Watching the shadow clone dissipate, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

'If I had the strength of my teacher, or the first generation of Mu-sama, how great it would be! '

It's a pity that he has reached the peak he can reach and can no longer climb higher.

He looked at the map again.

The idea in his mind quietly appeared again.

'Why not let Rope Tree and the others come to the battlefield to experience it in the future! '

As he was born at the beginning of the village, he naturally felt that although the children were the future of Konoha, the big tree of Konoha evolved to protect them.

Old leaves will attract harmful insects, and will also wither and turn into nutrients, allowing their new buds to grow strong.

But children can't hide under the leaves of big leaves all their lives.

There will always be new buds that have not grown up and will be targeted by other insects.

And some insects like fat and tender tree buds.

He felt that it was necessary to let the children, accompanied by himself and others, feel the wind and rain in advance.

So that they would not grow crooked in the future.

After thinking about this, he had made up his mind.

He wrote a handwritten letter and asked Ninja Eagle to send it back to Konoha.

Let Xiaochun and others arrange that all children above their class in the future graduate early.

They are all seven or eight years old.

If this happened in the Warring States period, each child who survived would have at least seven or eight lives.

And it can also vent their excess energy.

It saves them from always thinking about jealousy.

He received a report from Mr. Kamimura, saying that the descendants of Mitomon En repeatedly bullied girls who were close to him in order to win the favor of Uchiha Mirai.

That's right, Xiaochun's full name is Mitomon Xiaochun.

When he saw this name at the beginning, he was shocked.

If this were put in a novel, it would also be quite explosive.

He actually gave his grandchildren the names of his old friends of the opposite sex. What is he trying to do!

Although these two old guys often go out together, they have their own family affairs.

In order to give his old friend a face, he simply asked Kamimura to give them another chance.

If they do it again, he will never tolerate it.


In the cabin.

Jiraiya wore a large frog costume and looked at the three people below with twitching eyes.

He had already noticed that Nagato was given to him by the person behind the scenes.

The purpose is self-evident, that is, to teach Nagato and others to gain power through his hands.

Now he can't decide whether to teach or not.

Even if he doesn't teach, the person behind the scenes will let others teach them.

Instead of this, it's better to let himself do it.

Only when he joins the game can he find a way to break the game.

After all, he doesn't even know who the other party is.

He knew that there was a person behind the scenes, but he guessed it by feeling.

Let's get back to the point. The reason why his eyes twitched was because he was angry at Yahiko.

"Teacher Jiraiya, what do you want to say?" He looked at the sign hanging on the wall, and his eyes twitched even more than Jiraiya's.

It was fine that he had to wear such ugly clothes, but he actually pulled them and said that the sign was red and white.

He was confused.

Jiraiya didn't expect that he could understand what he said with his IQ.

He said, "This area is not safe. Maybe one day another ninja will break in!"

As he said that, he looked at Nagato, his expression became more serious, "You can't expect Nagato to save you every time!"

After hearing Jiraiya say this, Konan and Yahiko were silent.

Only Nagato smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will never let them get into trouble!"

He has revealed his eyes at this moment, and it is obvious that he really recognizes Jiraiya.

"But what if? Your ability is indeed very special, but ninjas are not so easy to deal with. Your strength may be able to kill a Chunin if the enemy is careless, but what if the enemy is very vigilant? He is fully capable of completely avoiding your ability before you explode!" After this, Nagato stopped laughing.

Jiraiya continued: "Also, if they kidnap Xiaonan and others first, how will you deal with it!"

The two questions made Nagato speechless.

Xiaonan on the side glanced at the two of them and interrupted: "Teacher, we are not safe in the base?"

Jiraiya nodded seriously, "Yes, the base is actually the most unsafe place. Although it is located in a remote area, it is surrounded by weeds and is in full view.

This house is very eye-catching, and there will always be ninjas passing by here.

I put this sign on purpose!"


"Well, noWrong!" Jiraiya nodded, and then continued: "When you are at the base, turn it to the red side. When you go out, remember to turn the sign to white before going out!"

As he said this, he looked at the frog head he drew, and was somewhat proud of his painting skills. It was still quite good.

Look, it's very lifelike.

"By the way, this frog also represents the meaning of 'come back soon'!"

After he explained it this way, Xiaonan immediately understood.

"That is to say, when the sign is turned to red, we who should be in the base, but there is no one, which means that we are likely to be captured by the enemy;

When the sign is turned to white, it means that we are out, but there are people in the base, then we can think that the people in the house are the enemy, so it is very easy to distinguish!

Teacher, this is what you mean, right? "

Jiraiya looked at Konan with satisfaction. It's good to have a smart student.

Just give a general idea and the other party will understand.

o( ̄▽ ̄)dgood

"Konan is really smart. That's about it!"

He wanted to say something, but suddenly his body trembled.

A complex message suddenly flooded into his mind, causing his face to change slightly.

The shadow clone can feed back everything it has experienced. This is an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is that one person can do two things, and he can clearly know what the shadow clone has done.

The disadvantage is that no matter how big or small the matter is, it is all borne by the caster.

Once the critical point of mental power is exceeded, the caster is very likely to be confused by the impact of this information.

Even turning into a vegetable is no exception.

The three little ones also noticed Jiraiya's abnormality, and Yahiko suddenly became nervous.

"Teacher, what happened? "

Could it be that an enemy really broke in?!

The teacher's mouth is not really a jinx!

Jiraiya rubbed his eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "Hey, don't be so nervous, it's not someone coming, it's the teacher who has something to do and I have to go out for a few days!"

"Ah?" X3

The three little ones were all stunned.

For a moment, they felt very insecure!

"The Rock Ninja is going to make a big move. Orochimaru alone can't stop the Tsuchikage. I must go over to help!"

As he said, he thought for a while and took out three palm-sized one-time summoning scrolls from the huge scroll placed aside.

"While I'm away, you must carry these three scrolls with you. They all contain my shadow clones.

If there is a problem, you can tear open the scroll directly, and then you can summon my shadow clone. "

As soon as these words came out, the three children looked at the scroll in their hands curiously.

Is this thing so powerful?

It can actually summon the teacher's clone.

"But remember, you must not run around when I'm not here. This world still speaks with strength. You just stay here and refine chakra!"


The three children did not refuse. Chakra is the foundation of ninjas and their hope to become stronger.

It is also an important bridge to control their own destiny and change the destiny of this country.


Inside Konoha Village.

Tatsune and Koharu held Sarutobi Hiruzen's handwriting, looking stunned.

"Koharu, what kind of madness is the third generation going on? We obviously still have ninjas, why do we let seven or eight-year-old children go to the battlefield? I don't agree with this! "Mizutomon En firmly objected.

Seven or eight years old, doesn't that mean his granddaughter will also go to the battlefield? Absolutely not!

Utatane Koharu also rejected it: "I don't agree either. The purpose of the first generation to establish the village is to protect the children and prevent them from being exposed to the battlefield too early.

Children of seven or eight years old have never done a mission. Their character is so bad. If they go to that dangerous place, let alone whether they can survive, even if they survive, their character will be distorted!"

"That's right!" Mizutomon En breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Xiaochun was standing next to him.

He seemed to have thought of something and was a little speechless.

"Could he have mistaken everyone for Orochimaru and the others!"

Hearing his old friend's words, Utatane Koharu was stunned for a moment, and his face darkened instantly.

"Don't say it, don't say it!"

This possibility is really fucking big!

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