In the room, only Mito Uzumaki and his four grandchildren were left.

Mito Uzumaki took Kushina's hand and put her in the hands of Tsunade and Nawaki.

He said, "Little Tsunade, Little Nawaki, Kushina is my clansman and one of the few descendants of my clan. I'll ask you to take care of her in the future!"

"Grandma..." Kushina Uzumaki's nose was sore and tears were pouring out. Even her vibrant red hair looked so dull at this moment.

Tsunade held Kushina's hand and let her tears flow down. She patted her chest and promised, "Grandma, don't worry. Even if I die or my brother dies in the future, no one will dare to touch Kushina's hair!"

Orochimaru and Jiraiya are the two people who guarantee it.

She doesn't trust the teacher. The safety and prosperity of the village will always be the first in his heart, and that man is the second.

In addition, he is a little soft-hearted. If he is persuaded by others, it is easy for him to do things against his conscience.

Rope Tree wiped his tears and said in a sullen tone, "Me too!"

He didn't take his sister's words that he would die seriously, and just thought it was just a remark from his sister.

Just kidding, he was the young master of the Senju clan after all. In the future, he would not know whether he could awaken the same Wood Release as his grandfather. Even if he didn't have the Blood Limit, he still had the blood of the Senju clan flowing in his body.

No matter how you look at it, his achievements can't be too low.

"Well, you guys stand aside first, I need to transfer the Nine-Tails!" Uzumaki Mito smiled softly and said.

"Grandma, how about..." Kushina opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But when the words came to her lips, those words were like fish bones stuck in her throat, making her unable to speak.

She had read the clan's classics before. Many ninja villages had purchased or issued tasks from their Uzumaki clan, wanting to get the sealing technique on how to control the power of the tailed beasts.

However, this was too difficult. The Uzumaki clan, which was famous for its sealing technique, could only force the tailed beast to sign a contract of loss for all, so as to force the tailed beast to help the Jinchūriki seal when the Jinchūriki was in danger of life.

But the price was that once the tailed beast was separated from the Jinchūriki, it would die.

Then not long after, their Uzumaki clan was destroyed.

She suspected that those ninja villages learned that they were sealing the power of the tailed beasts, and they were afraid that other ninja villages would get this sealing technique and gain the power to perfectly control the tailed beasts, so they united to kill the Uzumaki clan first.

Uzumaki Mito had lived for so long, of course he could see what Kushina was thinking.

She smiled and shook her head and said, "I don't have much time left. Once I lose my restraints, the Nine-Tails will definitely break the seal and come out!"

So she had to transfer the Nine-Tails while she could still control it.

Moreover, Konoha also needed the Nine-Tails.

Tsunade pulled the rope tree and stood silently by the side.

She also knew the importance of this matter.

Nawaki sobbed, his voice was very low, and he tried his best not to disturb his grandmother and the others.

Uzumaki Mito's originally kind eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of seriousness.

She slowly but steadily formed a seal on her chest with both hands.

She said in a low voice: "【Five Elements Barrier】, rise!"


The air vibrated slightly, and a slight sound rang in the ears of several people in the room.

The next moment, in the five corners of the room, a series of mysterious pattern formations lit up.

Lines of different colors emerged from the formation pattern, connected to each other, forming a pentagonal line.

As the lines were completely connected and closed, a series of light curtains emerged from the lines and converged at the center of the roof.

It enveloped several people in the room.

Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the mansion in unison. They felt a powerful barrier appear, blocking their perception.

"It's started!" Shimura Danzo said lightly, and he didn't know what tone he was using.

After watching for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, "Mito-sama is still Mito-sama. Even if the fire of life is about to go out, he can easily set up such a powerful barrier!"

These words touched Shimura Danzo's heart, and he couldn't help but regretfully said, "Alas, if Mito-sama had another ten years of life, our Konoha would definitely be able to accomplish the great feat of unifying the ninja world!"

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen frown, and he couldn't help but ask, "The ninja world is too big, and our Konoha has no ability to control other ninja villages. Besides, do you think those daimyos are just eating dry rice?"

Since the Warring States Period, the ninja world has formed a certain tacit understanding, that is, no matter how the ninja fights, the flames of war cannot be spread.Affecting the daimyo's mansion and the important towns under the daimyo's command, otherwise, the daimyo has the right to deal with the ninja.

In the days when ninjas did not produce, only did tasks, and needed money and materials from the daimyo's mansion to survive, the daimyo was the absolute authority.

Moreover, this world is still dominated by ordinary people. The daimyo is in charge of millions of troops and uses special equipment, which is enough to cause catastrophic damage to the ninja village.

The daimyo of the five major countries and the daimyo of those small countries, although they all want to defeat each other, as long as there is a ninja who dares to unify the ninja world.

