Weilai opened his eyes blankly, and he saw three faces with strange expressions.

Sister, father, and mother, they stood in a circle, looking at him with their heads down, and there was a full moon in the center of their heads.

"Huh? Why am I here?"

Hearing this, Mieko couldn't help laughing. She poked Weilai's forehead with her hand and joked, "Look at what you are holding first!"

Weilai was stunned for a moment, and he turned his head subconsciously.

Just now he realized that he was holding a soft, slippery, and cool "pillar".

Looking at it at this moment, he was stunned for a moment.

Is this my sister's leg! ?

The tip of his nose can smell the unique body fragrance of his sister, which is very light, but it is hard to forget.

But why is there a strong smell mixed in it? !

Foot odor is not like this, it is sour, smelly, and a bit heady.

These stinks are like the smell of saliva, and the two smell completely different.

Wait... saliva...



"What did I do?"

Uchiha Dazhuang said with a dark face, "What were you thinking just now, just like a perverted pervert, suddenly hugging your sister's legs and licking your sister!"

If his son can't explain it, he will think that Weilai wants to stay in an orthopedic hospital.

Then he will definitely fulfill his wish.

Or the kind of thoughtful one!

When Weilai heard his father's words, his mind didn't turn around at all, and he subconsciously replied: "It seems that I saw Xuanwei ham..."

Dazhuang's family: (•ิ_•ิ)?

Xuanwei ham! ?

What is that? Is it a kind of ham?

But since it's not what he thought, Dazhuang also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that it's not!

Weilai also came back to his senses at this moment, and he hurriedly stopped what he had not finished saying.

In fact, he saw a variety of things. His sister first admitted that she lost, and then wanted to take him to eat delicious food.

He subconsciously thought of ham, and the most famous ham is Xuanwei ham.

Authentic Xuanwei ham is very fragrant.

When they went to the store and ordered a stir-fried ham with green peppers, his sister suddenly refused to let him eat it.

At that time, he was so greedy that he knelt down on the spot holding his sister's legs, begging while licking it subconsciously.

It was probably licked at that time!

"Okay, let's go!" Dazhuang removed the barrier and walked towards the room with Mieko in his arms.

He thought this kid could win, but in the end, he was still knocked down by Honghong's illusion.

It was really bad.

"Uh, OK!" Weiwei stood up and responded with a blushing face. He didn't dare to look at his sister.

Would she dislike him?

Or maybe she could see her hallucinations and know that she was actually a pervert...

Ah... a pervert of a ghost... How could I be a pervert when I was so upright?

It was all because of Shengshu, that sultry man, who led me astray.

Uchiha Hong also recovered at this time.

In fact, it was nothing to be licked by her brother. I still remember that when she was taking care of the baby, Weiwei peed on her.

She didn't feel anything at that time, just washed it off.

This time, it was mainly because her parents were around, and she couldn't control her nature all of a sudden.

And her brother said it was ham, and it was unreasonable to hold the ham and not lick it.

Thinking about it, she was almost convinced by herself.

Weiwei was a hand that was not a hand, a foot that was not a foot, and stayed in place, with her head lowered, and two words on her face, tangled!

He called out cautiously and tentatively.


Honghong laughed at her, "Okay, you're still young, I don't take it to heart!"

After hearing what his sister said, Future's heart was relieved. He raised his head hastily, looked at Uchiha Hong shyly, and promised: "Sister, don't worry, I will be very vigilant against illusions next time!"

Illusions are too scary. He didn't think so before, but this time he almost exposed his true intentions.

Ah... It's not my true intention... My true intention is not like this.

It almost made me look ugly. My sister's technique definitely magnified the greed in a person's heart, so I followed my heart and rushed all the way. The brakes were broken and I couldn't stop.

Speaking of this, Uchiha Hong's expression became serious, "Your resistance to illusion is no different from before!"

Mirai was also puzzled when he heard this, "No, I also used illusion on Minato, just like you, creating an illusion and telling him something in the illusion.

I can knock him down, why is my resistance to illusion so poor!"

In theory, a person who has learned illusionAfter the operation, he understood the principle of illusion, and he would also notice something unusual when others cast illusions on him.

For example:


Its principle is equivalent to multiplying four ones, which is also equal to adding four ones.

For example: 1+1+1+1=4.

After learning this formula.

