When the three of them entered the classroom together, they were greeted with strange looks from their classmates.

The first wave of the class, Minato, the most handsome Uchiha Mirai, and the tomato monster Uzumaki Kushina actually play together, what kind of plot is this?

However, some girls just frowned at this, thinking that Kushina was just going along with them.

Several of the girls immediately surrounded Mirai, their faces flushed.

"Mirai classmate, today is my birthday, can I invite you to my birthday party?"

As she said, she looked at Mirai with affection.

So handsome!

Uchiha Mirai glanced at her, someone she didn't know!

"Sorry, you're not as good-looking as Minato, I don't want to participate!"

Girl: ⊙﹏⊙

She seemed to hear the sound of her heart breaking, and her whole body turned gray.

Kushina: "!!!"

I knew they must have an improper relationship, as expected!

I must stay away from them and can't have any entanglement with them anymore.

Minato, who was mentioned by the future, smiled bitterly and looked at the girl.

Unlike the future, he was not interested in anything in the class. He knew this girl. Like him, she was a commoner and an orphan. Her name was Xiaochun and she had no surname.

The reason why the future picked him out was to avenge what happened just now.

He shook his head with a smile, 'The future is still as stingy as ever! '

'Hehe... But... I like it! '


Just then, the class bell rang.

Interrupting everything the students wanted to say.

Returning to his seat, Minato sighed and said, "Future, Xiaochun is also kind-hearted. How can you hurt your classmates like this!"

Future glanced at him and found that Kushina was far away from them. Her butt was only half-sticking to the chair. If she moved any further, she would fall off.

Now only the back of her head was left for them, but her ears were erected high, obviously very interested in their conversation.

He was a little surprised by the other party's attitude, but he didn't take it to heart. He looked at Minato and said sarcastically: "Hey, Minato, are you feeling sorry for her? Why don't you go and participate? I think she definitely won't mind. Maybe when she is sad and disappointed, you can still get her back!"

Minato's face turned red immediately. He subconsciously looked at Kushina and only saw the back of her thick head.

For some reason, he felt a little disappointed.

He hurriedly explained: "Mirai, what are you talking about? I'm not that kind of person!"

Not that kind of philandering person!

I just don't know if Kushina can understand this sentence.

"Besides, she likes you, not me at all!"

It's strange. Logically speaking, I look pretty nice, sunny and gentle.

Why are there far fewer girls in the ninja school who like me than those who like Mirai?

He was still so mean, and there were countless girls who were cruelly rejected by him, but they seemed to not care about it, and pursued him more persistently.

In addition, he found that some girls even had an inexplicable hatred for him.

It was really strange.

Kushina, who had her ears erected high, felt a little itchy in her heart after she could not hear their conversation.

She couldn't help but turn her head and asked Minato: "Is the relationship between you pure friendship?"

Minato was delighted to see Kushina talking to him, and he didn't care about the depression in his heart.

He smiled and said: "Of course, our relationship is very close. Let me tell you, he can stab himself twice for me!"

Mirai supported his chin and looked out the window. Hearing this, he pouted and said: "Don't come on, even if you are hacked to death, I won't even look at you!"

Minato shrugged at Kushina, but the smile on his face became more obvious.

It seemed to mean, see, he really cares about me, otherwise he wouldn't have refuted.

Kushina's eyes became even weirder.

She couldn't help but move her butt a little further out.

Urgent question!

What should I do if my deskmates are two perverts?

Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

At this time, the teacher came in.

The students stopped talking and all looked straight at the podium.

"Today we will talk about the history of the ninja world..."

The teacher didn't waste any words and came in to talk about the content of the class.

Xiaochun listened absent-mindedly, and her eyes occasionally looked at the last table of the three groups.

As usual, that person was almost always looking out the window.

She didn't care about the teacher's class at all.

Looking at the other person's black and straight silhouette, the distress in her eyesIt also gradually disappeared, and was slowly replaced by a touch of infatuation and determination.

'He could have rejected me directly, but he pulled Minato out as a shield. It's obvious that he cares about me very much. I'm crying! '

Mirai-san looks manly and has such a good personality!

Oh my... What should I do... I like him more!

As she thought about it, her face flushed. Noticing this, she quickly held her cheeks with her hands, not wanting others to see her embarrassment.

