Sand Village Camp.

Chiyo was very happy because according to Lei Shou, he recently contracted a big snake.

He was one of the senior officials of Ryuchi Cave, and his strength was above Wanshe.

In other words, they had one more master.

So after the wounded had basically recovered, she ordered again to attack Konoha.

Hearing this, the other Sand Ninjas were a little numb.

It was like this every time, but they were defeated by Konoha every time.

It was okay once or twice, but it was like this every time, their morale had been beaten.

And many people began to complain privately.

They said that Chiyo did this just to use their lives to help her revenge.

If Chiyo's medical skills were not good and she often helped the wounded.

She had a high prestige in the camp, maybe the current Sand Ninjas would have exploded long ago.

Chiyo originally walked out of the tent with joy, but when she saw the numb expressions of everyone in the camp, her mood sank directly.

The Sand Ninjas were almost lifeless and had no morale.

If they went to the battlefield like this, Konoha would be defeated without any effort.

She thought for a moment, turned around and told the people around her: "Let everyone gather, I have something to say!"

"Yes, Elder Chiyo!"

She wanted to boost the morale of the Sand Ninjas.

And it would be easy to boost morale now.

She just had to tell the Sand Ninjas that Tsunade and Jiraiya were not in the Konoha camp opposite.

They all went to the direction of the Rock Ninjas, and there was only the Third Hokage in the opposite camp.

On their side, not only did they have strong men from the village to support them, but he was also the younger brother of the Third Kazekage, with great strength, and most importantly, he had also contracted the great snake of the Ryuchi Cave.

With this strength, I believe the Sand Ninjas will be very excited!

They, and even she, felt that they would win this battle!


Konoha camp.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the report in his hand, frowned slightly, and a trace of worry appeared in his eyes.

Next to him, stood a long-haired boy.

"Third-generation, are you worried about Tsunade and the others?"

In the past month, he and Tsunade, as the top fighters of Konoha, naturally got to know each other, and because of their personalities, they have a good relationship.

So from the initial "Tsunade-sama", until now, he calls her Tsunade!

Recently, he was thinking whether to let his sister worship Tsunade as a teacher.

And speaking of it, there are only him, his sister, and his niece left in their family.

The third generation sighed, "Tsunade has the help of the three holy places, I am not too worried!"

At least there can be four more top fighters there, he is not afraid.

He did not expect Jiraiya and the others to misinterpret his meaning, nor did he expect that in the future they could summon the beasts of the three holy places to assist in the battle.

What he was afraid of was that he was here.

"Duan, I will try my best to hold back Chiyo, Ebizo and Raimori.

The rest of the Sand Ninja puppet troops will depend on you!"

Kato Dan nodded after hearing this, "No problem, Lord Sandai!"

"Remember, you must focus on protecting yourself. If you detect signs that the other party is using lightning escape, barrier, or sealing techniques, you must withdraw!" Sandai warned seriously.

Duan is an ambitious young man and a firm successor to the Will of Fire.

He is also the most important person to him and an excellent helper for him to check and balance Uchiha.

So he doesn't want Duan to be buried on the battlefield.

"Yes, Lord Sandai!" Kato Dan responded.

He has heard this countless times, but he is not unhappy, because this is what Lord Sandai said because he is worried about him.


"Hokage-sama, there is a tip-off from the Sand Ninjas. They have already started the pre-war mobilization!"

"According to the ninjas' investigation and monitoring, Chiyo and the others are planning to make a final desperate struggle!"

The third generation and Kato Dan were stunned for a moment, and then their faces became solemn.

"Got it, let the people below prepare. This time, we will still win, and we will defeat the Sand Ninjas!"

"Yes!" The ninja who reported the news left with a fanatical expression.

After Kato Dan hesitated for a while, he suddenly said: "Mr. Third Generation, why don't you concentrate on dealing with Chiyo and his brother, and let me deal with the Thunder Guard!"

His idea is to let the third generation free up his hands and defeat Chiyo and the others. In this way, their own advantage will expand rapidly.

The idea is a good idea, but the third generation completely disagrees.

"No!" The third generation rejected it without thinking: "The Thunder Guard is specially used to deal with you. Your spiritual body will be injured by his Thunder Release. Who will come then?Stop their puppet army!"

To be honest, when he first saw the [Spiritualization Technique], although he saw the weakness of this move, he was shocked by the words that it ignored defense.

Thinking that there are so few sealers and barrier masters in this world, he may not necessarily encounter them.

But after Kato Dan learned this forbidden technique, he found that the lightning ninjutsu can also hurt the spirit body.

