Mirai looked at him speechlessly.

"Minato, has anyone ever said anything to you?"

Minato's mouth corners lifted, and he leaned forward slightly while riding on Mirai's belly, got closer, and asked face to face: "What?"

"You are very narcissistic!"

Hearing this, Minato shrugged, and he thought the other party would say something shocking.

Unexpectedly, it was just like this!

He stood up from Mirai and said unhappily: "How is it possible, don't talk nonsense!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand to pull Mirai up from the ground.

"If I didn't know that you like big wavy sisters, I would really think you were a gay!"

He remembered that there was a time when Mirai always took him to the bathhouse.

Or peeping in the women's bathhouse, even when he saw a blonde and big-breasted sister, this guy bleeds two pounds of blood from his nose.

It almost killed him.

That's why he was so unscrupulous just now, because he simply wanted to disgust Mirai.

But judging from the result, it seems that it didn't work!

Uh...wait...I didn't disgust him...

Something seems wrong, let me think about it!

Mirai stood up, threw away the broken stick in his hand, and looked up and down at Minato.

This guy is at least a little stronger than the original, and they should also put some training on the agenda.

In order to prepare for future battles.

It's impossible for him to die because of sealing the Nine-Tails.

So he interrupted Minato's thinking, "Minato, I have an idea, do you want to listen to it?"

Minato was interrupted like this, and he threw away the feeling of something wrong in his heart, and asked curiously: "Tell me!"

"Have you ever thought about your future path?"

"Path?" Minato blinked and asked uncertainly: "You are talking about the combat system I will follow in the future, right?"

Mirai nodded, "Yes, have you thought about it?"

"Of course I have!" Then he continued: "But I found that I have a fatal weakness!"

He discovered this shortcoming not long ago, and it is not obvious at present, but it will be fatal in the future.

So these days, he is also trying to solve it.

"Oh? What's the shortcoming?"

Looking at the curious look of the future, he sighed and spread his hands and said, "I'm too fast!"

Hearing this, the future raised his eyebrows, and a strange smile gradually appeared on his face, "Then your wife is pitiful!"

Understanding the meaning of the words, Minato immediately hit his shoulder unhappily, "Do you want to try whether I'm fast or not!"

The future hurriedly waved his hand to refuse, "Hey... Don't... I don't like men!"

"Ah, yes, yes, you just like beautiful ones!"

The future: "..."

He took a deep breath, put aside these messy thoughts, and asked seriously: "You should feel that you can't perform powerful ninjutsu at high speed, right!"

Minato is currently on the road of physical skills + ninjutsu.

In terms of physical skills, the speed is extremely fast, and the ninjutsu is not bad, but it is impossible to use these two things perfectly together.

In high-speed movement, it is impossible to retreat to a safe position and then form a seal, and then attack the opponent. In that case, the opponent will have enough time to prepare.

This has resulted in his current lack of a one-hit-kill trick.

Although ninjas are generally high-attack and low-defense, and can be killed with a kunai, there are also a small number of people who take the path of ninjutsu, such as the [Lightning Chakra Mode] of the Land of Lightning.

If he faces this kind of people, he can only run away except for scraping.

Minato nodded, looked at the shade of the tree, and said melancholy: "Yes, so I want to take some time to practice the speed of hand seals more, to see if I can make up for this shortcoming!"

Hearing this, Mirai smiled mysteriously, "I do have an idea, I wonder if you are interested?"

"You say!" Minato's eyes lit up and asked hurriedly.

"Let me ask you a question, why do ninjutsu need hand seals to be performed?"

Hearing this, Minato, as a top student, immediately spoke.

"The ninja's body contains special energy, which is a combination of spiritual energy and physical energy. To release this chakra, you must use special seals to mobilize the chakra in the body and convert it into a 'jutsu' to release it."

This is the knowledge that the teacher taught them by ear when they first entered school, and he can recite it by heart.

Mirai smiled and asked again: "Since the ninja has chakra in his body, why not skip the seal process and directly guide the chakra out to attack the opponent!"

Minato was stunned, his brows gradually frowned, and he could even clamp a branch.

"How is this possible!"

For thousands of years in the ninja world, no one has ever heard of anyone who canYou can release ninjutsu without making hand seals.

And even if you export chakra out of your body, it won't have any power at all.

At most, it will increase the activity of your own cells to strengthen your defense, just like he released chakra in his hands in advance before, so that he could steadily catch the attack of Future's wooden sword.

Without hand seals, it is like a ball of energy without attributes. Let alone attacking the enemy, it is just like tickling the enemy.