Mirai's consciousness sank into his mind, and he looked at the ball of light next to Tessaiga, and his eyes lit up.

This ball of light was as big as a fist.

In the past, it was only the size of an egg, but this time it was so big. Obviously, the battle just now had a much greater effect on him than before.

Even when he fought with his sister last night, the ball of light was not so big.

'Sure enough, it's best to fight with people of the same age! '

Especially with Minato.

In the future, he will also drag Minato and Kushina to fight together, so the distance to break through 10% will be greatly shortened.

How much he hated Minato's disloyalty before, how much he hoped to do it again at this moment.

As the light ball was put in, the rusty part of Tessaiga was visibly reduced.

Although the progress bar did not change, it was still 8%, but there was a feeling in the future, and it was not far from 9%.

It would take at most a month of hard training.

Really... Sparassi!

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


In another class.

In the back seat, there was a fat ball sitting here.

She pressed her whole body down, trying to make herself less conspicuous.

Try to treat herself as a little transparent.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in her mind.


[Release the task! ]

[Please go to the grove after class to sign in! 】

After this cold voice finished speaking, it fell silent, as if it was an illusion.

The female ball was slightly startled when she heard it.

Here it comes again!

Since she fell asleep last night, an uninvited guest has come to her mind.

According to it, it is an emotionless system that specializes in helping the host improve its strength.

She only needs to sign in at the designated place to get a system reward.

And there is only one reward, the development progress of the [Reincarnation Eye].

She has never heard of the [Reincarnation Eye].

As she curiously clicked on the introduction of the [Reincarnation Eye], she was instantly shocked and incontinent.

The [Reincarnation Eye] is a legendary eye, the eye of the ancestor of their Hyuga clan, Otsutsuki Hamura, which can fight against the legendary [Reincarnation Eye].

It has the super power to control repulsion and gravity, create the Tao-seeking jade, and split the moon with one blow.

None of these are important. What is important is that it can break the [Bird in a Cage Seal].

Seeing the three characters "Bird in a Cage" was the reason for her incontinence.

She was from the branch family. After being tested for her extraordinary talent since she was a child, she thought she would not be engraved with the "Bird in a Cage Seal", but who knew that the children of the branch family could only be from the branch family forever.

Even if her talent far exceeded that of the descendants of the main family, it was the same.

Not only that, she was also designated as the daughter-in-law of the descendants of the main family, and they only had to wait for them to grow up and get married.

She was still young at that time and didn't know these.

Later, his father was chosen as a guard to escort the people of the main family to the Daimyo Mansion of the Fire Country to attend a banquet.

When he came back, he turned into a cold corpse.

His eyes were dark, and the eyes that were originally full of determination and tenderness were gone.

At that time, she realized that the mark on her forehead was not only a mark of identity, but also a means to control their life and death.

Her mother couldn't bear the blow of her father's death. It was obviously a group of people who went out, but when they came back, only her father was dead.

So she ran to the Zong family to make trouble.

At that time, she watched the Zong family elders simply raised their fingers, as simple as drinking water.

Her mother screamed instantly.

She held her head and fell to the ground wailing in pain.

Blood flowed from her ears, nose wings and even the corners of her eyes, and her whole body screamed heartbreakingly.

Her fingers even scratched her face, but she didn't seem to notice it, as if the pain in her mind was far greater than the pain of scratching her skin.

Although she was young at the time, she knelt down and cried bitterly when she saw her mother in such pain, and kowtowed to the Zong family elders, begging them to let her mother go, and she was willing to be punished for her.

But the Zong family elders didn't even look at her, and directly let her mother die of pain.

His eyes became empty, just like her father's.

Only then did she realize that the so-called caged bird that protected their branch family was actually just a way to control them., and a means to crush the [Baiyan] at a critical moment.

From that time on, she seemed to have become a different person.

Her original outstanding talent was buried by her, and her beautiful appearance gradually became fatter due to her overeating.

People from other branch families thought that she could not bear the blow and gave up on herself.

Even the people from the main family thought so.

But only she knew that her hatred did not disappear, but was buried in the darkest part of her heart, waiting for the moment to sprout.

Last night, after seeing the introduction of the [Reincarnation Eye]...

She seemed to hear the sound of seeds breaking through the soil and sprouting!

‘Main family...bird in a cage...’

Her fists were clenched tightly, and her fat fingers were pinched white!

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