Looking at the children, the smoke that disappeared after leaving a ton of food.

Tsunade couldn't help but sigh: "Orochimaru, the disciple you accepted is really wise. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have discovered that Uchiha actually has a person with great love!"

A person who is willing to study ninjutsu for three years for his friend, just to improve his strength.

This heart moved even her.

'Maybe the second grandfather's idea is a bit extreme! '

At this moment, she was a little shaken by the idea that the second grandfather had instilled in her since she was a child.

Jiraiya held the document in his hand, and each page represented a staged training method of [Rasengan].

And each page had training experience written in different handwritings.

There were not many on the first page, the most on the second page, and the third page had fewer, with only one person's handwriting.

Among them, he recognized the words with the most handwriting, which were Minato's words.

The handwriting is like the person, and every word contains the sunshine of the sun. When people read it, they will feel happy, as if the fatigue of a busy day has disappeared.

"Orochimaru, you have a good disciple!"

Looking at the praise of his two friends, Orochimaru's mouth corners rose wildly, but he pretended to be calm and said: "Nothing, it's just that I have a good eye for people!"

"Hey..." Jiraiya laughed and patted his shoulder, "You guy, you may be secretly happy in your heart!"

"By the way, have you noticed that this kid doesn't seem to be so wary of us!" Tsunade asked the two people while assembling the barbecue grill.

Orochimaru broke free from Jiraiya's restraints and followed to help. He said, "That's right. The last time we met, this kid seemed to be very happy to talk to us, but there was a hint of distance in his tone and posture!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya remembered the difference between last time and this time. Last time, this kid called him and others "you", but this time he called them directly.

Tsunade looked up, glanced at Jiraiya, and joked, "Maybe some idiot touched him with his kindness!"

After hearing this, Orochimaru slowed down his movements. He remembered the time he spent with Mirai.

It seems that he did a lot, but until today, this kid called him "you".

In this way, he also owed it to Jiraiya!

"Haha... you're right, idiots are indeed easy to touch people!"

Jiraiya smiled helplessly at this. He folded the documents solemnly and put them in his chest.

Store it close to the body.

Then he refuted the two people's words, "I call this my personal charm, what do you know!"

As he said that, he looked at the food and suddenly had a headache, "By the way, isn't there too much food here!?"

Hearing Jiraiya mention food, Tsunade and Orochimaru froze for a moment.

A ton of food.

And it's different kinds of food. If it's all rice, a bag of 50 kilograms is almost 20 bags piled together.

But the problem is that in addition to rice, there are also fresh vegetables, potatoes, melons, tomatoes, peppers, corn, etc.

Freeze-dried, ham, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, fish and other kinds of meat.

There are even dried fruits such as peanuts.

The most outrageous thing is that there are even fruit drinks and alcohol.

The cave is almost full of food, but fortunately a small part of it is processed ingredients in the barbecue restaurant.

Just grill it and you can eat it.

Tsunade looked at this scene and said with some laughter: "Kushina told me that my grandmother thought that we didn't eat enough last time, so she asked them to bring more!"

Then it became like this.

Orochimaru shook his head and laughed, "I suspect that if it weren't for the future, the rope tree reached its limit and Kushina's seal scrolls were not enough, they might even move the whole street to us!"

"So eat quickly, it will be a waste if you can't finish it!" Tsunade retracted her sight, threw the coal in, and started to make a fire to grill meat.

"Yeah, that's right!" Orochimaru said, and then walked to the food storage area, "You guys grill first, I'll take some first!"

"Okay!" Tsunade nodded without comment.

Jiraiya smiled strangely, "This time, the three of us went to the battlefield. It seemed that except for the difficult day, the rest was like a vacation. We could eat the food in the village even in this remote place!"

"Hey... don't say... don't say!" Tsunade also laughed.

It really was like a vacation.

Far away in the cave, there were three skinny people with pale faces, walking in the dark rain with blank eyes.

They were very young, and I didn't know how old they were. Their steps were very slow.Ordinary machines.

Like a bunch of walking corpses.

They are all orphans.

Without parents to rely on, they can only rely on themselves to survive.

That night, their stomachs growled with hunger.

They didn't know where to go, but if they kept going, they might find food.

Although the hope was extremely slim, this was their only hope.

Suddenly, the person walking in front stopped.

"Is that... a fire?"

All of a sudden, the three people's eyes lit up with hope.

Fire means there are people, and maybe they can ask for food.

In an instant, their stiff and tired bodies seemed to have strength, urging them to hurry up.

"Konan, Nagato, hurry! Follow me!"


Future didn't know, if he waited for a while, he might be able to see the person he had been thinking about.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

On the way home, Mirai and Nawase were together, and Minato went to pester his little wife again.

Mirai and Nawase were walking at the back. He thought about it and felt that Orochimaru's place was not safe. He immediately hugged Nawase and whispered to him: "Brother, next time you are taken by Orochimaru to do a mission, don't forget me!"

Nawase looked at Mirai strangely, not knowing why he asked this.

Thinking that he was worried that his master and apprentice would exclude him, he shook his head and said unhappily: "Your position in the teacher's heart has surpassed mine. Why, are you afraid that I will snatch the teacher away and exclude you!"

As he said, he hugged Mirai's shoulders and said calmly: "Don't worry, I can go on a mission, do you think the teacher will forget you!"

Although this guy is four years younger than me, he is really perverted.

Whether in character or strength, he is a fighter among perverts, and I am not as good as him.

However, since he contributed the A-level ninjutsu [Rasengan] for free, his impression of this kid has improved a lot.

'Maybe I should be nicer to him in the future! '

Thinking of this, he looked at the future with a more friendly look.

The future did not pay attention to his eyes, still leaned close to his ear, and whispered: "That's good, but you must remember this, otherwise, if I know that you and the teacher secretly went on a mission without me.

I will definitely tell your little secret to Kushina and the others!"

"Secret!? Funny, what secret can I have!" Rope Tree didn't react for a while, he thought it was something else that the future told him.

The corner of the future's mouth curled, and the tone became more kind, like the whisper of a devil, which made people's scalps numb.

"Of course it's about you reading pornographic books!"

Rope Tree: o(゚Д゚)っ!

"Fuck you, you dare!"

Shengshu was so scared that his face turned pale, and he looked at the future in disbelief.

He thought that he had such a good relationship with the future, he would help him keep the secret.

And last time, he stole his sister's things.

They were classmates and became disciples of Orochimaru.

They carried guns together and fought together every day.

They did that together, took his sister's things and exchanged benefits.

He didn't expect the future to be so shameless and dared to go back on his word. He looked at the future angrily.

But considering Minato and the others, he suppressed his voice and whispered with gritted teeth: "I tell you, if you dare to tell it out, I will die and drag you down with me!"

The future shrugged noncommittally, "So you can't hide it from me!"

As he said, he glanced at Minato and the others, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, "I will keep this secret from you for the rest of your life!"


Shengshu felt that his lungs were about to explode.

How can there be such shameless and dishonest people in this world?

‘Damn it, these damn Uchiha, why don’t they just die? I must kill them in the future! ’

Looking at his angry but not daring to speak, the future suddenly felt better.

She no longer hugged him, but walked with her hands behind her back.

‘I am so kind. In order to prevent Rope Tree from being blown to death, I threatened him with a secret, and he must not dare to take my words as wind around his ears.

Although he is very angry now and wants to hit someone, he will be grateful to me in the future.

Because I am doing this for his own good! ’

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

‘Damn Uchiha, you are a snake that can’t be warmed up! ’ Rope Tree looked at the future’s walking posture, and the more he looked at it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he became, the more he wanted to slap him!

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