As soon as the Nine-Tails came back to his senses from the deep space, he heard what Minato Namikaze said through Kushina.

"Nana, listen to me, Hyuga Reika is not simple. Do you remember that when you first transferred to the school, Mirai looked sick for a few days? That was because he was beaten by Hyuga Reika!"

"According to Mirai, he almost died at the hands of Hyuga Reika at that time, so Mirai said she was very strong in the classroom!

I just don't know why she hides herself like this."

After he finished speaking, he looked around very carefully.

For fear that someone would eavesdrop on him.

Although he was willing to tell the secret to Kushina, he would not tell the secret to others.

Besides, he had confirmed it with Mirai before he came, and Mirai also said that there was no need to hide it from Kushina, and let him do it himself.

After a few glances, Minato did not notice anything unusual, nor did he sense that someone was nearby. Most importantly, his voice was so low just now that no one should be able to hear it.

Kushina was silent after hearing this.

'Kyuubi, you said that there was a strong power in Hyuga Reika's eyes, right? '

Kurama did not answer. It closed its eyes lazily, used the boulder behind it as a backrest, and fell asleep comfortably.

Seeing that Kyuubi did not answer, Kushina did not ask any more questions.

She recalled the bits and pieces of getting along with Reika these days, and she could feel that the girl was a good person.

In her eyes, the past spirit gradually recovered.

'Reika-chan must have her own difficulties, so she pretended like this! '

What on earth did a child go through that made her so repulsive to the world and afraid to expose herself?

For a moment, she actually felt a little depressed in her chest.

But you don't have to think about it to know that her experience is absolutely painful.

She exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked at Minato firmly, "Don't tell anyone else about this, okay?"

Minato scratched his head and nodded in response: "Well, I was only going to tell you about this!"

"Minato, you are so nice!" Kushina felt a little touched. She was not a coward, and she had a heart of flesh and blood.

With the talents of the Uzumaki clan and the characteristics of the Nine-Tails, she could tell who was good to her and who was bad to her.

From the first time she saw Minato, this guy fell in love with her at first sight.

That is what is commonly known as being attracted by beauty.

She was quite disgusted at first, but after being forced to accept it, she suddenly found out...

Oh my... It smells so good...


"Hehe..." Minato's mouth corners were crazily raised, but he tried to suppress it. He couldn't lose his manners in front of Kushina.

"Let's just pretend we don't know she's hiding her strength. I can feel that she has reasons she can't tell!"

After becoming the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, she gained an ability, which is to distinguish the emotions of people around her.

For example, most of the classmates in the class treat her with inexplicable hostility.

This is because of Minato Namikaze, and she understands it. Who says Minato Namikaze is so outstanding, so gentle, and so handsome.

That's right, this personality...

Well... As the old saying goes... No one is perfect! And with this mistress, Minato will transform into a perfect male god!

She didn't feel hostile emotions from Reika Hinata.


That's why she became good friends with Reika Hinata in just a few minutes.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"


In the medical room, on the bed.

Mirai sat on the bedside and took out the fruit sealed with plastic wrap from his throat.

He opened the plastic wrap and put the fruit basket on the bedside table.

In the strange eyes of Hyuga Reika, he said lightly: "I wanted to see you get slapped in the face, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of slap!"

At first, he wanted to see a mental slap in the face, and then ridicule her afterwards. Who told her not to listen to him and take the initiative?

But Hyuga Reika was slapped in the face by Xiaochun and the others without fighting back.

This was really beyond his expectations, so he brought Minato here to apologize.

After all, if he hadn't indulged himself, Hyuga Reika wouldn't have been beaten into such a bear.

Although there were no broken bones, she looked much fatter than before, and her body was bruised.

Hyuga Reika stared at him with her eyes, as if she wanted to see his true thoughts through her eyes.

"Uchiha Mirai, are you sick!?"

Mirai ignored her sarcasm, put down the fruit basket, and took out a knife, fork and toothpick for her.

"Don't worry, this fruit basket is not stained with my saliva!"

As he said this, he sorted out the garbage.and walked out of the infirmary.

After a while, Kushina came in with a weird look on her face. When she saw the fruit basket on the bedside, the weirdness on her face became more obvious.


Knowing what she was thinking, Hyuga Reika said helplessly, "This guy just wanted to apologize, don't think too much!"

Kushina's face suddenly became wonderful when she heard it.

"Guess if I believe it or not!"

Simple! ?

