After the future and the others left, they left a ten thousand tael silver note, which made him so excited.

This was the highest amount of noodles he had ever seen.

Originally, he didn't want it, because he said it was free, but how could he beat the five of them alone.

So he waved goodbye to them and told them to come again next time! He must be free!

After the future returned home, before he even entered the door, he smelled a familiar smell on the tip of his nose.

As a ninja, it's normal to have sharp ears, eyes and noses.

Although the future's nose is not as good as Kakashi's, let alone a dog's nose.

But it is more than ten times more sensitive than that of an ordinary person.

So you know why he thinks the food his mother cooks is unpalatable, it's just that he is too picky.

His eyes were full of little stars, and he changed his shoes in a few seconds. He couldn't help but stop when he was about to rush into the house.

He thought about it. If he pulled the ramen out of his mouth in front of them, not to mention whether they would eat it or not, his sister would feel disgusted.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned to the blind spot, spit out the ramen from his mouth, and took a closer look. It seemed that part of it was stained with his saliva.

He subconsciously stretched out his tongue and licked it.

Well, it's gone now!

Then he shouted happily: "Sister, you're back!"

Uchiha Hong, who was changing clothes upstairs, heard his voice and smiled and responded.

"Well, you're back too!"

"How is it? Did you cause trouble to the teacher these days at school?"

Uchiha Mirai put the ramen on the dining table, trotted to her, and replied with a smile: "No, no, I'm very good!"

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*Please touch!

Seeing his brother looking up at him with his head raised, with an expression asking for praise, Uchiha Hong was in a very happy mood.

Is there anything that can make people feel happier than going home and stroking his brother's head after completing a task?

"Really? Then our future has finally grown up and won't worry the teachers anymore!"


Future was so comfortable being rubbed that he almost squinted his eyes.

If he was a cat, he would have been purring by now.


Dazhuang and his wife looked at the intimate interaction between the siblings, especially the little guy Future, who was so attached to his sister, and they were amused.

"Zhuangzhuang, what kind of scenery would it be if they fought every day!"

The siblings next door fought to death every day. Every time these housewives met, as long as they talked about this topic, others looked at them with envy.

I used to feel very proud, but now I feel something is missing.

A life that has never been beaten by a sister or angered by a brother is not perfect!

Dazhuang poked her forehead with a smile, causing the latter to roll her eyes.

"If the siblings are like other children, you will have a headache!"

Mieko retracted her gaze, looked at the siblings in front of her, and then thought about the way other wives complained to her.

If Honghong and Weilai were really like she thought, fighting every three days and making a big fuss every five days...


What a terrible idea!

I can't think about it! This is simply too scary!

How did those housewives survive!

Looking at his daughter-in-law who was daydreaming, Dazhuang smiled and ignored her, but looked at the table.

"Son, where did you buy this ramen? It looks good!" He smelled the aroma of the soup from a distance.

According to his experience of eating salt for so many years, this noodle is definitely delicious.

Weilai, who was immersed in his sister's touch, turned his head and found that it was his parents.

He was stunned!

"Huh? Are you at home?"

Da Zhuang:  ̄へ ̄

Mieko: ಠ╭╮ಠ

She pouted, looking like she was about to cry, "You are such a heartless little thing. Mom and Dad are always at home. When you come back, you just ignore us and act like a spoiled child to your sister!"

Future: "..."

In fact, when he said that, he felt that it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, things developed just as he thought.

Before his father got angry, Future hurriedly held the railing and jumped down.

The living room on the first floor of his house went straight to the ceiling, and the second floor was only half of the area. In addition to the corridor, there was a small living room, and then the room they lived in.

He walked quickly to his mother, hugged her, buried his head in front of her belly, and rubbed it back and forth.

He shouted like a spoiled child, "Mom~"

This is the spoiled child you want, I give it to you, but don't make my dad angry!

After being treated like this by the future, the little resentment in Mieko's heart suddenly disappeared.Time disappeared, and a smile appeared on her face.

