Happy times are always short.

When they all returned to their respective positions in the future because of the spiritual communication time.

Xiaonan was a little reluctant.

Just now, she taught all her origami knowledge and skills to the two little sisters.

That's right, in just a few minutes, they called each other sisters.

The relationship improved like a monkey sitting on the sky.

"Teacher, will they come next time?" She looked at Jiraiya and couldn't help asking.

Jiraiya smiled and rubbed her head and said, "Yes!"

Since the disciples had left, Orochimaru and the others also stood up and said goodbye.

But before leaving, Orochimaru still left a stack of banknotes, "Since you want to stay here to take care of them, we can't say anything. This is one million taels. If you spend it sparingly, it will be enough for you to maintain three or four... half a year!"

Originally, he said that he might not be able to spend all the money in three or four years, but when he thought of Jiraiya's personality, if he drank wine every day, the money would not be enough.

So he changed his words to half a year.

Jiraiya was stunned. He looked at the ten silver bills of 100,000 denominations in front of him and was a little at a loss for a moment.

Is this the same Orochimaru that he knew? !

Could it be someone pretending to be him? !

Because my snake, it is impossible for him to be so kind!

Looking at Jiraiya's stupid look, Orochimaru frowned.

"What? Do you think the money is too little?"

Although he is not short of money, and the money he gets from each invention is enough for his food, clothing, housing and transportation for ten lifetimes.

But this one million taels is not a small amount.


It is enough to buy the head of one thirty-fifth of an elite jonin.

It can even allow him to buy a second-hand centrifuge that is 90% new, and he still thinks it is too little.

Thinking of this, he withdrew his hand directly.

But unexpectedly, he withdrew his hand, but the banknote in his hand strangely appeared in Jiraiya's hand.

This made the latter speechless.

"You don't want it!"

Jiraiya flicked the banknotes happily, "You know me, I haven't opened for a year, and the income is pitiful!"

Tsunade crossed her arms and said angrily and amusedly: "How much can your crappy books sell for!"

As she said that, she looked at the three people standing at the door and watching them, shook her head and warned: "I don't want to say anything about your bad habits, but they are still children, you must not teach a few perverts!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya was immediately unhappy, "How am I perverted? Besides, look at Minato and the others, how are they perverted!"

Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help but nodded, "That's right, fortunately those three guys were not led astray by you!"

The three little ones on the side were all confused.

Not the big sister, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Mirai, are so perverted.

How come this is normal in your eyes? !

Tsunade actually didn't know that she had been with Jiraiya for a long time, and her standards for judging perverts had become distorted.

"Mirai and Nawaki were not affected by you, okay, I'll believe you for now!"

When Nawaki was mentioned, Jiraiya suddenly shuddered.

If he remembered correctly, Nawaki had exchanged a few books from him last time!

'Brother, please don't let your sister find you! ' He prayed in his heart almost like begging.

He forced a smile on his face, "Don't worry, I will never lead them astray."

Three little ones: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

Help, why do I feel like I'm on a pirate ship? Is it too late to get off now!?

Jiraiya said, and couldn't help looking at Nagato, his eyes also changed to a complicated one.

"And I want to write a serious book, and when the time comes, it will definitely surprise you!"

Tsunade also left a sum of money and left with Orochimaru.

They didn't take Jiraiya's words seriously.

Because he said the same thing last time, but the result was still a pornographic book.

So they didn't have any hope for Jiraiya's new book.

Looking at The back of Orochimaru leaving.

Jiraiya's mouth corners lifted a few degrees.

'Orochimaru, you are becoming more and more humane! '

'That's great! '


The next morning.

Mirai was still sleeping when he was woken up by the person at the door.

"Hello, takeaway!"

He opened his eyes, a little sleepy.

It seemed that he couldn't open the corner of his eye, so he rubbed it subconsciously. It was hard, granular, and angular. When he touched it, his eyelids felt a little itchy.

And it was still attached to the eyelid, but he wiped it off with a little force.

Only then did he know what it was.

Hardened eye mucus.

He rubbed the other eye again., and rubbed the eye mucus away, then his eyelids opened a little wider, and he looked out the window.

He was stunned.

"Shou Da classmate!?"

"Why are you here?"

Standing in front of his door was Shou Da Yi Le from the next class. He was wearing school clothes and holding a takeaway in his hand.

It looked like five servings of ramen.

After seeing the future, Shou Da Yi Le hurriedly explained: "This is what your parents ordered when they came to my house last night.

They said that they would deliver different flavors of ramen every morning."

As he said this, his face was full of joy. Since the last time they ate at his home, they left a silver note with a face value of 10,000.

He was so excited that he couldn't say more.

When he took the silver note to his mother to ask for credit, he didn't expect his mother to give him a big bag directly.

He was so confused at the time.

So when he reacted, he had a big quarrel with his mother.

I don't understand why she doesn't support my dream, obviously my cooking skills are not bad.

And she knows how her academic performance is, isn't she a good ninja...

No, not at all!

After a night of cold war between mother and son, the next day no one paid attention to each other, cooking their own food and washing their own clothes.

It was the parents of Uchiha's future classmate who broke this opportunity.

They found my home by smelling the smell.

After learning about the disagreement between me and my mother, the two of them began to talk about his strengths and weaknesses from all aspects.

His strengths are obvious, that is, his ramen skills are good, and his weaknesses are also obvious.

His grades are terrible.

And the two of them also persuaded her son from the fact that it is World War II now, does she want her son to go to the dangerous battlefield after graduation!

It was this sentence that silenced his mother.

As long as the ninja is on the payroll, they will be sent to the battlefield to defend their country. Every villager knows this.

But Konoha usually only reports good news and not bad news.

Many villagers only heard good news, but rarely heard how many people died, whether they were their own family members, or whether they knew them.

The family members of these fallen soldiers could only know who died through the monthly body return ceremony.

They also attended many monthly memorial services.

To be honest, they were numb!

In the end, his mother said to him that if he could graduate, he would become a ninja.

And there was still a long time before they graduated. When he graduated, World War II might be over.

At that time, it would be like after World War I, when the ninja village fell into a period of peaceful development. Then, no matter how bad his son was, he could become a superior person.

If his graduation grades were poor, he would come back to inherit the family business.

With the 10,000 taels of silver notes, he could pay some of the rent for the store.

But Shouda Yile had a bigger ambition, which was to redeem the store.

When their father suddenly passed away, their mother spent most of her savings on the funeral arrangements.

Later, the store had no income. In order to support his schooling and living expenses, she sold the store and rented it back.

To be honest, he was confused by his mother's operation for a while.

He didn't expect that his mother would do such a thing.

Even if she didn't want to open a store, she could rent it to others. Why use such a weird operation method?

Later, I found out that it was because my mother hated the kitchen after my father died, and she always thought of my father when she saw the store.

Moreover, most of their youth was spent on the ramen shop.

Regardless of sunrise and sunset, festivals, big and small matters, they were in the store. It can almost be said that their freedom was bound by this store.

In order to completely break off, she sold the store in a rage at the instigation of others.

But after she sold it, she found out that she actually hated herself.

She hated herself for being incompetent and not being able to cook well. Looking at the store, she could always recall the voice and appearance of her former husband.

In this way, she spent half the price and rented the store again.

Because if she wanted to buy it, the new landlord had already raised the price.

Let alone him, when Dazhuang and his wife knew about this, they looked at his mother strangely.

Suspected if she had a bag in her head.

She could do such a weird thing.

People say that big breasts mean no brains, but hers are not that big!

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