The ninja world is fighting again.

But this has nothing to do with the future and the others who are far away in Konoha.

At this moment, the future is still practicing ninjutsu.

It should be said that three days have passed before the future can make the hair a little harder.

But if you want them to shoot out like Jiraiya, there is still a long way to go.

In the evening.

The future and the little ones finished a day of training, and Kushina took them to find the hand-beating Ichiraku.

That is the ramen boy who was bullied and rescued by Kushina.

He is a student of the same class as the future and the others, but not in the same class.

Minato asked curiously: "Kushina, is the ramen you mentioned really that delicious?"

Rope Tree held his head with both hands, looked at him while walking and said: "Ramen, no matter how delicious it is, how delicious can it be!"

It's just noodles, soup, and some side dishes.

He was tired of eating it before.

He has been practicing too much these days, and he feels that he has lost ten pounds.

At this moment, he just wants to eat meat to restore his previous strong body.

Minato smiled and did not answer him.

He is an orphan, and he would be very happy if he had delicious ramen.

After all, the cost of ramen is not high.

Hearing the sarcastic words of Nawaki, Kushina stepped on him directly, and the latter hurriedly hugged his foot and jumped up in pain.

"Ouch, it hurts me to death, Kushina, how can you treat your brother like this!"

Kushina looked at him and said, "How can you question your lovely sister!"

Mirai walked past him and said with a smile, "You deserve it!"

Suddenly, Nawaki's anger had a place to vent. He took off his shoes without caring about the pain in his feet and rushed to the future.

"Damn it, stop right there!"

But Mirai had already prepared for this move. He immediately took a step, held onto Minato's shoulders, and vaulted over Minato's head with a pole.

He used Minato as a shield to block Rope Tree's attack route.

"Lulululu, I can't hit you!"


Well, Rope Tree got even angrier.

He immediately pulled Minato open, exposing Mirai.

He raised his shoes and immediately drew them at him.

Mirai just dodged and perfectly avoided his attack.

If he didn't take a knife, he couldn't beat Rope Tree, because of the age difference. But if he wanted to avoid it, there were ways.

After avoiding Rope Tree's attack, Mirai once again grabbed the helpless Minato and blocked him in front of him.

"Hehehe... I can't hit him... Hehe!"

"Let go of Minato if you dare, let's fight it out!"

"I won't let go, come and hit me if you dare!"

The angry Rope Tree pulled Minato again, trying to pull him away, but it was useless.

This time Mirai didn't let go, and for a moment, poor Minato, with a helpless smile on his face, became a plaything between Rope Tree and Mirai.

Behind him.

Kushina took Hyuga Reika's arm and looked at them speechlessly.

"When I first saw Mirai, I thought he was a cold person!"

Hyuga Reika nodded, and she felt the same way at the time.

And she thought this was very Uchiha.

"But who would have thought that he was actually a pervert!"

Hyuga Reika nodded frantically, yes, yes, after contacting him for a few days, she also discovered this.

Kushina's face became even more bitter, "Now I realize that I didn't understand him before!"

Hinata Reika continued her words and said, "After getting to know him, I realized that he is actually a funny guy!"

He is pretending to be cold, perverted is his personality, and funny is his nature.

To be honest, the Uchiha people are so cold, Uncle Dazhuang is so honest, Aunt Mieko is so virtuous and gentle, but how can the baby born be like this?

No matter how much the genes mutate, it is impossible to become like this!

It's outrageous!

After Hinata Reika finished speaking, Kushina couldn't help but look at her.

After a few breaths, the two sighed at the same time.


Soon, they came to a small alley.

There is a sense of déjà vu of a slum here.

Although it is not dirty and messy, the buildings on both sides are very old.

The alley was three meters wide and deep, so that the sun could hardly penetrate.

In addition, the residents on the roofs habitually poured water out of the windows.

So it was very humid here.

I guess people with rheumatism would hold their legs and wail after walking through this alley.