The next time you see the formula 1x4=( ), you will know what it equals and why it equals 4.

Similarly, since he could knock down other people with illusions, why did he fall for his sister's illusion?

Even if he did, he should have noticed it!

But my goodness, he didn't feel anything. He ran so wildly in his sister's illusion that he even took off his pants.

That's not right. He remembered that he seemed to feel something was wrong at the time, but his sister's words made him forget this idea.

His face gradually became strange, and he seemed to know why!

Uchiha Hong didn't notice her brother's last expression. She touched her chin, paced, and her eyes flashed with thought.

"Illusion is a technique that acts on the enemy's nervous system. Most people are wary of strangers, so his body will subconsciously resist and be alert.

The difficulty of the caster to use illusion will increase.

But if it is a person who is completely unprepared, facing the illusion of loved ones and friends, the resistance will be infinitely close to zero.

I guess you can let Minato enter the illusion, which means he never defends you, just like you never defend me!"

She said while thinking, and at the end, even the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up a smile.

My brother is really good to me wholeheartedly! (๑*◡*๑)

"Mirai-chan, this should be the reason why you can fall into my illusion without knowing it!"

Mirai understood, "So that's it! No wonder I just glared at Minato and he entered his own illusion. It turns out that he never defends himself!"

As he said this, he looked relieved, worthy of feeding him for so many years.

He agreed with his sister's words.

But only he knew that he had noticed the abnormality, but he subconsciously didn't want to remove it.

That's why the scene just now happened.

"Okay, you go and rest. I'll go to my sister's house. She put some things in my ninja bag!" Honghong glanced at the sky and suddenly said.

This made Mirai a little puzzled.

He glanced at the moon and wondered, "It's this time, can't we go tomorrow?"

Uchiha Hong's delicate face blushed slightly, a little shy.

She hurriedly explained: "Oh, don't ask, these are girls' secrets!"

As she said that, she pushed Weilai back to the house.

After hearing this, Weilai felt a little embarrassed to ask again. He followed his sister's strength and returned home. He asked again: "Sister, do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, your sister is also a ninja. Besides, it's not far. You should have a good rest!"

Weilai did not doubt him, nodded, and went back to the bathroom to wash up.

Seeing that her brother finally went back, Uchiha Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

She patted her throbbing heart, looked at the moonlight, and walked out the door with a hint of happiness in her eyes.

In the living room, Dazhuang and his wife looked at Weilai after being pushed back, and then looked at Honghong's back as she left, and they were a little puzzled.

Da Zhuang shouted to the bathroom: "Son, your sister is going out so late?"

"She said she was going to give something to her teammates, I didn't ask what it was!"

"Oh!" The couple looked at each other, and their intuition told them that there was something fishy about this matter.

Mieko winked.

─━_ ─━✧

'Go and have a look? '

Da Zhuang hesitated for a moment, to be honest, he was quite curious.

But soon he shook his head.

┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

'Forget it, my daughter is grown up, she has her own little secrets, we should not explore too much! ’


‘Okay, I’ll listen to you!’

Then the two looked at the mad sword that Future had placed at the bathroom door.

Just now they saw with their own eyes that Future had injected special chakra from his body, which changed the sword into a different appearance.

Later, after the sword was thrown away by him, the mad sword returned to its original appearance.

Now their curiosity was aroused again.

Da Zhuang stood up and came to the bathroom door, "Son, can you lend us your mad sword to take a look?"

Weiwei, who was taking a bath, heard this and said nonchalantly, "Take it and have a look!"

Uchiha Da Zhuang: "..."

His son was so straightforward that he was stunned for a moment.


By the river.Uchiha Hong soon saw a familiar figure.

His eyes suddenly lit up, filled with endless thoughts.

Calculating the time, I haven't seen him for many years!

"Shengshu Jun, I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

Shengshu, who was reading a book, was suddenly startled by the voice. He hurriedly put away the book and turned around to look at the person awkwardly.

"Well... not long... I just arrived!"

In fact, he arrived earlier, but he was bored waiting, so he read a book to kill time.

Uchiha Hong smiled embarrassedly, "Sorry, I just practiced with my brother at home for a while!"

As she said, she came to sit next to him.

Shengshu smiled, "I understand, when my sister comes back, I will also pester her to guide me in my practice!"

As he said, he asked curiously, "By the way, I have known you for so long, but I still don't know your brother's name!"

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