing this, Tsunade came back to her senses, and she shook her head after thinking for a while.

"No, like Orochimaru, my ninjutsu has also taken shape, and [Super Strength Fist] is also an alternative unmarked ninjutsu. I don't lack offensive techniques!"

She is on the dual path of physical and medical ninjutsu. Since she has determined it, she must go on unswervingly.

"Ah? ! "Kushina was stunned.

She could understand that Lord Orochimaru didn't want to learn it, after all, he said that he didn't want to be distracted for the time being.

But Sister Tsunade didn't learn it either.

This is a technique with a far-reaching background. Lord Orochimaru just said that this move [Rasengan] is the basis, and anything can be added to it.

Not to mention the attribute chakra of the Five Escapes series, what will it become if the chakra of the tailed beast is added?

Will there be a low-profile version of [Tailed Beast Ball] that she can master!?

That's why she wanted to learn this move.

Tsunade rubbed her head and looked at the future again, "Boy, are you really willing to contribute this ninjutsu?"

After saying that, she looked at the future with a half-smile on her face.

I wonder if he will regret it after learning about the far-reaching background of this technique.

The future mentioned heard this and shook his head and said, "No, this technique was not prepared for me alone! "

If it wasn't for Minato, he wouldn't have wanted to take it out.

Because it was too useless for him.

The progress of developing Tessaiga was enough to improve his combat effectiveness.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows slightly, 'I'm not lying... this kid... is really extraordinary!'

Minato on the side had already burst into tears.

He was even more moved.

After Orochimaru's suggestion just now and Tsunade's refusal.

He was more certain of one thing, this move [Rasengan] was specially prepared for him in the future A technique made for him.

Because this technique is so suitable for him.

His chakra is very large, which can increase the power of this technique several times.

And this unprinted ninjutsu can save the need for seals, allowing him to increase his attack power in high-speed battles.

It is so suitable, it is simply complementary.

It is as if this technique was developed by himself.

He sniffed, hugged the future with tears in his eyes, and was so moved.

"Future, you treat me like this, I will never be able to repay you in this life!"

Future, who was hugged, looked at him with some amusement. He gently patted the other's hand and smiled: "Okay, don't cry, what proof do we need for our relationship!"

"But... sniff... but I am so moved!"

"Okay, okay, the teachers are still here, you will be laughed at if you cry like this! "

Hearing this, Minato was stunned. He subconsciously looked up and saw the strange eyes of the teachers. His face suddenly turned red and he hid behind Mirai in shame.

Like a young wife who can't be taken out of the house!?

Tsunade saw this scene, and the corners of her mouth twitched wildly. She touched Kushina and said earnestly: "There is a long way to go!"

Kushina covered her eyes and didn't want to see this scene at all.

"I'm mentally prepared!"

Oh my God, I just made Mirai realize how disgusting their relationship was a few days ago, but how come they got back together in the blink of an eye!

No, as the third party, I must break them up.

Come on, Kushina, you are the best mistress!

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