"You, mom is just joking with you!"

The smile on Weilai's face became more obvious, but she was complaining in her heart, who dares to play with you, didn't you see that Dazhuang was about to pull out the belt.

Seeing that Weilai was so sensible, Dazhuang took back the belt and looked at Weilai with satisfaction.

This is right, how can you make your mother angry.

If he made Mieko angry, he would go to buy durian and kneel down without the other party saying anything.

Uchiha Hong also came down. She came to the dining table, smelled the tempting aroma, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, where did you buy ramen, it tastes so good, I haven't smelled such a fragrant soup!"

Hearing this, Dazhuang and the others also looked at Weilai.

They asked just now, but this little guy actually said such a thing, and almost let Dazhuang serve the family law.

Hearing this, Weilai let go of the hand that was holding his mother's buttocks, turned around and explained: "This is cooked by one of my classmates. His family has been cooking ramen for three generations!"

"Three generations!" Dazhuang nodded in understanding.

He has been settled in Konoha almost since the village was built. No wonder he has such a good skill.

Weilai continued: "It's a pity that his family is going to close!"

"Huh!?" Dazhuang's expression was stunned, and he didn't react for a while.

The expressions of Mieko and Hong were the same.

Why is such delicious noodles closed?

"Why?" Mieko asked, and then as if she thought of something, she said: "Is it because someone in the village saw that his family's business is so hot, so they want to forcibly seize his family's secret recipe?"

Dazhuang secretly rolled his eyes at his wife to see what she said.

Who in Konoha dares to seize the property of civilians? They all think that the Uchiha Police Department is just eating dry rice!

It can be said that Konoha is the happiest village in the world for civilians.

In other villages, even in the Sand Village, the status of ninjas is much higher than that of civilians.

When civilians meet ninjas, let alone being tough, they have to bow and nod when they meet, and they are extremely respectful.

In the eyes of those villagers, ninjas are like gods.

Of course, this idea also exists in Konoha Village, such as the mother of Ichiraku.

But it is not as serious as in other villages.

Future was almost choked by his mother's words, and he glanced at his father speechlessly.


‘Look, I told you not to show those little picture books to my mother, making my mother almost unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy at this moment! ’

Da Zhuang received his son's eyes and smiled awkwardly.


‘It doesn’t matter, as long as your mother likes to read it! ’

Future: “…”


Why are the people around me all licking dogs?

It's fine if Dad licks him, Minato also licks him, maybe one day in the future, Nawaki will also lick him.

Who will he lick?

But when Mirai thought of the other person who looked upright but was coquettish inside, he couldn't help but laugh.

Nawaki, this guy, has opened a new door for him since he used the [Transformation Technique] to turn into a girl.

Let him go all the way on the road of being sultry.

I really feel sympathy for the girls who are dating him!



Although he felt sympathy in his heart, the corners of his mouth rose wildly, completely betraying his true thoughts.

But his mother was still waiting for his reply, so Mirai quickly restrained his thoughts and explained: "His mother doesn't want him to be a chef, she wants her son to become a real ninja..."

Then, he told his father, mother and sister about the situation at home.

The mother and daughter sighed.

On the contrary, Da Zhuang was a little indifferent.

"What's wrong with the kitchen ninja? The kitchen ninja is also a ninja. Besides, the kitchen ninja usually doesn't need to go to the front line. They are responsible for logistics support. If there is danger, it won't be their turn.

If it really is their turn, it proves that the ninjas on the front line are also in danger, or have been killed!"

Mieko shook her head and rejected it: "That's not the case. If they are in a fast march...

Or being tracked or hunted by the enemy, the kitchen ninja who doesn't practice combat power will be a burden to others, and they may directly abandon the kitchen ninja."

This made Da Zhuang speechless.

The feelings of ninjas are not actually important.

What is important is the feelings towards relatives and friends. To other people, they are mostly selfish and indifferent!

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