They will definitely give up their prejudices and unite to resist.

The army, plus those ninjas and samurai who are loyal to the daimyo, this force is enough to shake the entire ninja world.

Therefore, maintaining the chaos in the five major ninja villages is the situation that the daimyo are most happy to see.

Later, at the first meeting of the Five Kage, Hashirama Senju distributed the tailed beasts. In addition to using them as a weapon to destroy the village to deter other countries, he also sought a better position for the ninja.

By the way, it can also monitor the tailed beasts and prevent them from causing trouble.

Of course, with his intelligence, he may not think of this, but Senju Tobirama can definitely think of it.

After the status of ninjas was raised, the status of the Kage of each village was created, which was only below the daimyo.

After all, the power of the tailed beasts is too terrifying. Once the [Tailed Beast Ball] is fired, not to mention the daimyo's mansion, even the town where the daimyo is located will be razed to the ground.

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Danzo's eyes wrinkled slightly, and he couldn't help but retorted: "Hiruzen, do you think those daimyos are happy to see us ninjas? If we didn't need our military force to deter other countries and let us ninjas fight among ourselves, I'm afraid we would have been wiped out by them long ago!

No daimyos is willing to see his subordinates with people who have much more power than themselves!"

Realizing that Danzo had dangerous thoughts, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked straight at him and said coldly: "Danzo, I am the Hokage, I hope you don't do anything under my nose!"

Hearing this, Shimura Danzo's nose was almost crooked.

He stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen with his one eye, angrily, "Hiruzen, you will regret it!"

"Hmph!" Sarutobi Hiruzen just snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Since he became the acting Hokage, he didn't know how many times he had heard such words. He suspected that the earwax in his ears was formed by these words.


In the room.

Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Mito were both lying on a bed. Mito's wrinkled hands were holding Kushina. A dark red, ominous chakra was being transmitted from the skinny big hand to the owner of the small hand.

Tsunade and Rope Tree had retreated to the edge of the barrier, and their faces were extremely pale.

They were forced into a corner by this ominous red chakra.

"Is this... Gudong... the power of the Nine-Tails?!" Rope Tree stared with frightened eyes and spoke with difficulty.

Tsunade was also terrified. She nodded and said nothing.

'The power of the Nine-Tails is so terrifying, no wonder my grandfather said that the power of the Nine-Tails is too strong! '

In the consciousness space.

It was golden here. Uzumaki Mito had restored her appearance when she was young. She was holding a little loli beside her and standing in front of the Nine-Tails.

Uzumaki Kushina was a little confused. She looked at the Nine-Tails, which was an orange-red, huge fox with nine tails.

There is a streak of black fur at the corner of the eye, extending to the tip of the ear.

At this moment, he is lazily lying on the ground with his eyes closed, as if taking a nap.

Apart from this, there is nothing else in this space.

There is not even a single sealed item created by the sealing technique.

However, she can feel the extreme hatred from this fox.

If it weren't for this space and the protection of her grandmother beside her, I'm afraid that if I take a look, I will be trapped in endless hatred.

"This..." The little loli was very confused. This is different from what she saw in the classics.

Isn't it said that the tailed beast hates humans abnormally? Why is it like this in front of me?

Just like a lazy cat, sleeping and taking a nap on the spot.

Since there are no restrictions, why doesn't the nine-tailed fox escape?

As if she had noticed the little girl's thoughts, Uzumaki Mito gently squeezed her hand and said with a smile: "Nine..."

Just when she was about to say the name of the Nine-Tailed Fox, she suddenly seemed to think of something and changed her words: "The Nine-Tailed Fox is actually very well-behaved!"

Kushina: "..."

I have read few books, don't lie to me!

As for this big guy in front of you, how do you know that it is well-behaved?

The Nine-Tailed Fox opened his eyes, and the animal eyes in his eyes looked at Kushina.

In an instant, a huge pressure instantly overwhelmed the little girl, just like an ant facing a human.

The other party onlyIt only takes a mouthful of spit to drown.

Even a booger can make it spit blood and die.

The demon beast in front of me is too scary!

The little girl forgot the passage of time, as if her whole body was occupied by that vertical pupil, making her in deep fear.

I don’t know how long it took, a soft voice sounded, dispelling the fear.

"Okay, don't scare the child!"

The beast pupil then moved away from the little girl and looked at Uzumaki Mito.

His eyes remained the same, and there was no emotion at all, "Old woman, you are going to die!"

Uzumaki Mito didn't care about its name at all. She looked up at the Nine-Tailed Fox and smiled and replied: "Yes, I am going to die too!"

For a while, the sealed space was silent again.

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