The next morning.

It was just dawn!

The five of them rushed out of the Konoha gate.

Behind them were Mr. Kamimura, the elders of the Senju clan, Uzumaki Mito, and Uchiha Hong.

Only Hyuga Reika's clan members did not come.

Originally, there was no Senju Rope Tree in the Hokage's information, but when Rope Tree knew about this, he cried, made a scene, and threatened to hang himself, which gave the Senju clan and Uzumaki Mito a headache.

Then he agreed to his request and let him follow Mirai to the front line.

It was only six o'clock in the morning, and it was quiet all around.

Mr. Kamimura looked melancholy, "Alas, I have a headache these two days!"

Last time, Mirai was away for only one day, and he and the people in the class lost their energy.

Now Mirai, Minato, Reika, and Kushina are all gone.

The class must be in chaos!

Uchiha Hong's eyes were always full of worry. She looked at the back of Nawaki and then at her dear brother.

That sentence was never said.

It was the last time she wanted to tell Nawaki that her brother was Uchiha Mirai.

Last time, she didn't have time to tell him because he was summoned away.

A month passed and she didn't want to say it again, but last night she suddenly heard her brother say that he graduated early and was going to the battlefield. She was almost excited to open the three magatama.

Afterwards, her father and mother both supported Mirai's idea. Even if she opposed it, it was useless.

Because this matter has become a foregone conclusion.

'Nawaki-kun, Mirai-chan, you must not be stubborn! '

With their strength, as long as they are not stubborn, they can definitely survive on the battlefield.

Even if they are a little cunning, they can still live very freely.

At this time, an old but kind voice suddenly came to her ears.

"Little girl, you are Uchiha Mirai's sister, right?"

Hearing the old man's words, Uchiha Hong hurriedly turned her head to look at the old man.

She replied: "Yes, my name is Uchiha Hong!"

As she said this, she noticed that although the old man stood straight, her age was there, so she stepped forward a few steps and supported the old lady's arm.

"You don't know, I often hear your brother mention you. To be honest, your relationship is really good and enviable!"

Hong Hong restrained her worried expression and responded with a smile: "Mito-sama, don't listen to the nonsense of Mirai. I guess he almost beautified what he said to you about me!"

Hearing this, Uzumaki Mito couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha... you little girl, you are so interesting to talk to. Let's go to grandma's house and sit for a while!"

Faced with Uzumaki Mito's invitation, everyone present was stunned.

This is the second time that Uzumaki-sama has invited an Uchiha.


Could it be that Lord Mito wants to ease the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha!

Uchiha Hong thought about it and it seemed that there was nothing to do today.

They just came back from a mission yesterday and had three days of rest.

So she didn't refuse, "Okay, Lord Mito!"

"Don't call me Lord or something, that's too distant. If you don't mind, call me grandma like Rope Tree and the others!"

Uchiha Hong listened and followed suit, and responded sweetly: "Okay, Grandma Mito!"

"Hey!" ( ̄▽ ̄)~*

This little girl is really good, worthy of being the object of Rope Tree's heart.

She doesn't have the arrogance of Uchiha, but has richer emotions than Uchiha.

And she has a good personality, she is a good granddaughter-in-law.

The two talked and laughed all the way, and soon came to the gate of the Whirlpool Tower.

There are ninjas from the Anbu guarding here.

At this moment, they all looked hopeless.

At first, they finally managed to stay and protect Mito-sama at close range, but they didn't expect that they would be driven out by Mito-sama again after just a few days.

Uchiha Hong nodded slightly when she saw them, and then helped Uzumaki Mito walk into the tower.

When these Anbu saw the Uchiha people, their lips moved twice, but they didn't say anything in the end.

They had a hunch that if they dared to say something, they could go home, and Mito-sama would no longer need their protection.

On the tower.

Uchiha Hong helped Mito sit down, and she poured a glass of boiled water and placed it next to the old lady.

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Mito was more and more satisfied, especially in front of the gate, she had seen the little girl's eyes showing admiration and worry for Nawaki.

But because there were other people, the two of them just glanced at each other because of their status.

She suddenly joked, "Grandma tells you that Shengshu is a little stupid, and his brain is sometimes smart and sometimes not. Please take care of him more in the future, okay?"

YuChiha Hong was stunned for a moment, and she didn't quite react to what Grandma Mito was saying!

When she heard it clearly, her cheeks flushed instantly.

She stood up in a hurry and said, "Grandma, we didn't, we weren't, you think too much!"

Looking at the dancing girl in front of her, Uzumaki Mito smiled, as if she saw herself when she was young.

At the beginning, she fell in love with Dazhuzi at first sight, just like her, but she was too shy to show it.

At the beginning, she thought she had hidden it well, but she didn't expect that her parents would see the clues at a glance.

