The border between the Land of Rivers and Konoha.

After Akagisa Matsuaki led the team to sneak here quietly, he began to let his teammates rest and asked everyone to recover to the best condition before preparing to go out.

At this moment, he came to his wife and watched her maintaining the huge three-star fan. His tired expression could not help but disappear.

There were six puppets of different shapes placed next to Honokiko.

One was in the shape of a human, and the remaining five were in the shape of various animals. From their appearance, it can be seen that they were snakes, cranes, dragons, and two animal-shaped puppets with similar shapes but completely different body shapes.

One had the word "tiger" written on his forehead, and the other had the word "leopard" written on it.

These six puppets were all Akagisa Matsuaki had.

Puppet masters are different from ninjas. The strength of puppet masters is based on the number of puppets they control.

Those who can control one puppet are at most Genin, while most Chunin have two to three puppets.

For a jonin, it is four or more.

Akagisa Matsuaki can control six puppets, which makes him an elite among elite jonin.

This also proves that he is not exaggerating when he can join hands with his wife to defeat the Hidden Cloud Village.

No wonder he was entrusted by the Third Kazekage to be the action representative and launch a surprise attack on Konoha.

"I have helped you maintain these puppets to the best condition. Try to see if there is anything wrong!" Honoko looked at him and asked with love in her eyes.

Akagisa Matsuaki chuckled and gently embraced her slender waist.

"I believe in your maintenance skills, no need to watch!"

Honoko, who was originally shy by him, hurriedly stopped his hand when she heard it, blushing and said seriously: "No, you must try, don't be careless!"

Next, she will face Konoha, and it is Konoha that has long dominated the first place in the ninja world. To be honest, she is actually very nervous.

If the Sannin, the Hokage, and the Hokage's advisor were not on the battlefield in the Rain Country, she would never agree to come to this place.

Even if the Third Kazekage promised to take her husband as his disciple and inherit the position of the Fourth Kazekage.

Seeing his wife's serious and earnest look, Akashi Songming quickly responded: "Okay, okay, I'll try it now!"

As he said that, he let go of his hand around his wife's waist, and with a thought, ten transparent chakra threads emerged from his ten fingers.

These threads were like tentacles, and soon connected with the six puppets.

As his ten fingers jumped, these puppets also underwent different changes, some opened their mouths, some shook their heads, some stretched their waists, and some flapped their wings to fly high.

In an instant, they seemed to come alive and were no longer dead objects.

Six beasts surrounded a human-shaped puppet in the middle, giving a sense of one person driving five beasts.

"Well, it's very flexible, there's no sense of blockage, and each mechanical component can transmit force and chakra very well.

Honoki, your maintenance skills are still as superb as before!" Akashi Songming nodded and replied with a smile.

"That's good!" Honoki nodded.

Having been so well prepared, she has a lot of confidence in the next action.

The other Sand Village ninjas looked at the six vivid puppets with envy in their eyes.

Unlike other countries, puppets are one of the characteristics of Sand Village, equivalent to the status of [Sharingan] in Konoha.

Becoming a puppeteer, not to mention other things, the welfare benefits alone are far more than normal ninjas.

Once the puppets are formed into an army, the power will rise in a straight line.

But it is too difficult to become a puppeteer.

It doesn't mean that you can become a puppeteer by buying a puppet. This requires someone to guide you. You can't become a puppeteer by yourself.

Without mentioning other things, the step of turning chakra into silk threads and connecting it to the outside of the body through the body has stumped 90% of the people in the Sand Village.

This is just the initial stage.

As we all know, people have limited fingers. It is not difficult for most puppeteers to control a puppet, but it is definitely not simple.

And if you want to operate two puppets, the energy and chakra control required will increase exponentially.

The further you go, the more difficult it will be.

To become a jonin, you no longer use the physical control of chakra threads, but start to increase the puppeteer's spiritual will in the chakra, and finally reach the limit of the puppeteer, using one finger to control a puppet, and the puppet is also extremely flexible.

After all, relying on the movement of one finger alone, it is impossible to command the puppet to make precise movements, which requires the help of the will of the operator.

Through the chakra thread, transmit your will to the puppet, so as to control their activities.

Therefore, puppeteers are difficult and precious.

But the strength is real.

Generally speaking, if you play one-on-one,It is very difficult for a puppet master to defeat a jonin.

Because the puppet master will use four or more puppets to fight you. Four against one, ordinary jonin will suffer no matter how you think about it.

The most important thing is that the puppet master is a poison expert.

If you accidentally touch or bump into it, you can say goodbye to the world.

"When will we raid Konoha?" Honokiko asked.

Her words made many people curiously prick up their ears.

Only Akashi and Songming knew the action instructions, and they all listened to each other's instructions.

Now that they have come to this place, to be honest, they are a little uneasy, but more of them are ecstatic.