Funny, that guy almost wrote his thoughts on his face.

She moved closer and couldn't help but teasing, "Reika-chan, do you think Mirai likes you!?"

Hyuga Reika: (´Д(︶︹︺)

"Don't make fun of me, you know what I look like, he would fall in love with me if he was blind!" Hyuga Reika wanted to firmly deny it.

But not long ago, Tongzi told her about this, which made her tone not so firm for a while.

Kushina shook her head, "No, no, no, I have never seen him care about any girl. Many girls in the class have been ruthlessly attacked by him!"

"He can bring a fruit basket to see you, which proves that you are not ordinary to him!"

Hinata Reika looked at her helplessly, "Kushina-chan, why didn't I notice that you are so gossipy!"

"Hehe..." Kushina smiled, with some curiosity on her face.

"Reika-chan, what do you think of the future?"

"What do you mean by what?" Hyuga Reika knew what she wanted to ask, and she asked back pretending not to know.

Then she spoke first, trying to change the subject: "This fruit basket is very fresh, I can't finish it by myself, you can help me share some!"

Hearing this, Kushina was unmoved. She looked up and down at Hyuga Reika, and her eyes gradually became brighter.

Why didn't she realize before that although Linghua-chan was much fatter, her facial features, skin color, and bone shape were all perfect.

If she lost weight, she would definitely not be fat.

And she would still be a great beauty!

"Linghua-chan, why don't you lose some weight? If you can lose weight, you will definitely be the most beautiful girl in the ninja school, and you will fascinate those boys!"

"And if Mirai sees you after losing weight, he might be so excited that he would bleed... uh... so excited that his eyes would open!"

At present, she doesn't know that Mirai has opened his eyes.

For other people, when they are extremely excited, they will have nosebleeds or faint.

But for Uchiha people, it is excitement to open their eyes.

Hyuga Linghua: (ŎдŎ;)

She looked at Kushina with an inexplicable expression. Could this girl have been peeping in the grove at the beginning?

Otherwise, how could she know that the dead pervert Uchiha Mirai was attracted by her beauty after seeing her suddenly lose weight, and instantly opened his eyes!

Kushina naturally noticed the strange look of the little sister, which made her a little puzzled.

What does this look mean!

"What's wrong with you?"

"Uh... nothing..." Hyuga Reika shook her head, "It's just losing weight, I have the kind of physique that can gain weight by drinking boiled water, and the effect of losing weight is not great!"

Hearing this, Kushina frowned.

Can I gain weight by drinking boiled water! ?

What kind of Hyuga is this physique? It's simply the most suitable for the Akimichi clan.

This physique is what they want most!

"Don't worry, as long as you can control your mouth and move your legs, you will definitely lose weight!" As she spoke, her tone suddenly paused.

"Akimichi clan... fat accumulation... chakra..."

Hearing the words from the little sister's mouth, Hyuga Reika's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the perverted Uchiha Mirai exposed their secret to Kushina? !

Before her face changed drastically, Kushina looked at her excitedly.

She said excitedly: "Reika-chan, I have a way to make you get a perfect body without losing weight!"

With the previous idea, Hyuga Reika naturally thought of the secret medicine of the Akimichi clan.

Her face was a little stiff, and she wanted to refuse: ", I am quite satisfied with my body!"

"No, no, no, people are creatures who see things with their eyes. The first impression is very important. If you become beautiful, those people will not bully you!"

As she said, she stood up, took a banana from the fruit basket, and quickly said: "Wait, I will go back and ask my grandma to find a sealing technique now!"

She remembered seeing a sealing technique when she was a child, which was the sealing technique of their Uzumaki clan.

It is called [Yin Seal].

You can set a point in the body to seal chakra, and seal the excess chakra in it at ordinary times, and release it in one breath when needed.

This is a technique created specifically for people with low chakra levels.But it also has several passive points, that is, in addition to keeping youth forever, it can also fine-tune the body proportions through chakra.

For example, if you want a big breast, no matter how big it is, it can be.

It is said that [Yin Seal] can also be combined with other techniques to exert the power of one plus one greater than four, but it is a pity that the predecessor who developed this technique has passed away.

As a result, only this technique is left.

Of course, if it is just to change the body shape, this technique is completely enough!

Thinking of this, she did not give Linghua a chance to ask, and ran back home directly.

Hyuga Linghua: (ŎдŎ;)

It is not a secret medicine, but a sealing technique! ?

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