[Weighted Rock Technique] is a technique that changes the properties of earth attributes.

It can instantly increase the weight of oneself or the object being touched, and can also increase the earth attribute chakra, thereby petrifying the opponent.

The former is easy, but the latter is more difficult.

The quality and quantity of the chakra required by the operator are much higher than those of the person being treated.

As for [Super Weighted Rock Technique], it is not difficult to see from the name that this is an upgraded version of [Weighted Rock Technique].

It is more powerful and can exert more gravity.

For example, [Super Weighted Rock Technique] can instantly increase the weight of a one-kilogram stone to one hundred kilograms.

If the operator has more chakra, the weight can be increased further.

It is also matched with [Light and Heavy Rock Technique].

Its function is to reduce the weight of oneself or the target object, and even enable oneself and others to achieve the ability to fly.

In the Hidden Rock Village, Ohnoki asked many people to learn the Light and Heavy Rock Technique, wanting to create their own sky overlord.

Of course, it also has an upgraded version, called [Super Light Heavy Rock Technique].

Let's get back to the point.

Jiraiya only felt that he suddenly became many times heavier.

So much so that he couldn't stand steadily and was completely pressed to his knees.

Even the seal in his hand was subconsciously loosened.

For a moment, his hair lost control and fell rapidly from the air.

Before it hit the ground, his hair quickly dissipated, became smaller, and finally returned to Jiraiya.

"It's so heavy, we've been hit by the opponent's technique!" Fukasaku Sage looked ugly.

They used [Two Life Techniques] with Jiraiya, so their senses were shared. They could also feel how much gravity Jiraiya was bearing.

"You buy me some time, I'll remove the influence of this technique!" Shima Sage hurriedly put his hands together and said.

The three of them had the same mind, and Jiraiya and Fukasaku Sage had already noticed what it wanted to do.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth and managed to stand up with the help of gravity.

He looked up at Ohnoki above him and managed to force a smile on his face.

"Hehe... I heard that you have been strengthening the military strength of Rock Ninja in recent years, especially the establishment of a flying ninja unit and a blasting unit!"

"But why do I feel that these ninjas are not only few in number, but also a little unworthy of their name!"

Ohnoki dived down, his mouth corners raised, and a trace of mockery flashed across his face.

While making a seal, he said: "You just want to delay time, but I won't let you do what you want!"

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya's face changed.

It seemed that the other party was about to perform Dust Release.

But he was so heavy that he even had difficulty walking at this moment, let alone dodge.

And Ohnoki's Dust Release can only be used for dodge, and there is no way to fight or defend.

At least Jiraiya has not thought of any defensive moves these days.

Even the stomach of the Senjuku toad, which is known as the strongest defense in Myoboku Mountain, is the same.

Dust Release is too unsolvable.

This is the only move he knows, the only one in the ninja world called [Blood Elimination].

Unmatched, undefended, and fatal if hit.

It is a ninjutsu with full attack power.

Of course, there is no perfect jutsu in this world, and the same is true for Dust Release.

The caster is one of its weaknesses.

Jiraiya has been entangled with Ohnoki until now by avoiding the attack route of the caster and thus avoiding this jutsu.

Or like just now, he controlled the opponent's hand to change the direction of attack.

He could think of [Blood Elimination] to deal with Ohnoki.

As the caster, Ohnoki naturally knew the weakness of this move and took targeted measures.

For example, [Aggravated Rock Jutsu].

Look, Jiraiya was caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

Watching the dazzling white light on the opponent's palm.

Another incident happened.

"【Ninjutsu: Evil Snake Arm Explosion】!"

Jiraiya was very familiar with this voice.

Even if Ohnoki was not familiar with it, he could think of who it was after hearing the name of the technique.

He turned his head and saw Orochimaru making a seal with one hand, while the other hand was pointed at his direction.

Two huge rat snakes were ejected from his hands.

They opened their mouths wide, and countless mucus on their sharp teeth turned into silk threads, fluttering in the wind.

In just a blink of an eye, they were about to rush to him.

At the same time, the two snakes also emitted chakra fluctuations that he was very familiar with.

It immediately made his face change.

"Is this... the unstable state of earth attribute chakra!?"

Orochimaru smiled when he heard his words, "Yes, this is all thanks to the help I got from you Explosion Ninjas!"

These days, he has beenHe has been fighting with Ohnoki.

His subordinates, especially those from the Root, often send him some ninja corpses for dissection to obtain information.

The Root and he look down on ordinary hostile ninjas, so the Explosion and special ninjas who can fly have become one of their targets.

After these days of research, he found that the so-called Explosion of this group of rock ninjas is ultimately a kind of earth escape technique.

The real Explosion is [Blood Limit], which is much more powerful than the pseudo-explosion of these ninjas.

These people are all rare in number, and they have mastered extremely strong strengths and are difficult to kill.

So for him, in more than a month, he has not obtained a ninja with Explosion [Blood Limit].

Out of boredom, he also studied this pseudo-Explosion Chakra.

It is not very difficult. After a few days of exploration, countless experiments and research, he finally developed a technique comparable to the Explosion Ninja.

[Evil Snake Wrist Explosion].

It is based on [Shadow Snake Hand], and a large amount of unstable earth attribute chakra is injected into the snake's body, so that when it binds the opponent, it will explode immediately.

And it is double damage.

The power of the explosion, mixed with the venom in the flesh and blood.

As long as the target is injured and invaded by the snake venom, then this person can wait for death.

Ohnoki's face is a little ugly.

I didn't expect that the secret technique of his village would be cracked by Orochimaru.

And he also noticed that Orochimaru was not connected with the snake, obviously he had discovered the trick he had used to trap Jiraiya just now.

At this moment, Orochimaru also gave him only two choices.

Either he insisted on attacking Jiraiya, but he would definitely be entangled by the snake.

And what would greet him in the next second was an explosion.

Or he gave up attacking Jiraiya and dodged his attack.

'Damn, at this time...'

Ohnoki cursed inwardly, this Orochimaru grasped the timing too well.

He attacked when he was in a dilemma while performing Dust Release.

That was the critical moment when he was performing [Light and Heavy Rock Technique] to fly, and he had to concentrate on [Dust Release], and he could no longer perform other techniques.

This time, he did not choose to bear it head-on.

The reason why he could withstand Jiraiya's hair attack just now was mainly because he was sure that he could immediately follow up with [Heavy Rock Technique] after performing Dust Release, so as to immediately counterattack the opponent.

And he could not be killed in a short time.

But at this moment, if he used the same method, the big snakes would directly wrap around him, and the gravity on them would harm him instead.

When they exploded, even if he didn't die, he would be disabled.

So, he chose...

Aimed Dust Release at Orochimaru.

And the big snake between them.

"【Dust Release: Original World Peeling Technique】!"

Instantly, a very dazzling beam of light suddenly appeared and rushed towards Orochimaru at an extremely fast speed.

In addition to turning the objects hit into molecules, Dust Release can also produce explosions, causing secondary damage.

The two flying snakes were just flashed by the white light, and then turned into molecules and disappeared without even a wave.

Revealing Orochimaru behind them.

When Orochimaru saw this scene, his face did not change.

Although he only gave Ohnoki two choices, with Jiraiya's previous experience, he guessed that Ohnoki would not choose one or two.

He would definitely choose three.

This three can include many types, one of which is to attack him as the caster.

When the white light was about to approach him, he raised his sword.

"【Earth Release: Earth Substitute Technique】!"

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