Led by Kushina, the four of them avoided the water and soon arrived in front of an iron gate.

She reached out and knocked politely, and shouted, "IchirakuClassmate, are you home?"

A young voice soon came from the room, "Is it Sister Kushina? I'll open the door for you right away!"

As he spoke, the sound of someone coming down the stairs came from the room.

Rope Tree's nose was sniffing frantically.

His eyes were sparkling, and his saliva was all over the floor.

He hugged Mirai and Minato with both hands, "Do you smell it? Such a fragrant soup!"

Mirai also swallowed subconsciously, and he shrugged his shoulders and bounced Rope Tree's hand away.

He didn't like people hugging him.

Except Minato.

"It smells really good!"

No wonder there was such a long line when Ichiraku Ramen first opened.

"If it weren't for Kushina, we probably wouldn't know when we grew up that there was a master of cooking ramen hidden here! "Minato said with shining eyes.

No one has a better say than him when it comes to eating ramen.

"This smells really good, I can't wait to try it!" Even Hyuga Reika was drooling.

Looking at her friends, who were eager to rush in and eat ramen, Kushina couldn't help but chuckle.

"See, I told you that the ramen he made is delicious!"


Soon, the door was opened.

A little boy of the same age as them appeared from behind the door, looking at the door with joy on his face, "Sister Kushina, you're here... come in..."

As he was talking, he suddenly stopped talking and looked at the people behind Kushina in surprise.

"Uchiha Mirai! ? Namikaze Minato! ? Why are you here? "

Shouda Ichiraku was a little confused. How could these two campus celebrities come to his house? It was like fairies squatting in the toilet. It was incredible.

Future looked at the peer in front of him. This person was almost exactly the same as Shouda in the future.

The only change was that he was not as mature as in the future.

"We heard from Kushina that the ramen you made was delicious, so we came uninvited. Please don't be offended!" Minato stepped forward and said with a smile on his face.

His smile was like the sunshine in the sky, making people feel happy.

It seemed that this dark and cold alley was also full of sunshine.

So gentle, so dazzling!


Shouda blushed all of a sudden.

He quickly moved aside to make way for him to go in. He was a little red-faced and wanted to see Minato but didn't dare to look at him.

"Uh...that...please come in...just...I'm just making soup stock! ”

“If you…if you don’t mind…you can have a taste!”

“Yes, yes, yes…try it…it’s free!”

Nawoki and Mirai looked at each other.



Is Minato’s lethality so strong? Even a little boy can’t handle it.

Kushina and Hyuga Reika also noticed something was wrong.

Especially Kushina, she looked at Minato, then at Ichiroku.

Then she looked at Minato again, and finally at Mirai…

Could it be that Mirai is not a pervert, but Minato is the real pervert?!

Is it him who turned Mirai into a pervert? !


No wonder I thought he was effeminate when I first saw him. It makes sense!

Thinking of this, she quietly stepped in, blocking between Minato and the hand, and greeted with a smile on her face: "Don't you want to eat ramen? Come in!"

Hearing ramen, Rope Tree immediately threw the idea behind his head and walked in quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes, in this world, only food and beauty are not to be missed!"

Minato simply Without noticing, he had a sunny smile on his face, and when he passed by, he smiled at the other person.

The latter was shocked and had goose bumps all over his body.


'Minato-kun is really gentle! '

After Mirai walked in, he looked at him with a strange expression.


"... Could it be that you fell in love with Minato at first sight!"

Minato and the others had already walked into the house, and Mirai's voice was very low, so they didn't Heard.

Only Kushina heard this, and she stared at Shouda.

After hearing what Mirai said, Shouda felt a chill.

It was like carrying a horse and pulling a pine to run for 50 kilometers, and just when he reached the finish line, he was instantly transferred to the South Pole.

It made him sober up all of a sudden.

He shook his head hurriedly and firmly denied: "No, no, no, how could it be, I'm not!"

Kushina, why don't I believe it!


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