After Kushina used the sealing scroll to collect all the dishes and chopsticks they had finished eating, they began to run towards the position where Orochimaru and the others were in the formation that Mirai had said. Before they set off, the top leaders had given them the route through Teacher Kamimura. After a day and a night of rushing, the five people finally saw their own people from a distance. This made them slow down a lot. The distance between the five people also narrowed a lot. Finally, the five people stopped on a big tree, and Mirai took out the map and took a look. "Next, we only need to rush about eight kilometers to reach the border. After passing through there, we will truly enter the battlefield!" "Are we finally almost there? To be honest, I'm almost bored to death!" Rope Tree said. After a long rush, his originally excited heart was gradually replaced by a touch of boredom. He just ran all the way, unable to do anything, and had to be alert to his surroundings at all times. It made him unable to concentrate. Because of his distraction, he almost fell into an abandoned trap.

If it weren't for the future waving a big snake to save his life, he would have been killed by the detonating talisman.

The corners of the future's mouth twitched.

He looked at Sheng Shu and couldn't help but increase his volume.

"Brother, what I said just now was for you. If you hold this mentality, then please go back!"

At that time, the future was shocked. He thought that the gears of fate were irresistible and Sheng Shu was really going to die in front of him.

Became the first unlucky person in the world to be killed by the detonating talisman.

Hearing this, Sheng Shu hurriedly became serious.

"I know!"

The future and the others looked at him. Seeing that he really listened to the future, the four of them did not breathe a sigh of relief, but smiled bitterly.

The future had said before that he should be vigilant, and Kushina also mentioned some, and the other party agreed.

But look, he has forgotten it completely now.

Do you really think he is the protagonist?

The future rubbed his eyebrows helplessly. Some people are like this. They will listen to what you say, but they will forget it the next second.

Only when he has learned a profound lesson will he really learn a lesson.

"Brother, why don't you go back!" The future couldn't help but put forward his opinion.

"And the third generation didn't ask you to follow!"

Hearing this, Rope Tree looked directly at the future, "What nonsense are you talking about? I, Rope Tree, am the patriarch of the Senju clan and the chosen one to end World War II. I tell you, if you want to leave me behind, I will crawl to the battlefield alone!"

Seeing Rope Tree's words that were not threatening but more threatening, the four of them couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Hyuga Reika looked at the future.

His eyes were full of speechlessness.

How can he be more like a child than them when he is so old?

"Alas!" The future sighed deeply.

What can he do? He is also helpless.

Now, Rope Tree is like a dog-skin plaster, and you can't get rid of it.

Even if you can get rid of it, don't they worry that this guy will go to the battlefield alone?

If that happens, they will be scared to death!

He gave a look to a few friends.


'Let him follow if he wants to, he will be safe under our eyes! '

Minato, Kushina and Linghua are all helpless.

Indeed, if he is separated from the team, or forced to go back, they will not be at ease at all.

Really, he should not have been allowed to follow at all.

When they arrived at the border, the five of them were discovered by the Konoha ninja patrolling the border.

Since the last time a group of Sand Ninjas raided Konoha Village, all of them, the border patrol personnel, have been criticized from top to bottom.

Some people were even directly arrested by the Uchiha Guard and put in jail.

Therefore, the patrols these days are extremely strict. There are patrols for 25 out of 24 hours a day.

The patrol system for each person has been increased from the initial eight hours to ten hours.

There is a place where patrols intersect at each base.

Several Konoha ninjas looked at the five children in front of them curiously.

One of the captains took the handwriting of the future and carefully checked it.

There is no problem with the handwriting. There are complex Konoha logos on it, and it is difficult for ordinary people to forge it.

That's it... There is something wrong with this person...

The captain couldn't help asking again, "Children, are you really assigned to the battlefield by the third generation?"

Future stepped forward and nodded, "Yes, our information is clearly written in the handwriting!"

Future is not impatient, he understands the other partyidea.

If it were me, I would suddenly see a group of children going to the battlefield. Not to mention asking them, I would probably search them!

"What about your leading jonin?"

When they were guarding the border, they also encountered children going abroad, but they had never encountered children younger than this group.

The most important thing is that those children had leading jonin.

But the team in front of them was just a group of kids. What could they do on the battlefield?

"Our teachers are all in the Rain Country, so none of us need leading jonin!" Minato responded with a smile.

This made the people at the border frown.

The oldest of these children was only twelve years old, and the youngest was six or seven years old.

This looked weird no matter how you looked at it.

Fortunately, the documents were normal, and they were not abnormal. After questioning them, the patrol ninja did not find anything wrong, so they let them go.

Looking at the five little ones going away, one of the team members couldn't help but ask: "Could they have offended someone in the village? Otherwise, how could they be sent to the battlefield at such a young age without even a leader!"

Once this was said, everyone else couldn't help but roll their eyes.

"Didn't you see their clan emblems? One is from the Uzumaki clan, one is from the Senju clan, one is from the Hyuga clan, and one is from the Uchiha clan. Who would dare to offend these second-generation officials and rich second-generations!"

"Well, that's why it's even more strange. The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan are mortal enemies, so how could they be on a mission together?

This is just bragging to a little cow. It's as outrageous as it can be!"

Everyone: "..."

What he said seemed to make sense!

After a moment of silence, the captain spoke up again, "Okay, this matter is not our business. Since they have no problem, just let them go. I will write a message and send it back later.

If they are fine, that's the best. If they are, we can chase them later!"

Anyway, there are people from Konoha everywhere here.

Because they are right in front of the Konoha headquarters.

Many ninjas in the village will receive tasks assigned by the village to come here to block foreign ninjas who infiltrate the rear.


As soon as they left the border, they stopped.

They also heard the words of the patrol ninjas after they left just now.

"Their words reminded us of something we overlooked."

Minato also nodded and said, "Indeed, if they hadn't mentioned this, we wouldn't have noticed it!"

"This is indeed our negligence. If we join the battlefield like this, we don't know how we were hunted down!" Kushina nodded in agreement.

Hinata Reika directly opened the [Baiyan], looked around, and pointed in a direction and said: "Kushina-chan, let's go to that place, it's hidden there!"

"Okay!" Kushina said, and the two walked away.

Nawase: "( ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ

What are they talking about? Why can't I understand it!

Of the five people in the audience, only Nawase was a little confused and didn't know what to say.

Until he saw that the future and the others began to take off their clothes, he couldn't help asking: "Why are you taking off your clothes?"

The future and the two subconsciously turned their heads to look at the stupid Nawase, and their expressions were all speechless.

Why didn't I realize before that Nawase's IQ was so worrying!

It was still Minato who kindly reminded: "You didn't notice your family emblem, it would easily expose your identity! "

He pointed to Nawase's collar, "Your Senju clan emblem, the future Uchiha clan emblem, and Kushina, and Reika's clan emblems, the children of these four major families suddenly gathered together, do you think the enemy will let go of such a good opportunity!"

"Let's not talk about Reika's [Baiyan], the future is an Uchiha, as long as he opens his eyes, he can take his eyeballs out for himself. You are a member of the Senju clan, I believe those people are very happy to use your life in exchange for a high reward!"

After hearing Minato's explanation, Nawase understood.


"I see!"

Then he looked at Minato with some confusion.

"Then why are you taking off your clothes? "

Minato was stunned, and his breathing stopped.

That's right, why should I take off my clothes!

I'm not a descendant of a noble family.

He couldn't help but put on his pants again.

When he looked at Nawaki, he couldn't help but be speechless.

"Thank you, I'm offended!"


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