They have reached the border of Konoha, and the main force of Konoha Village is all on the border of the Rain Country. They have a great possibility of breaking through Konoha.

Plunder the wealth inside to make themselves and the village rich.

Even if they are powerful at the negotiation table, it is not impossible to cut off a piece of Konoha.

Look at this tree, look at this water, look at this air... take a breath... which one is not far better than their Sand Village.

If they can conquer a piece of land, the Sand Village will definitely have a better life, and they will become heroes of Sand Village.

Upon hearing this, Akashina Songming also noticed the gazes of his companions, and the smile on his face faded and turned serious.

"We will start the action at twelve o'clock tonight. When we raid Konoha Village, it will be around five in the morning. This is the time when people are most sleepy and tired.

It is also the time when Konoha's defense is the most lax. We have a great chance to break into Konoha Village."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they were extremely recognized for Akashina Songming's action plan. This plan can be accomplished at a glance.

However, they who have received professional training will not cheer at this time.

Although there are companions secretly monitoring within a kilometer around to prevent being discovered.

But it's always right to be careful.

Akashi Songming looked at his men, whose faces were flushed red, but no one made a sound, and nodded with satisfaction.

As expected of an ace unit, the discipline is impeccable.

He continued, "So it's best to bypass the border defense and sneak into Konoha Village without anyone noticing.

Don't alert the enemy. Even if you are discovered by the Konoha ninja, you must deal with them as soon as possible. If you can fight in a group, fight in a group, don't think about working alone, because we must never let the other party send out a distress signal!"

"This is the most basic requirement. Can you do it?"

All the Sand Ninjas nodded in unison, and still no one spoke.

"Very good, next we just need to quickly capture the core area of ​​Konoha, some people control the elderly and children of the villagers, and pin down most of the Konoha ninjas, while the other part quickly packs up the valuables.

We need to pick out the valuables that can be carried, such as ninjutsu, secret techniques, intelligence, etc. These are the first priority, and the rest are silver bills and the like!"

Akasaga Songming was still telling his men in detail about the action plan.

It's not a big deal if they can't hear it from a distance, because they are the outermost members, and he is surrounded by the captains of each team.

After he finished speaking, these captains had plenty of time to communicate with their teammates.

After Fushiko glanced at her husband, she opened her mouth, but didn't ask in the end.

Because she found that there were several people missing in the team.

And when rushing to Konoha, they rested too much on the road, which felt like a waste of time.


Konoha Village is still peaceful.

Compared with the core area of ​​the Second World War, the Hidden Rain Village, it's like two extremes.

One is heaven, the other is hell.

In heaven, the darkness is deep, and in hell, heaven is dazzling.

Yahiko felt as if he was living in heaven.

He looked at the meat, rice, vegetables, oil, and eyes in front of him...

His eyes were full of hungry wolf-like eyes.


"Wow, there are more than we have!"

"Uncle, are these all for us!?"

Jiraiya crossed his arms, looked at them, and said with a smile: "Of course it's for you, don't worry, these are just a part, I still have more after you finish eating!"



Konan couldn't hold back anymore, and ran up directly, holding a pumpkin, rubbing it with happiness all over her face.

"This is the first time I've seen such a big pumpkin!"

Beside her, Yahiko had the same expression, "Hehe... Now we don't have to go hungry!"

Looking at the two children's happy faces, Jiraiya showed a subtle guilt on his face and looked at the red-haired boy next to him.

His eyes were covered by his bangs, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

The child's parents were killed by their Konoha ninjas.

That's why he made up his mind to take care of these three people first, at least to let them have the ability to survive.

And because he didn't know whether these three people were spies from other ninja villages, he didn't want to take these three children to the Konoha camp.

"By the way, how did you appear in that place?" Jiraiya asked curiously.

Hearing this, the expressions of Yahiko and the other two froze for a moment.

The three of them lowered their heads and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Jiraiya thought that his words touched the three little ones' hearts, and he awkwardly wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere.

In the end, Konan still interrupted what he wanted to say.

"Actually, although we are orphans, we have food in the cave because of Yahiko, but..."

As he was talking, Konan couldn't continue, and Yahiko continued: "But later, a group of Konoha ninjas found our hiding place and drove us out!"

As he spoke, his fists creaked, "Our food was also taken away by them. As a last resort, we came to the street and heard about the battle between the three of you and Hanzo, and how you escaped unscathed and won the title of Sannin, so we made up our minds to come to you!"

After the food was taken away, he deeply realized how uncomfortable it was to have no strength and even the ninja world looked down on you.

Jiraiya's face turned ugly when he heard this.

He subconsciously glanced at Nagato, another Konoha ninja.

"I will check this matter thoroughly!"

Is someone framing it, or does such garbage really exist! ?

He thought solemnly.

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