It simply made him drunk.

Now it seems that this move is strong, but it also has many weaknesses. The main body is one, the sealing technique is one, the barrier is one, and the lightning ninjutsu is another.

These are four fatal weaknesses.

After Kato Dan opened his mouth, he finally said nothing.

The third generation's meaning is very clear, he wants him to be the breakthrough point.

And he held back the other three masters with his own strength.

‘Hokage-sama is so strong, he should be able to hold back Chiyo and the others, so I must resolve the battle as soon as possible so that the people of Konoha can withdraw to help the third generation! ’

On the other side.

In the future, they followed the main force and had already fought with the Rock Ninja.

It was still the same old routine.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and a few dirty words as an opening remark to suppress the morale of the opponent.

But this time, Ohnoki faced Jiraiya, Tsunade stared at Han, and Orochimaru faced Lao Zi.

Ohnoki was flying in the air, he looked at Jiraiya who was staring at him below, and his mouth curled up slightly.

“You three ninjas are finally gathered together!”

“I’m very curious, since Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya, both of you have come here, the third generation Hokage’s side is lacking in combat power, aren’t you afraid that the Sand Ninja will take the opportunity to defeat the defense line over there? "

Jiraiya chuckled and replied: "It's not that I look down on the Sand Ninja. Even if there is one more Chiyo, it will not be a match for our Hokage!"

"Oh!" The Third Tsuchikage laughed playfully, "But according to the information I have, the Sand Ninja Village has sent out a lightning ninja known as the 'Thunder Hand'. He also has the contract summoning of one of the three holy places, Ryuchi Cave.

This is not just one lightning master, but two. Do you still think that your teacher, the Third Hokage, can stop them!"

Jiraiya's face did not change. They already knew about the matter of Raimori, and Orochimaru told him last night that the White Snake Sage looked down on Raimori's actions. If it weren't for Xinya's desperate pleading, she wanted to kick Raimori out of the group chat of Ryuchi Cave.

"Don't worry about it. Now we have three ninjas here. Lord Tsuchikage, are you ready to fail? "

Although Jiraiya's words were more than Orochimaru's, and seemed a little low-class, his words made Ohnoki feel unhappy.

He was suspended in the air, with his arms folded across his chest, his expression full of arrogance.

"Haha, you three are really arrogant!" He hadn't seen anyone who dared to talk to him like this for a long time.

Jiraiya chuckled, "Arrogant?!"

"Arrogance requires skills, and we..."

"Just have it!"

As soon as these words came out, a wind called high-class swept over those who heard them.

All of them felt trembling all over, especially the top of their heads, which felt like they were reaching the sky.

Others were excited, but the future few people behind the Konoha team couldn't help but look at each other.

Rope Tree looked at the future, his face full of confusion, "Future, do you think this is so sexy! And it's so familiar! "

Mirai also had a black line on his face. He was very sure that this was plagiarized by Jiraiya.

"Of course I am familiar with it. We said so when we first fought!"


Teacher Jiraiya is really shameless!


Although this sentence was also plagiarized by others.

Oonoki didn't expect Jiraiya to say such a thing. He looked at the high momentum in the direction of Konoha and slightly restrained his smile.

'Konoha's morale is a bit high, and it must be suppressed!'

Thinking of this, he spoke again: "Don't be happy too early, your Konoha's combat power is almost concentrated here. Calculating the time, the Sand Ninjas should have launched a general attack on your Konoha.

Do you think the Third Hokage can block the attack of the Sand Ninjas! "Although he repeated this, his voice was very loud, in order to let all Konoha ninjas hear it.

For a moment, all the people in Konoha were stunned, and they couldn't help but think, yes, can they stop the third generation?

Seeing this scene, Ohnoki nodded with satisfaction, and he threw the king bomb again.

Before it was the little king, this time it was the big king. Although the meaning of the words is the same, the mood of the listeners is different, so the effect will naturally be different."In addition to the original combat power, the Sand Ninja also has a Lightning Release Ninja, who not only has profound Lightning Release Ninjutsu, but also has the summoned beast of Ryuchi Cave.

Your Konoha's Orochimaru can achieve what he has now, thanks to the support of Ryuchi Cave. In other words, the Third Hokage not only has to resist the attacks of the two puppet masters Chiyo and Ebizo, but your secret technique kid will be restrained by the Lightning Release, and his summoned beast will wreak havoc on the entire Konoha battlefield..."

He paused for a moment, letting the people of Konoha digest what he said.

When they all understand, their morale will not be so high, but their morale will completely overwhelm the opponent.

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