He plans to be as familiar with ninjutsu as possible, practice makes perfect, and reduce the number of hand seals required for ninjutsu to the minimum. It would be best if he could do it like the first generation of Master Mu, who clapped his hands and shouted whatever he wanted!

He has made plans to practice hard for half his life for this matter.

Future retorted: "How is it impossible? Have you forgotten the tailed beasts?"

"Tailed beasts?!" Minato remembered the introduction of the nine tailed beasts he saw in the library.

At the beginning, the tailed beasts were all distributed from Konoha, and the second generation of Senju Tobirama recorded their general information in a scroll, and he happened to see the relevant introduction.

The most famous attack method of the tailed beasts is the [Tailed Beast Ball]. It is said that the power of the [Tailed Beast Ball] is enough to destroy a town.

"Well, you have heard of the [Tailed Beast Ball], right? That thing does not need to be sealed!"

Minato was a little confused, "We are humans, and the tailed beasts are beasts. Can this be the same?"

"Why can't it be the same? The tailed beasts have chakra in their bodies, and we have chakra in our bodies. Besides, you have heard of samurai, many samurai borrowed the attack movements of animals to create powerful moves! For example, [Tiger Hunting], [Swallow Return], and [Iai Slash]!" Mirai said, picking up a branch from the ground.

In front of Minato, all three moves were performed.

[Tiger Hunting] imitates a tiger attacking the enemy; [Swallow Return] swings out two different sword moves in a very short time, the first move is to block, and the second move is to kill; and [Iai Slash] is as fast as lightning, like the movement of a mantis hunting.

"Minato, do you understand?"

Minato stared at the scene blankly.

Each move was very powerful. When facing them, he could only dodge with speed.

But after fighting for so long, why didn't he think of this?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked at his palm, and with a thought, all the cells in his body emerged with energy.

This energy is chakra, which is very obscure. Without making a seal, it is difficult for him to mobilize this energy.

He can only make it appear in a certain part and passively enhance the defense of that part.

It's like a horse with a bridle, but suddenly he doesn't need the bridle, but wants to command it to move forward with his eyes. Although the opponent will pay attention to him, don't expect it to be driven by his arm.

Gradually, light blue chakra energy emerged from his hands, but that was all.

Until his neck turned red, he couldn't make this ball of energy appear as a weapon.

It was like a fish in a bowl, floating quietly.

Seeing this, Mirai smiled. Although he expected Minato to release chakra immediately, he also understood that Minato was too young now.

They were almost eight years old and were still in the stage of growing up.

If you don't want to die prematurely, you must not over-exploit your potential during the growth period.

Many powerful ninjas who died early due to incurable diseases were too harsh on themselves when they were young, overdrawing their bodies in exchange for temporary strength.

And there are also many ninjas who can become powerful and dominate a region by practicing step by step.

There is no difference between the two, it just depends on the person.

Mirai prefers the latter.

He doesn't want to suffer from blood disease too early like Itachi.

Besides, although World War II was tragic, it was far less tragic than World War III. World War III was the war that led to their rise.

He interrupted Minato's action and said, "Okay, this is just a concept I imagined!"

Mirai shamelessly told Minato's idea to his childhood self.

"At present, we all lack the control of chakra. In the future, let's take half of our time to train our control of chakra!"

"Oh, I'll listen to you!" Minato sighed, although he was a little excited and excited about the idea proposed by the future.

But he also knew that you can't get fat in one breath.

The road needs to be taken step by step. If you want to reach the sky in one step, you will definitely get into trouble.

"What should we do?" he asked.

The future looked up at the shade of the tree and thought: "Let me think about it!"

"First learn to release chakra, then use chakra to assist in walking on trees. After you have learned to adapt to these two stages, you can step on water, and finally try to walk on soft mud walls!"

The first three are now known to ninjas. Even if they don't know, they will be taught when they guide the senior ninjas to lead the team.

As for the lastOne is what I thought of in the future.

Climbing a tree does not require much skill. You can firmly attach to the bark by releasing chakra at a certain frequency.

Treading water requires corresponding changes in chakra according to the changes in the water surface.

As for climbing a mud wall, it does not refer to a built wall, but a soft mud wall.

This requires stronger chakra control. Otherwise, using the tree climbing technique, it is impossible to absorb the mud under your feet to support your downward weight.

So you need more mud to absorb, and you can also exercise a certain degree of control.

This is what I suddenly thought of when planning my future path.

It's just a good idea, I don't know if it will work!

But who cares, practice it first!

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