Now thinking about it, her reaction at that time was exactly the same as the little girl in front of her.

The corners of her mouth slightly raised, looking at the shy Honghong, she couldn't help but want to tease a few words, "Oh... can't be, Nawaki that kid always mentioned you to me, and said that when he grows up in the future, he will marry you!"

Uchiha Hong: (/ω\)(So shy)

She didn't care about being shy, and hurriedly came to Uzumaki Mito and squatted down, holding her hand, and asked nervously: "Grandma... Nawaki Jun... did you really say that!?"

"Hehe... No! I said that myself!"

ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

In an instant, Uchiha Hong's face froze.

When she reacted, she was not feeling well.

She couldn't help but act like a spoiled child: "Grandma~ How could you cheat me!"

"If I don't cheat, will you admit it? Grandma tells you that you must take the initiative in matters of love and never wait. Otherwise, the more you wait, the more things will happen.

At the beginning, I cut the Gordian knot and snatched the big pillar back from your ancestor!"

"Uh... Grandma, the things between us are very complicated and cannot be exposed too early!" Uchiha Hong was silent for a moment, and then replied faintly.

Although she wanted to complain about what grandma said, Uchiha Madara was at most the grandfather of her generation, not the ancestor!

Hearing Honghong's words, Mito Grandma was also stunned for a moment, and then she thought of the relationship between the village and Uchiha.

And the thousands of years of grievances and hatreds between Senju and Uchiha.

"Ah... that's right, you're not like us!"

"But don't worry, I agree with your marriage!"

Uchiha Hong: (ฅωฅ*)

"Grandma, what are you talking about! Who wants to marry him!"

She was a little embarrassed about saying such a thing, but her mouth was out of control and she said what she was thinking again.

"He hasn't even proposed to me yet!"

After saying this, she was even more embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to bury her head in.

'Oh my... Uchiha Hong, what are you talking about? I'm so embarrassed! '

Uzumaki Mito: (`・ᴗ・´)

"Oh~ yes, he hasn't proposed to you yet, we can't let him get away with it so easily!"



As a sister-con, Uchiha Mirai also noticed the abnormality of her sister before.

He stared at Nawaki, which made the latter look strange.

‘I didn’t expect that Honghong’s younger brother is actually you, Old Six! ’

Honghong didn’t react at that time, but he did.

When he saw Uchiha Hong coming with Uchiha Mirai, he thought Honghong was here to see him off.

But when he saw that the eyes of Mirai were full of Honghong, his second thought was that Uchiha Mirai was going to snatch his wife from him.

He was ready to draw his big sword and fight with Mirai. The winner would be the younger brother, and the loser would marry Honghong.

But the word ‘sister’ completely broke all his thoughts.

Uchiha Mirai actually called Uchiha Hong sister.

He was shocked at that time.

My brother-in-law’s sister is actually the person I like!

This is so surprising.

Mirai hesitated for a long time and finally spoke, “Senior brother, are you related to my sister?”

Ask first to avoid stabbing the wrong person later!

"Uh... No!" Sheng Shu rejected it subconsciously.

'Fuck, why did I think of rejecting it just now! '

He used to think that this idiom of saying one thing but not the other was just an idiom, but now he knows what it means.

"Impossible, my sister looked at you for 0.5 seconds longer, there must be something strange between you!"

"Future, do you think it's possible that it's because I'm handsome?! That's why your sister looked at me more?!"

'Oh my God, Sheng Shu, what are you talking about! ' His heart and his mouth seemed to be separated. He didn't want to say that in his heart, but he said it out loud.

Future glanced at him sideways and couldn't help rolling his eyes."Don't come on, we Uchiha are rich in handsome men, there are many handsome men in our Uchiha, how could my sister think you are handsome!"

At this time, Minato, who was leading the way in front, suddenly interrupted and said: "Mirai, Nawaki, do you think there is a possibility that Nawaki and Hong were students of the same class, and when they saw their old classmates, Hong would look at you more!"

After hearing what Minato said, Mirai's brain suddenly became clear.


"Oh~ So that's the case!"

"Uh... That's right, it's just as Minato said. I was also a popular figure on campus back then. Your sister admires me, there's nothing wrong with that!"

"Nonsense, my sister is still the school beauty of the ninja school, how could she admire you!" Mirai hit him unhappily.

However, Minato's explanation made him feel relieved, "I thought you were my sister's mysterious lover!"

He glanced at Shenshu.

Nawaki was startled, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"Uh... hehe..."

"You don't know, I wanted to stab you!"


"Huh?! Why are you pale?"

"Uh, no, it's just the wind!"

Future looked at him strangely. The skin of Kushina and Reika is more tender than that of Rope Tree, why don't they look pale!

"It seems that you are a little weak!

"Bullshit, you are the one who is weak! I have no problem with seven times a night!"

"Then why are you pale and sweating?"


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